
Chapter 3


"Why do you look so pissed off?" Talon asked the next morning as he walked into my office.

He paused, "Is that a cut on your nose?"

I glared at him, "I went in to her last night. Bitch kneed me in the face."

Talon's face went white, "Is she okay?"

"Is she okay? Did you not fucking hear me? She's the one that attacked me!"

"What did you do to her?"

"Nothing! I went in and my dick got the better of me. Almost fucked her but she kneed me in the face. And you know what I did after that? I walked the fuck out."

Talon shook his head, "She's going to be difficult. And we both know that Dom is going to take forever to get all the money paid up."

I felt myself get annoyed again, I didn't want to have this conversation right now, "Talon, I know what I'm doing. If you're so worried about her, you deal with her. But she stays alive, she is our only leverage."

Talon nodded begrudgingly, "Fine. I'll play the babysitter."

"No, Scott will handle her." I knew Talon well enough and the look in his eye told me that Talon already liked Kinley a bit too much, I wouldn't allow him to fall for a prisoner, it would do nothing but complicate things for them.

Talon nodded again, "Sure. Have you spoken to him about getting her clothes?"

I sighed, "Talon, I am capable of handling it."

Sensing the annoyance in his bosses tone, he chose to let it go.

He had known me long enough to know that I was not a man to annoy.

Where he knew that I saw him as a friend and would probably never unleash my rash upon him, he would rather not take any chances.

He had seen me when I lost it, and it was always nothing less than terrifying.


I hadn't moved from my spot on the bed, there seemed to be very little reason to.

There was no way I could remove the burglar bars from the windows, and staring out of them seemed pointless to me.

A simple reminder of the situation that I had found myself in.

I jumped when the door opened, terrified that it was Gianni returning.

I let out a breath when I instead saw a large blond man enter with a petite blond woman.

The woman smiled warmly, "Hello, darling, I'm Tina and Scott here has asked me to take your measurements to get you some clothes."

Sighing, I got to my feet while the woman began her work.

"Scott, we should definitely set her to work at some point," she smiled at me, "Can you dance, honey?"

I shook her head, "No. Set me to work where?"

Ignoring her Scott tapped a finger to his chin, "Perhaps she can waitress? Or maybe we can add her to the girls."

I frowned, "What are the two of you talking about?"

Tina sighed heavily, "Gianni hosts some wonderful parties. Often friends joining will get the honor of paying for a few hours with one of the girls. I think you would get in a nice sum and that can only make you a favorite of his, which means that he will go easy on you."

"Are you talking about prostitution?" I asked, a shocked glint in my eye.

Scott shook his head, "She's only just arrived, Tina, give her some time before you start terrifying her."

Tina nodded, "Sure. I'll see you a little later with the clothes."

I watched the small, stylish woman exit the room.

"Can I have something to eat please?"

Scott nodded before he too left her alone.

I took a seat on the bed and waited for my food.

Once I was done eating, I made my way into the bathroom, taking a hot shower before wrapping myself in a thick and fluffy gray towel.

I wasn't sure how long Tina would be so I filled the sink and placed her dress and underwear in the water; I had never been a fan of wearing dirty clothes and I saw no reason to change that, even in my current predicament. 

Padding out to the room, I froze when I saw Gianni seated on the bed.

His eyes roamed over my form hungrily, causing me to wrap my arms around my body in a desperate attempt to keep the towel firmly in place.

"You shouldn't wander around like that, I have a habit of taking what I want."

I glanced around the room awkwardly, "I, uh, didn't know you would be in here."

Gianni stood, straightening his black jacket, "Talon suggested I check on you. You don't strike me as the type to try and kill yourself, but he seems to think otherwise."

I scoffed, "Hardly. You can leave now."

Gianni stalked towards me, causing me to back up until my back hit the wall.

Grasping my chin in his hand he pulled me to face him, "Such a pity. Under different circumstances, you could have been mine."

