

Jerry Garth looked annoyed since morning. His grandmother forcing Jerry to get married . What's more, the last grandchild of Jerry, four siblings, and three of his brothers are married. Some live abroad and also in the capital city, but different homes.

They didn't become one even before they got married. This grandmother had bought many houses for her children and grandchildren. So that after marriage they can live independently.

And now it's Jerry's turn, getting married isn't an easy thing. It will be very hard for Jerry to get married, to a woman he really doesn't want.

But Grandma's insistence every hour makes Jerry betel. What's more, he doesn't know any women except Sienna — his former lover. The woman who was loved by Jerry, unfortunately Grandma didn't approve of their relationship. What's more, when Grandma said that Sienna wasn't a good person. And sure enough Jerry had met with Sienna along with another man. And now Grandma asks Jerry to get married.

"Maybe if you don't get married now, all company assets will be withdrawn by Grandma Jer." said Agam — Jerry's childhood friend.

"How could it be, Grandma isn't that bad."

"It's possible, none of this is impossible. Just think like that, but other people aren't. If you want to get married, I can introduce many women to you, just for contract marriage."

"Marriage contract?" Jerry repeated.

Agam explained that contract marriage only takes one to two years. As long as they don't have children, even though they have children, Jerry has nothing to do with it after the divorce.

Agam also showed Jerry many sexy female photos. Instead of being interested, Jerry is disgusted by seeing women in sexy open clothes.

For Jerry, a sexy woman is like she is wearing an oversized shirt, her body shape isn't very visible. Everything is completely closed, which is called sexy in the eyes of Jerry.

As a result, Jerry remembers the woman who owns the cafe. The woman in the pastel pink dress that fits her body perfectly.

Jerry pushed all the photos in front of him, then he shook his head.

"Why? Not sexy?" asked Agam.

"No, your woman is very sexy. Only I remember the girl who owned the cafe yesterday. Maybe I'll ask her to work together."

Agam clapped his hands, "Wahh cafe, which you say is your favorite place?"

"Yes, I met the owner, she is beautiful and fits the criteria I'm looking for at this time."

Agam nodded, then invited Jerry to go to the cafe yesterday. Cafe with a Hello Kitty theme, even the name of the cafe is also Hello Kitty's Cafe. Maybe the owner likes the Hello Kitty cartoon.

Arriving at the Hello Kitty's cafe, Jerry can see the employee who yesterday spilled sauce on his coat. He even apologized back to Jerry.

"No problem, I'll order cappuccino late, and also americano." said Jerry.

After ordering Jerry never left. He also asked where the owner of this cafe was, all the employees thought that this man might ask for compensation for his coat. Until he looked for the owner of this cafe.

"Master asked about Mrs. Shaquelle? She is away, maybe in half an hour will be back." replied the cafe cashier.

"Oh, I'll be waiting for her. If she comes back, please tell her, if I'm waiting for her. There are important things I want to discuss with her."

The employee nodded obediently the buyer is king. So how could he not tell the owner of this cafe.

Fortunately, they have a Boss who is either never rude or screams. In fact, every utterance was very soft. And everyone believes that Shaquelle has a soft heart too.

Jerry sat in front of Agam with an arrogant attitude. Waiting is something Jerry hates so much. But for the sake of his plan, he is willing to wait for the woman who owns the cafe, instead of having to meet Agam's sexy woman. What is clear is that I have slept with Agam.

Jerry doesn't want ex Agam. Even if he wants, he better buy another woman.

"Where is she?" asked Agam.

"She's gone, she'll be back in half an hour." explained Jerry.

"Wahh and you are waiting for him?" asked Agam seriously, he knows very well if this one friend doesn't like to wait.

"Yes I will wait until she comes." Jerry replied firmly and made Agam gawk.


Again, Tristan's words could cut Shaquelle's heart. She wanted to meet together at a restaurant and also have lunch.

Shaquelle thinks what's wrong he wants to meet with Shaquelle. And it turns out that he only made sure that Shaquelle would get married soon, so that he and Shaquella could get married as soon as possible.

"Tris I told you, don't worry about me. If you want to get married, marry Ella. Nothing will happen to me, after you guys get married." Shaquelle explained.

She doesn't like being forced, especially about matchmaking. Later, if she wants to get married Shaquelle will definitely get married. But later, after she was able to forget Tristan and accept Tristan as her sister-in-law.

But in the Shaquelle family, it isn't permissible for an older sister to get married first, or else the soul mate will be far away. It could be that Shaquelle doesn't get a mate at all.

Tristan wanted to explain that, but Shaquelle was stubborn. She didn't want to tune Tristan in the slightest. Though Tristan said like this for the good of Shaquelle.

Shaquelle has always been stubborn. She wants to do whatever she pleases. She didn't want to be forced, or even restrained like this time.

"Sha don't make it difficult for us. I say like this too because I miss you. I beg you, just once you obey me."

Dear? Yes, Tristan only loves him as a friend. Tristan doesn't realize that the word love, which Tristan always utters, has its own meaning for Shaquelle.

With eyes that were almost crying Shaquelle rose from her seat. She wanted to leave, but Tristan held her back. She doesn't want to talk about anything, her heart hurts when the person she loves chooses to marry another woman. What's more with his own sister.

"How many times have I told you not to worry about me Tris. Marry Ella, never believe in myths. Because after you guys get married I'll be fine."

Shaquelle is annoyed she's gone but Tristan continues to chase her. He even had time to offer a colleague, who was interested in Shaquelle.

Shaquelle flatly refused. She doesn't want anyone, any man but Tristan. Even Shaquelle thought that she wanted to destroy Tristan's and Shaquella's marriage.

But it was his small heart that made her not do that. Shaquelle really loved Shaquella, even from childhood her younger sister was always spoiled for him. That's what makes Shaquelle can't bear.

"Alright, Tris, don't offer me a lot of men, who as if I'm not selling. I'm still able to find a man according to my wishes." Shaquelle pauses to stare at Tristan, "I have to go back to the cafe, thanks for the lunch."

Shaquelle got into her car ignoring Tristan's pleading screams. For the sake of marrying his younger sister, he was willing to beg like that.

Shaquelle's tears just fell, but she quickly wiped them away. Like whatever she has to be strong, men aren't only Tristan alone. There are many other men who want to marry Shaquelle. But Shaquelle seemed to close her heart to any man.

"Mrs. Shasa is waiting for you inside." said one of the employees of Shaquelle, when he found out that Shaquella had just arrived.

"Who? Is this important?"

"The man yesterday, and he said this is very important."

Shaquelle's brows interlocked at her employee. She also looked at the man pointed to by his employee. That's right, the guy yesterday whose coat was spilled with sauce then why did he come here? Asking for compensation?

Shaquelle walked over to him, maybe it was true that his employees said he came here with an urgent need. Or maybe you want to work with Shaquelle.

Shaquella cleared her throat, "Good afternoon. My employee said you wanted to see me?"

Jerry smiled and then he stood up, "Please sit down Miss Shaquelle.

Shaquelle sat beside the man in the navy suit, he seemed to be evaluating Shequelle from top to bottom.

"Do you need what you want to meet with me." Shaquelle asked casually, looking at Jerry.

"I want to ask you to get married." said Jerry and made Shaquelle spleesches.


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goodnovel comment avatar
Kim Baron
yes, poor pronouns. it's difficult to follow
goodnovel comment avatar
Pinky Narrazo Barata
The story is good but the grammar is terrible. Can't even put the correct pronouns.
goodnovel comment avatar
KC abba
poor english

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