
Alpha Dante And Alpha Asher

The next day, a meeting was called at the pack hall, made mandatory for all the pack members to attend, and even though I had just lost my partner, I knew that Alpha Liam deserved the title, and the respect. I made the deliberate effort to arrive there early, avoiding the glances of everyone by wearing a black dress and a black hoodie. 

A few people saw me, but they understood that I needed time to myself, and they let me be, going ahead to get seats in front. I sat at the back and kept my head down, feeling it in my heart the moment that Liam walked up the aisle with Anne trailing behind him. 

I bit my tongue to avoid a sob choking out of my throat, and I slid down even lower in the seat when they arrived at the front. This was his first official address as the Alpha, so I got up and applauded with everyone else when he arrived at his place on the podium. 

I sat down as quickly as I could, and he walked forward to address all of us. I looked at his face, the man that had become my whole world in the last years, and I felt an ache I could not describe. 

“Good morning, White Water pack! I want to thank you all for your love and support since the great tragedy last year. I'm more than honored to be standing in front of you right now. I'm so thankful for this nomination, and I'm glad that I stand before you all now.

I am more than thankful for the home you have given me, and all the gifts. My first order of business is to inform you all of my Luna. A man is only as great as the woman on his team, and I have decided to make Anne, my true mate, the Luna of this pack. ”

He paused for a second, letting the rumors grow. Many people were aware of his history with me, and they looked around, searching for me. I slid down even further in my seat to avoid being seen. 

“I know that all of you are used to seeing me with Olivia, and I still hold her in high regard. But she is not my true mate, and I didn't even understand that until yesterday at the party. Anne has nothing to do with it, and she is just as important. She is skilled with weapons and war tactics, and she will train us all on how to survive the attacks against our enemies if ever they return. ”

Shrugging, the pack members got up and delivered a round of applause, and I got up and quietly left the hall amidst the noise. 

In all honesty, I hadn't really thought about becoming the Luna, or assumed that I would be in a position of power, so that was not what stung me. 

What hurt me was the fact that Liam had quickly found a replacement for me. I had thought I was important enough, essential enough for him to keep by his side, but apparently not.

I returned to the home I used to share with him and slipped into the bed, crying my eyes out as I snuggled in. 

I would find a solution to my problems when I woke up from the nap. Sleep had never not made anything better. 

When I opened my eyes, it was dusk, and the sun was setting. I looked around and saw traces of Liam everywhere I turned. I could see him in the sheets I chose, in the bathroom where there were two towels, and I just knew that I couldn't keep living here in this pack anymore. 

I picked up my clothes and folded them into a knapsack I had made by myself, rolling each article up so they took a little space. After which I packed along some food to take along with me. 

I shut the door of what used to be our home and took a walk into the forest, bidding my old home goodbye.

When my mother had lived, she had taught me a song that was to be sung at departures and painful goodbyes, and this happened to be both, so I hummed the rhythm of the song, taking stead to leave. 

I had walked for a few hours, and the day had given way to night. Luckily for me, we were very close to a lunar full moon, so I could save the light from my torchlight until I desperately needed it. 

I heard voices coming from a clearing in the trees, and I walked towards them, holding a stick in front of me so I could defend myself if I so needed it. 

Instead, I met two men I had never seen before, bickering over a map. They had horses behind them, and I wondered if they were new. They didn't know me, so I turned to leave, unintentionally stepping on a twig as I left them.

Their ears immediately perked up, and they came towards me, with shouts of “Hello? Is anyone there?”

I stood still and didn't say anything when one brushed really close past me. 

“Look, we just need your help. We don't know the way to where we are headed, and we just want to ask you questions. We don't want to attack you.”

I watched him as he headed back to camp and the other person, watching as he informed him that he didn't see anyone. The other one signed deeply, and muttered, “I do wish there was someone. We need directions back to base. ”

“Exactly,” responded the other one. “I just hope we don't get attacked by whoever it is, because we don't have enough weapons for a drawn out fight. And we might be in that evil Alpha’s territory, who knows?”

“You're not,” I blurted, biting my tongue.

“Who said that?!” they yelled in unison, taking a fighting stance. 

Apologetic, I stepped out of my place in the shadows and walked up to them. “Hi!” I paused to see their nervous reaction, yet handsome faces.

“My name is Olivia. I'm sorry I didn't come forward earlier; I'm the one you heard.”

They visibly relaxed after the introduction, and I quickly took the opportunity to ask them a question. “Where are you two headed? I heard you say you needed directions, I may be able to help you if you two don’t mind”

“Okay, I think introductions are in order first,” said the taller one, pushing back a lock of his jet black hair. “My name is Dante, and I am one of the Alphas of the Blue Blood pack.”

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