
Chapter Six- Blake


This has been the slowest week ever, having to wait on my date with Laken. Yeah, it’s totally a date. She just thinks it’s as friends. I do want to be her friend before anything else though, so technically I didn’t lie.

I was being honest when I told her I wasn’t trying to fuck her. Don’t get me wrong, I would love to have my hands on her body and my tongue on her skin all while I’m pulling on that silky hair of hers. I’m dying to touch her.

Just the thought of my mouth on hers has my dick getting hard. This goddess of a woman has had me filled to the brim with so much sexual tension that jacking off in the shower every night isn’t helping.

But it’s finally Friday night and I’m following the directions on my GPS to get to her house, and I have excitement flowing through my veins with just the thought of getting to spend a few hours with her outside of school.

I pull up and park on the street in front of her house. The house's white siding needs a good washing, and it looks like some shingles are missing from the red A-framed roof. The flowerbeds on each side of the porch are overgrown with weeds, and the grass in the yard is ankle-high. It would be a nice little house if it had some care and work done to it.

As I’m getting out of the car to walk to her door, an old blue Pontiac car pulls up in the driveway. A man who looks to be in his mid to late forties gets out but doesn’t seem to notice me.

He slams the car door shut and starts walking to the front door, stumbling the whole way. The man is obviously drunk, which is stupid considering he just got out from behind the wheel of his car.

He has brown hair that looks like he’s been running his fingers through it all day and a trimmed beard that is starting to turn gray. His shirt is only half tucked in, with what looks like grease stains on it, and his dirty blue jeans have holes in the knees.

When he starts walking up the steps of the porch the front door opens and Laken walks out. The man steps in front of her, stopping her from going any further.

Where the hell are you going?” he slurs.

Laken casts a nervous look in my direction that has my whole body tensing. “I’m going out with a friend, but I’ll be back later, dad. I left your dinner in the oven, and it’s still warm. Mom has already eaten and I just put her to bed,” she says in a timid manner.

I may have just met Laken, but I know that she is far from the timid girl I am seeing and hearing right now. I get an uneasy feeling in my gut that has me walking across the yard to get to her before I’ve even noticed I took the first step.

You thought that you were just going to leave without asking my permission?” his drunk voice gets louder with every question. “You think you can do whatever the hell you want in my house? Do I need to teach you a lesson in manners again, girl?” he asks in a menacing voice.

Oh, hell no! He lays one finger on Laken and I’m going to lose my shit.

I start charging toward the porch, and as soon as I see his palm about to smack her in the face, I lunge forward and grab his arm to jerk him away from Laken. My blood ignites with fury at this man who dared to touch her.

Laken’s eyes widen, and all the blood drains from her face as she sees me standing here. I am visibly shaking, being taken back to memories that I don’t need haunting me right now. I’m glad I got here when I did, but right now I’m trying not to kill this motherfucker for even thinking about touching her in a harmful way.

Who the fuck are you?” he roars.

I’m here for Laken.” Keeping my eyes on her prick of a father I hold my hand out to Laken and say, “Let’ go, Laken.”

She takes a step toward me but stops when he barks out, “You’re not taking her anywhere!” He turns his glare on Laken. “Get your ass in the house now, Laken!”

I narrow my eyes at him, and with great restraint, I say in a low menacing tone, “I would hate for the cops to come out here over a domestic call and see that she already has a split lip that hasn’t fully healed up yet. Does she have any other marks on her they might like to see?”

He curls his lip in an ugly sneer, and fists his hands, then stomps up the porch steps clipping Laken’s shoulder so hard that she stumbles back. I take off after him, but a soft grip on my forearm, and a pleading, “Don’t,” stop my advancement.

It’s hard to do, but I take a deep breath and try to control my temper so I can do as she asks. I would do anything for her at this moment. I won’t allow this to happen again to someone in my life.

As the front door slams shut, I look down at Laken to see her looking down at her feet, avoiding my eyes. With a finger under her chin, I gently tilt her head back so I can look into those beautiful brown eyes and fiercely say, “Never allow him to make you feel ashamed, especially in front of me. You have nothing to be ashamed of, baby. Absolutely nothing.”

I take her soft cheeks into the palm of my hands and place my lips on her forehead. I close my eyes as I breathe her in, filling my lungs with her heavenly scent.

I’m about to pull away when I feel her small hands on my chest, and I freeze with my lips still against her forehead. She hesitantly runs her hands up my chest to connect behind my neck, and my lungs start to burn as I realize that I had been holding my breath.