I felt the heat rise into my cheeks, but I refused to allow that to keep me silent.

"Never. I don't go for the scum of the earth."

I knew I had angered him, his jaw clenching as he leaned in against me, "Such big words for such a scared little girl."

I was surprised when his mouth was roughly on mine, his hands holding me tightly in place so that I couldn't move.

I was more ashamed than surprised when his tongue glided over mine and a moan escaped me. 

He pulled back slightly, a glint in his eye as he dropped a hand to my inner thigh.

I caught his wrist in my hand, fear rising in my chest.

I knew that I would never be able to fight him off.

He grinned at me but didn't move until the door opened. 

He jumped back, putting distance between us as he turned to smile at Tina entering.

She smiled seductively, "Gia, behaving I hope?"

"Always, love. Let me go and get ready for tonight. Have her dressed and ready to join me."

I didn't miss the look of annoyance on Tina's face at Gianni's words.

But what concerned me more was what he had said.

Why did he want me to join him?


I brought my drink to my lips, a smirk on my face at the night already turning out as another success. 

Tina's idea of having girls on hire had been a hit, although she had been annoyed that all of the girls were there willingly, but I refused to force any women into sex work.

I preferred to have willing participants. 

"What the fuck?"

I turned my attention to Talon and followed his gaze across the room.

Kinley stood in a very short, very tight white dress.

She looked terrified while one of the men in attendance pulled at her wrist, pulling her from the room.

"Talon, bring me, Tina, and Scott."

I stood and sauntered past the guests, a look of anger on my face.

I wasn't sure who had thought this would be appropriate, but I would surely have their head.

The woman had only been there for twenty-four hours, they surely could understand that she needed to be left alone.

I stalked from the room, but as I entered the hallway I was met with emptiness. 

I swore under my breath.

But then I heard her voice coming from one of the rooms.

Overtaken with anger I stormed into the room, the guest held her tightly while she squirmed, tears streaming down her face.

I had never been one to get so angered over a woman before.

"Hands off," I didn't need to speak twice, everyone knew not to risk angering me.

The guest reluctantly let her go and turned to me.

"I paid for my time."

"I don't give a fuck what you did. She isn't one of the girls on hire. Step away from her."

Kinley choked out, "Can't breathe," before sinking to the floor.

I pushed passed the disgruntled guest and crouched in front of her, "What's happening to you?"

Talon ran into the room, his eyes wide as he took in the scene, "What the hell is going on?!"

Tina and Scott rushed in next, Tina's eyes widened.

Kinley clutched at her chest while gasping for breath.

Talon dropped to his knees beside me, his focus on Kinley.

"Panic attack. My sister gets them. Kinley, can you hear me? I need you to focus on my voice, okay?"

I pushed him out of the way and placed Kinley's hand on her chest, my own hand holding it in place, "Look at our hands. See that moving? It means you are breathing."


I shut my eyes, concentrating on the feeling of my hand rising and falling over my chest.

I was aware of Gianni's words, but everything else in the room was a haze as I fought against the urge to pass out.

Within a few moments, my breathing began to return to normal and I opened her eyes, feeling exhausted as I always did after having one of the attacks.

I realized how many people were in the room, and when my eyes landed on the figure who had caused her panic I involuntarily pushed back against the wall.

I hated how vulnerable I was in that moment in front of these strangers.

I was embarrassed and scared.

Gianni stood, "Who the fuck sent her out there?!"

Tina and Scott exchanged worried looks.

Gianni didn't miss it, he walked over to them, "Which one of you sent her out there?"

Scott glanced down at his feet, "Sorry, boss, I thought that's what you wanted."

Talon cleared his throat, "Gi, I don't think we should deal with this right now."

Gianni turned, in his anger he had clearly completely forgotten that I still sat in a heap on the floor.

"Tina, clean her up and get her to the room. Talon, take Scott and our guest here to my office and leave him there, I'll deal with him later."

Talon nodded as Gianni left the room.

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