
9 A New Toy

“You don’t have to do that,” I said. “And since I promised to be your tour guide, then just…wait for me by your car.”

He scowled at that, “You don’t want to appear in public with me?”

I just crossed my arms in front of me, “People assume things. I am sure that you know how it works in the entertainment industry.”

“Alright. I’ll Keep that in mind.” He said, feeling sorry. “I didn’t mean to ruin your career. I know how much you're worked hard for it…But let me at least take you out for lunch.”

He offered and as much as I wanted to refuse, he was giving me a sad look, his eyes were puppy eyes and his lips were pouting.

I rolled my eyes, “Fine.”

I ended up saying yes to him as his smile grew larger.

“Just one lunch out okay? I can’t risk getting seen by the public with a male ever again.”

He nodded, “Yes, I won’t ask again.”

Ajax the offered to carry my gym bag and guided me to the parking lot where his gray sub, a latest edition was parked.

A few men in suits were in the back and I couldn’t help but feel intimidated, knowing they are clearly his bodyguards.

I understand why he has them….it’s normal as he’s a celebrity himself.

Ajax noticed my discomfort, “Are they bothering you?”

“Yes,” I admitted.

“I apologize, my brother was too strict that he wanted to keep watch on me during my stay here.” He answered and instantly called one of them.

He then gave them money as he said, “Take this and treat yourselves. I’ll just eat with her.”

The bodyguard furrowed his eyebrows, “But-“

“No buts. I don’t need my brother knowing every move I make like a toddler.”

He then turned to me, “This is my woman-“

I instantly nudged him on the side, “I’m not.”

The bodyguard saw how I hurt his master so he quickly reacted to his side but Ajax stopped him, “No, it’s alright.”

The bodyguard blinked, “She’s hurting you, Master.”

“No, it’s her love language,” Ajax answered, smirking at her.

The bodyguard then left, along with the five more men in suits. Ajax then turned to me, “I shove them away now. Come on.”

He opened the door for me and I hopped in. As soon as he sat by the driver’s seat, I opened my mouth.

“Where are we eating?” I asked.

“You wanted something private right, somewhere we won’t be seen?”

I nodded.

“Then how about in my place?”

As soon as he said that, I instantly nudged him in the arm and he chuckled, his deep hearty chuckle was relaxing.

“I just wanted to make you laugh.” He said. “But that was a joke. I won’t do something ungentlemanly.”

“Yes. Make sure you won’t do anything because you won’t even live to see another day if you attempt to do anything to me, got it?”

He smirked, “You’re too feisty. Nice. At Least I know no one would approach you instantly.”

I nodded, “They are scared of me.”

“Well, I rented a restaurant near here.” As soon as he said that, he parked in the driveway and went to her side to help me out. With his hands escorting me, he threw the keys on the valet and walked into the restaurant.

As soon as we entered, I noticed there was no one there.

No one except us.

A woman then came in to greet us brightly, “Good afternoon Sir Ajax. This way please.”

She guided us to the inside and on the top floor where a door was leading to a more romantic setup. A table with only two chairs.

Ajax then pulled the chair for me and I sat down.

“Order what you want.” He said as a waiter came in to give us a menu.

Ajax then pulled the chair for me and I sat down.

“Order what you want.” He said as a waiter came in to give us a menu.

I looked at the menu and the prices and wanted to faint right there and then. I had already come to high-end restaurants like this but only when Manager Smith takes me to business meetings and it was free but I never came here on my own and pay a food that kind of price.

I had to be practical to send it to my family…

Just then, a loud shrilling voice appeared out of nowhere I could feel my ears ringing from the sudden sound.

“Is that…Ajax?”

I turned around and saw the same woman I did not want to see right now.


The actress lives in the same condo building as me. Didn’t I already see her enough from the gym earlier?

Seeing her now again with that stupid grin on her face as she blatantly stares at Ajax beside me irks me.

And mind you, the first thing that she noticed was Ajax, who is really just beside me while I was the one who she could see at first.

She has this silly smile on her face until her eyes laid on me and nodded at me, “Oh, Hi there, Ellaina!”

I glanced at Ajax’s reaction who seemed unfazed and focused on his phone. He didn’t seem to notice Leah, who was in fact, obviously crushing on him.

I flashed a pretend to smile at the actress, “What a lovely day to see you here again, Leah.”

Now that I could see her up close, she was still in her gym clothes, the one she was wearing when I saw her earlier at the gym.

I paused, realizing something.

She didn’t just…followed us here and have lunch too…did she?

Because as far as I know, I only saw this actress in two places. One is from the gym, and two is from an older man’s arms in the night parties we get invited to. Other than that, I never bumped into her due to our busy schedules.

Leah, still standing in front of our table, looked at the chair from a nearby table and smiled at me, “Can we..perhaps catch up?”

My eyebrows creased at that. Catch up? Excuse me? Are we even friends? We’re just living in the same building. And do we even have something to catch up to?

I mean, I’m not that especially rude to people and easy to judge them but with Leah acting like this right now, it makes me think that the bad vibes I’ve been sensing on her were true all along.

Not a hypocrite or anything but I guess public image people like us has mastered the art of being… likable in front of the camera but behind closed doors, we kind of have a different persona…

And I’m aware I’m not that perfect. It’s not like I love all the attention from cameras flashing to my left and right.

I noticed Ajax’s eyes fell on me. Since we were across from the table, he seemed to be trying to read my expression and he cleared his throat as he faced Leah, “What is your name again?”

Leah’s cheeks reddened at that, thinking that finally, her efforts of being noticed by the one and only Ajax came true.

“Leah.” She softly replied.

Ajax nodded, “Oh, what a forgettable name. Are you perhaps Ellaina’s friend?”

Leah glanced at me and she nodded excitedly, happy that she get to have a conversation with him, “Uhm…yes..”

Ajax’s jaw clenched at that, “I know you are not close with her so don’t push yourself. I’m warning you.”

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