
Chapter 6. The Debt

Chapter 6. The Debt

"Where is your son!" James gritted at Mark. He shook his head and refused to answer.

"Do you know who I am?" Mark was initially looking down, then looked up to see James' stern cast. Mark identified who James Belgenza is. Naples acknowledged him as the most famous casino owner named Daga Nero and the most powerful man in the city.

"I-I…" Mark stuttered to say something.

"Those who steal from me mostly die. Do you wish for it too?" Mark shook his head breathlessly and sought to confess to James. He knelt and grabbed James by the leg begging for mercy.

"Please forgive me. I didn't know this casino was yours, sir!" Mark lied. James snorted and then chuckled sarcastically.

"You are a scumbag. Isn't there anything worth that you may do in your life?" Mark fell silent to look up over. James suddenly grasped Mark's coat collar to get him up and pushed him against the wall. His hands clutched Mark's neck.

"Which one of you is Moretti's dog? You or your son?" James hissed to growled with his low but threatening tone. One of his hands gripped and strangled Mark, who was starting to run out of breath.

"N-not I-I!" Mark tried to push out James' grip on him, but James strained harder. Mark has no comparison to James. James strangled could easily break Mark's neck with one hand.

"I-I beg you… I-I c-can't h-breathe…aaakkhh!" Mark began to limp. And James watched him almost out of oxygen. He dropped him just like trash on the floor.

"I don't like wasting time. One of you must be working for Moretti. And I think it's your son." Mark was coughing. He was still trying to breathe and gasping hard for air.

"I don't know who he works for now. He brought me here!" Mark replied breathlessly.

"Now he's also running away with the money!"

"Where is he?" James is still on the same gritted tone.

"Please don't hurt him. He's just a kid!" James snorted and chuckled sarcastically.

"What kind of kid appears at the casino to cheat on a poker machine? Are you fooling me!?" Mark shook his head vigorously.

"Where did your son go?"

"Maybe, maybe he went home!" James grabbed Mark's coat again and threw him forward.

"Let's take this rat back to his house!"

Mark was forced to walk panting and limping out of the manager's room. Meanwhile, James and Earth and some mafia gangs also followed them.

The member tossed Mark in their SUV while James followed behind with his black Exelero. Earth drove the car, and James sat in the passenger seat next to him.

On the way, James was initially silent. He seemed to retain something. It was as if he had heard Starley's surname before.

"Where have I heard Starley's last name before?" James asked Earth holding his chin and watching out.

"Ah, It is the same name as the girl's surname who helped you before, Sir." Earth's spontaneous reply got James to turn at him. Earth only retaliated by turning his head for a moment before accelerating faster.

"Yes, Vreya Delilah Starley." Earth nodded at James.

"Is that who came with Mark Starley was a girl?" Earth shook his head.

"No, sir. I think it's her brother, I guess!"

"How many people identified as Starley are in this town?" James asked idly. Earth shrugged his shoulder.

"I think only Americans. It's not a popular name here." James nodded.

"Harristian is not a popular name either!" James murmured to mock at his surname. James was glancing outside again. Earth just replied with a smile.

"How much was stolen from that slot machine?"

"25K Euros per each, sir."

"So it was 50K in total?" Earth nodded. James rubbed his forehead.

"I've donated more hundred thousand Euros per year, but more poor people are coming!" James complained, still caressing his forehead.

"Because you are the only one who gives the charity, sir." James shook his head.

"If that man is the father of your savior, then will you free them?" asked Earth curiously. Their car began to enter the slum apartment area. James looked around and replied casually.

"No one can steal from me. Whoever that is!" James expressed and got out of his car right as it stopped. Earth sighed and went out to follow James. James' men had harshly pushed Mark to reveal to them where his house was.

With a terrified expression, Mark was forced to walk first to show the way. He couldn't escape due to the narrow alley that they were passing. James watched out of the corner of his eye at Mark's apartment.

They finally entered a building and went up the stairs to the 3rd floor. James was stepping up the small stairs with his hands in his pockets. Arriving at the shabby apartment, Mark tried to knock on the door. But no one opened it. He did it until finally, one of James's men shoved him hard so he could open it faster.

Mark finally reached into his pocket to find that he had the spare apartment key. James snorted and smirked sinisterly.

“What a dog!” James spoke in his mind.

Mark opened the door and went inside. James's men shoved him, and James and Earth walked behind. James walked proudly and looked around the tiny apartment. There is only a shabby sofa, a television, a small kitchen, and a dining table—the size of a table like a corner flower pot in James' mansion with an obscure clock on the top of the wall.

"It's like a horse stall. No, mine is way better than this," James muttered mockingly. Mark didn't answer and snuggled into a corner.

"Where's your son!" James asked, not wasting his time.

"Aah, he…" Mark tried to find him, but Earth then blocked him.

"Don't think you can escape!" Earth blurted arrogantly. James came closer to grab Mark's collar and then punched him in the belly. Mark quickly fell on the floor and coughed while wincing in pain.

"Find him!" one of James's men then checked all the rooms and returned a few seconds later.

"He's gone. His clothes are gone!" James growled and kicked Mark repeatedly. Mark coughed and winced in pain. He later pleaded by holding James' foot.

"I don't know where he is. Would you please let me go? I'm not guilty. It was my son who took the money away!" he stated, trying to find James' mercy.

"Your son is truly loyal, Mr. Starley. He left his daddy with all the money so he could hide it and take it back later. Wow, hahaha!" James laughed sarcastically and was followed by his men.

"I will wait for your son to come home. If he doesn't come back by nightfall, I'll pierce your head and hang your body from the ceiling of this stable, got me?" James furiously shoved Mark over. James then walked around the cramped apartment and checked a few corners.

While waiting, he strolled to one of the narrowest rooms he had ever been in his life. It felt like the orphanage where he was almost killed was not as tiny as this room. James gazed around with a sinister face and was attracted by one of the items lying on the table. A plain black hair tie with a small silver flower ornament. James took the hair tie and ran it between his fingers.

His hunch was that his savior girl was the daughter of the man who stole from him. James evilly grinned as he stared at the rubber band.

"Aaah, who are you!" James turned as a shriek came from outside the room.


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