
Chapter 13 - Stephan

I’m pretty sure the only reason I could fall asleep at all was exhaustion. When I lost Lexia, I thought life was basically over. And if not over, I would be living a half-life. After all, what kind of happiness is out there when you don’t have your mate? 

Amelia may not have been the mate fated for me, but she is my mate now and forever. Our souls are joined, and nothing will ever change that. 

I am never letting anyone hurt her again. Be it physically or emotionally. I’ll throw down with anyone that tries. 

She’s far too sweet, and I know she’s too delicate for the way people have treated her under that hard shell. The scars of her past run deep and may never go away. 

All I can do is be here for her and love her. To show her all those people were wrong and heal what damage I can from her past. 

I could certainly get used to falling asleep with her in my arms. I didn’t really hold her much at the hospital. Not unless you count to stop the pains her ex-mate caused. I like calling Ignazio her ex-mate. He didn’t deserve her.  

I’d been sleeping contently when I heard Captain Darren’s voice in my head. It was a general all-pack communication. He probably didn’t consider excluding me when he sent this out to everyone. 

‘All Bloodmoon warriors are to report for assignment. Today we take the fight to Ignazio. As always, non-lethal force is encouraged. We hope to end this today. Find Collin Kearney for assignments.’  

I’m not usually the most coherent person in the morning. But I am wide awake now. This will be the last battle. That means this is the day Ignazio dies if our mating last night didn’t do the job.  

In the dim morning light, I looked at Amelia sleeping soundly. Her long dirty blonde hair hid part of her face. All I could feel from her through the bond was happiness and tranquility. I’m glad she’s just as happy as I am to be mates. 

I just hope she doesn’t get mad that I’m not going to wake her. Her sleep at the hospital was constantly interrupted, but that won’t happen now. I won’t cause her pain. And I need to know Ignazio is dead. I need to see his dead body with my own eyes. 

If I don’t, I’m afraid I’ll feel that gnawing worry that he’ll come back and hurt her. Carefully I moved the hair from her face placing a soft kiss on her temple. “Sleep well, Amelia. I’ll be back soon.” I promised in a whisper. 

I encouraged sleep and peace using the bond as I carefully dislodged myself from her and the blankets. I winced as the floor squeaked under my feet, but thankfully, when I looked to the bed, my mate was still sleeping.  

As quietly as I could, I got dressed and grabbed the notepad. I wrote Amelia a quick note along with a map so she can find our room, the bathroom, lounge, and kitchen while I’m gone. I don’t want her to worry, and I don’t want her to sit around the room alone. 


I hope you don’t get too angry that I didn’t wake you before leaving. I was called to fight. It’s supposed to be the last battle. So after this, the war will be over, and we can start our lives together without any fears. 

I made a little map so you can find your way around. Please stay in the town hall until I’m back. I’ll be back as soon as I can. 

Love you, 


I was uncertain as I wrote the love you part but left it because I’m feeling it in my heart. I left the note and map near the bed for her to easily find. I took one last look at my sleeping mate with a sigh before leaving to report. 

When I arrived, Collin raised an eyebrow at me. “Are you supposed to be here? Shouldn’t you be with Amelia?” he questioned, coming to stand in front of me. 

I stood a little straighter. “I received the all Bloodmoon pack link from Captain Delaney. So I am reporting as requested. My mate will be safe here. And I... I need to know he’s dead.”  

Collin frowned. I could feel him wanting to disapprove. To tell me to go back to my room. “Wouldn’t you want the same if someone hurt your mate?” I questioned. 

Collin’s whole demeanor changed in a flash. No longer was he the easy-going Collin Kearney. There was a darkness in him that the very thought of his mate hurt unleashed. “I would rip the heart out of anyone who dared lay a finger on my mate.” He growled. 

“And that’s why I have to be here, sir. He hurt her, and he needs to pay with his life. I need to know he’s gone. I need to be able to see it for myself.” I implored, hoping he would side with me on this. 

