
Tryouts - Chapter 18

The past few days had been among the worst of James’s life. Eliza still was not speaking to him, which had gouged a bit of a rift between their normal group of four. His other group of so-called friends was overtly avoiding him. Rachel refused to speak to him, but she could always spare a pointed glare or two for him when he happened to catch her eye. Since Saturday night, Jennifer hadn’t spoken to him either, not even in any of the classes they shared, which suited him just fine, as he really didn’t have much to say to her anyway. But the problem with that group was Ricky. His friend was probably only ignoring him because of Ceres, since she was close friends with Jennifer and Rachel. However, with tryouts in less than an hour, he and Ricky would have to figure out something if they were to be teammates.

James shook himself to the present and checked his lacrosse bag for the tenth time. The gloves, cleats, and crosse that Blakeney had ordered for him were all ready, as were a couple
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