Laken leans into my body and tightens her arms around me, and puts her nose into the side of my neck, and inhales. I can’t hold back the smile taking over my face as I realize that she is sniffing me and before I can say anything she softly says, “Shut up, Blake.”

I smile so hard that my cheeks hurt as I slowly run my hands down her neck and shoulders to grasp her tightly around her lower back. As I pull her closer into me, it’s no surprise that her body fits perfectly with mine.

Touching her right now is like a spiritual experience. This feeling I have coursing through my veins is unfamiliar but welcome. How can just holding someone bring a feeling of peace and contentment?

My heart is in my throat, and it’s difficult to swallow. Having her in my arms is going to become addictive. I will want to feel this peace and contentment repeatedly because I’ve never felt that in my life. She feels like she belongs in my arms. Like she was made just for me to hold and cherish.

Laken pulls back and looks at me with an intensity I’ve never seen in her eyes before and whispers, “Thank you, Blake.”

I frown and ask, “What for?”

For stopping my dad and sticking up for me. No one has ever done that before.”

I clench my jaw at the thought of no one ever defending and protecting Laken. How is that possible? I barely know her and I already know that I would stand in front of a bullet for her, or protect her in any way I can.

I will protect her in any way I can. Even if she stopped talking to me, I would still do what I could to make sure she was safe and cared for. I will protect her like I couldn’t protect my mom. I won’t let that happen again.

Laken’s eyes fall to my lips and then rises on her toes. She hesitates a moment as a look of doubt flashed in her eyes. I’m afraid to move because I don’t want to misread this situation, but I lower my head a fraction to let her know it’s okay. I’m not going to make the first move. She needs to be the one to do that.

She leans forward and gently brushes her lips across mine. I can feel her minty breath fan across my lips and it makes my tongue move on its own accord to wet my lips as if I can taste her life essence and absorb her into my soul.

She pulls back, and it’s as if I can see her walls falling right in front of me. What I see is a yearning desire to be wanted; a vulnerability that’s equal parts scared and certainty. She knows she wants this but is afraid that it’s only one-sided. It’s definitely not one-sided, because I don’t think I will ever breathe again if I don’t feel her lips against mine in the next few seconds.

She finally presses her lips to mine, but when I don’t pull back, her lips start a dance across mine like a symphony being played in the heavens. Her soft lips devour me, and it sends tingles down my spine and steals the breath from my lungs.

I’m trying to keep myself in check, but I’m about to lose my restraint. She’s making me lose my sanity real quick, and I can’t take it anymore.

I slide one hand into her hair and tug till her head is pulled back so I can have deeper access to her mouth. That tug on her hair seems to spark a passion in her, which I respond to with my own.

I pull her even closer and when my tongue touches hers, I swear sparks set off around us. And those sparks, it’s enough to set the whole world on fire. The world could burn around us and I wouldn’t dare pull my lips from hers.

God help me, the hounds of hell couldn’t drag me away for I feel as if she’s baptizing my lips in the most unholiest of unions, and my soul is now hers.

Her tongue meets mine stroke for stroke as she lets out a low moan. I don’t think my dick has ever been so hard in my life. If she keeps on making sounds like that, I’m going to cum in my pants like a fourteen-year-old having his dick touched for the first time.

Except this woman won’t even have to touch my dick to make me shoot off in my pants. As much as I don’t want to, I pull back to find her breathing just as hard as I am. Her eyes are still closed like she’s still in the midst of our kiss, and I roam my eyes all over her gorgeous face putting this moment in my memory.

She opens her eyes, and I see the unbridled lust in them. The way she is looking at me right now has my heart beating in overdrive like it will burst from my chest at any moment.

I think she just stole my heart with one kiss. I don’t think I want it back either. If kissing her has me feeling like this, I can’t imagine what it would feel like to have her under me. To connect with her in the most intimate way.

I hold her for a moment longer, and kiss her on the forehead once more, then pull away before I lose control over myself once again.

I don’t want her thinking I just want to fuck her like every other guy around here. I don’t want her to think that’s all I want from her after the conversation we had in the cafeteria.

Let’s go, baby. I’m hungry and I don’t want to embarrass myself,” I say as I take her hand in mine and lead her to the passenger side of my car to let her get settled in.

As I shut the door I hear her let out a little giggle, and I shit you not, my stomach flips. I can’t keep the megawatt smile off of my face.

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