“Very well. I want to keep an eye on you. So you’ll be in my group. Don’t do anything foolish. Your mate will probably have all our heads if you don’t return in one piece.” Collin conceded before going through the line giving out assignments.  

I made sure to stay with those I’d be fighting with, especially when I saw Clement had been taken out of his statue time out. I sure the fuck am not speaking to him untill he apoplogizes for what he said and how he treated Amelia. I might hit him again if I hear his voice. 

While we waited for the go-ahead, each group broke into small teams and started doing some light training to get ready. I was exchanging blows with one of the Incubi warriors when everyone’s heads turned, hearing the call to fight. The time was finally here. 

My eyes widened when Alpha Alec proclaimed those in his group would be switching targets and heading to the northern outpost. Ignazio is still alive, and he’s at the northern outpost. Conway growled, eager to fight and ensure Ignazio doesn’t walk away from this fight alive.  

As I shifted and started running with the rest of my unit, I felt something I hadn’t in years. ‘Conway? Are you? Are we?’ I questioned. I hadn’t felt this strong since before Lexia died. 

‘We’re back. I can feel it, Stephen. The strength I lost with Lexia is back since we mated Amelia.’ Conway confirmed. I can’t believe it. We’re back to our full strength. Just one more reason to be grateful to our mate. 

The urge to go rushing to kill Ignazio was strong. It was taking every ounce of control to contain not just Conway but myself when I spotted him. I may not know what the bastard looks like, but it was easy to know.  

Of everyone at the camp, he had the most pungent odor of malice and envy. I slowly drew closer, coming up on Darren’s flank. I wanted to rush forward and pounce on Ignazio and rip his throat out. 

‘Stephen, what are you doing here? You should be back at the town hall with Amelia.’ Darren questioned through the link.

‘My mate is safe in our room. She was asleep when I left. I left a note, so she knows where I am.’ I answered, unable to contain the rage in my tone. I need Ignazio to be dead.

‘You shouldn’t be here. Go back.’ Darren instructed.

‘No. I have to be here. I need to see Ignazio die. I need to know that bastard can never hurt Amelia again. I need that closure.’ My voice overlapped with Conways as we agreed.

‘Fine. But whatever you do, do not go after Ignazio yourself. I know you want to, but he is Alpha Alec’s to kill. If you and Conway can promise me that, I will allow you to stay.’ Darren offered.

I growled, eyes locked on Ignazio. It took a moment, but I finally nodded. ‘Agreed. Alpha Alec can have his head. I just need to see him dead.’

If the Madonie weren’t ready for Alpha André’s sudden appearance, taunting them, you could imagine how the rest of us felt. I think the only one that expected this was Captain Darren. He seemed to be on the same wavelength as the Alpha. 

I surged forward when Darren called for the attack. Conway jumped at a tree, using it to launch himself sharply to the right, taking down a Madonie wolf. I didn’t look back, but I heard the tree crack at his strength. Fuck, it’s good to have Conway back to full power.

I made sure to stay in formation, always staying back-to-back with either a fellow Bloodmoon or an Incubi warrior to ensure our backs were protected. I couldn’t take out Ignazio personally, but I would make sure to bring down his followers. 

I did my best to not kill, though. At the end of the day, these were my mate’s pack. I don’t want their deaths on my head. I don’t know if they were retreating, but Alpha Alec had gone chasing Ignazio down in the direction they were running.

With other warriors, I chased them down only to come to a stop to see why the Madonie had run. Alpha Alec stood victorious over the crumbled, lifeless body of Ignazio.

I was breathing heavily, letting the sight sink in. Ignazio’s dead. Ignazio is dead and can never hurt my Amelia again. I can’t wait to return and tell her. Hopefully, it will offset any anger from waking up alone.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Jill Carroll Raber
yea icky iggy is dead!

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