
Chapter 3 Fire!

Edward's POV

I called this Villa 'Pearl Of The Earth,' where I resided near the seaside. It was once my mother's favorite area with a fascinating view. Later, after her death, I earned enough wealth to buy this area and adorn it with opulent decorations. It sat there to showcase my power, only to remind me why I climbed to this apex of my life.

A man's power was never only to grow wealth. It was only an implement to make things run smoother, and the true one was to protect the ones he loved.

I failed the last one. And I missed this chance because I was weak, young, and soft-hearted.

In my courtyard, I was watching the waves riding on each other savagely these days.

The sea must be stormy. I take this as a good sign because I would be the storm that grows to ruin those who ruined me.

People are afraid of me. They call me a beast.

They made fairy tales about my character, my face, and about the disfigured Edward Johnson. A scary man who looked like the devil himself, and no one dared to come across him.

However, I couldn't care less about what they say. Therefore, I used their fear to make me more powerful and to keep them away. I did it deliberately.

The wind rubbed my black bangs off my face. Here was the only place I never dressed my face with a ton of cosmetics to exhibit a burning scar because there was nothing to hide in this place.

I squeezed the half-made face mask in my hand. The storm of flames still raged before my sight.

I survived the fire untouched. Nonetheless, I would be the fire that burned those who set the fire and killed my mother.

"Young master, everything is ready."

I turned around to meet my butler, Huxley. He was always loyal and obedient to me, and I was grateful to have such a man by my side.

I had waited for this day for a long time. I was delighted to hear it, but I couldn't smile. Ever since my screaming mother was taken away from me in those raging flames, I couldn't smile.

And since then, I didn't know how to be happy. Although, I had no reason to be.

"How come they agreed to the engagement once their daughter was dating Johnathan?"

I was amazed, although I knew about their company's difficulty, including the fear they held from me. They didn't want to mess with us.

"The Levine family dares not defy your demands, and they have agreed to give their daughter to marry you."

Huxley transparently explained it to me.

I confirmed with a nod, turned on my heels, and Huxley walked beside me, facing the sea. A memory revived for both of us.

He could remember this area and the shore down this cliff.

"Young madam used to bring you to the shore."

"She did, and we made a castle with the sands."

I frowned at the memories, which nowadays were smudged and hazy.

"Let's not talk about the past."

I wished, and silence ruled between us. I wasn't interested in the Levine Family's daughter, but I discovered they only had one daughter, and she was my step-brother's lover, and whatever belonged to Johnathan should be mine.

And I'll burn them.

The day I was ready to take my first step to grab the person, Johnathan, who killed my mother, I hurried to my grandfather. He was the patriarch of the Johnson family and the only one who never refused my requests.

I confessed that I fell in love with the Levine Family's daughter by chance. I told him he was the only one I trusted to reveal my feelings.

He always complimented me for being polite, and I could not deny I felt close to him.

I could see sympathy in his eyes. The wrinkles on his face deepened. Sadness and happiness were the two feelings that mingled in his expression.

My grandfather was the only one who felt remorse for my mother's death, and as long as I had no mother to speak out for me, I chose him.

No one dared to stand against his will.

Furthermore, he agreed with my proposal. He did not ask me any further questions and only indicated that he would take care of everything and Huxley would inform me.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The memory of that night never let me live in peace.

Ten years ago, it was my eighteenth birthday! My mother set a birthday party in our mansion.

When I was having fun with my friends, we sensed heavy smoke, and a few minutes later, the raging flames were devouring everything.

After evacuating the mansion, I searched for my mother and couldn't find her among the survivors.

I drove mad and rushed inside. Huxley tried to stop me, but I pushed him away.

My mother was in the middle of the flames, certainly trying to flee. Wasn't it enough to drive a son insane?

The fire was scorching my skin. I couldn't breathe, but I heard screams from the basement. Rushing down the stairs, I called for my mom, following her voice. She begged me to leave, but I didn't want to leave without her.

Flames locked her somewhere, and she could not find the way out.

I saw a shadow. My head was heavy when I realized the building was collapsing. Roughly, I could afford to move ahead. I stumbled when the path turned hazy.

I reached a thick door and called for my mother, but no sound came from inside. Flames encircled us.

I tried to break in, but smoke filled my lungs. I fell off the floor, my eyes were open, and tears burned my cheeks. A man's figure was standing on the other side of the flames, and a smile stretched on his face.

Johnathan Johnson, my eldest step-brother.

He killed my mother.

And I knew the truth all along.

Then I realized Huxley had saved me and had taken my mother's body out. The incident left a big burning mark on his left arm.

They charged me in a hospital for injuries and bandaged my face and hands. I didn't want to talk to anyone after losing my mother. I couldn't trust anyone. People came and left. They tried to persuade me to keep going, but how could I?

One day, Huxley visited me, and I told him what I saw, and we set a plan.

I pretended to be weak and claimed I had become disfigured to distract and avenge them. I wore burning scar makeup on my face and covered it with a black mask the whole time. I hobbled and used a walking cane only to prove I was disabled.

Thoughts were straying in my mind, reviewing the past and warning me that I had a mission to succeed, and nothing else mattered after I accomplished my goal.

I left the Johnson mansion and moved here. No one bothered to check on me, and I was satisfied. I preferred to continue my life like a haunting shadow. A shadow that would bring misery to all those who perpetrated that crime.

During all these years, I studied hard, worked even harder, and became the world's most secretive billionaire under a secret identity.

I had become powerful enough to chase them all and seek revenge. Thus, taking away Johnathan's lover was the first step I took to execute my plan.

I wouldn't let him escape. I wouldn't let him live happily, and I was up to take and destroy everything that made him happy.

I will follow him like death.

I will make life excruciating for him to bear it.

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