

With a trace of amusement flickering in them, Ethan's gaze locked into mine. "Miss Anderson, do we have a deal?"

I inhaled deeply as my voice shook. Mr. Stone: "Yes. We have a deal."

I had no idea that I was about to enter a web of treachery and power that was far more complicated than I could have ever imagined.

I said to myself, "I can't believe this is happening," as I stared intently at the elaborate decorations that adorned the large ballroom. The aroma of expensive flowers and the quiet chatter of elegant visitors filled the air. I was alone and standing at the door of the room when I felt my heart grasp at me.

When I questioned him as to why my father wasn't there, he said, 

"Ethan insisted that only dignitaries and people of status should attend." 

I scanned the hall, trying to find a familiar face among the sea of strangers, while the words resounded in my head. However, my father, who had always been there for me, was nowhere to be found.

There had been just a couple of guests at the wedding. Guests filled the room with their laughing and energetic chats while wearing elegant dresses and well-tailored suits. 

In a world that was meant to be mine, I felt alien and foreign. The day of my wedding was intended to be a celebration of love and union, but instead, I felt alone.

I was at the altar as the ceremony started, staring at Ethan who was standing next to me. He had the authoritative appearance of a wealthy tycoon and exuded confidence. But the man I was getting married to seemed distant, like a riddle I couldn't solve.

The gravity of the circumstance struck me as hard as a ton of bricks. In front of people who weren't interested in me or my story, here I was wearing a stylish gown and exchanging vows with a man I hardly knew. 

I felt like I was a kid lost in the wilderness, urgently looking for a familiar face to lead me because of how empty the situation seemed.

Weeks passed, when Ethan revealed yet another surprise to me, reality began to set in even more. I had worked up the nerve to bring up my involvement in his life when we were in his lavish office.

"But we agreed that I would marry you for financial stability," I said, my voice shaking with a combination of anger and sadness.

Ethan sat back in his chair and fixed his intense look on me. 

"I've given that steadiness, too. The costs of your brother's medical treatment are covered."

I tightened my hands while trying to contain my emotions. 

"You didn't clarify, however, that I would be required to serve as your unpaid personal assistant."

His lips twisted into a chilly grin. 

"Think of it as compensation for my generosity."

His words hit me like a gut strike. I got the impression that the earth under me was shifting, and I was losing my balance in a place that had become more foreign to me. 

I was no longer able to identify the man I agreed to marry; he now had control over my life and used it to his interests.

I had a feeling of betrayal at that very time that pierced my heart. The assurances, aspirations, and goals that had gotten me to this point seemed to be crumbling all around me. 

Every decision I took appeared to fail, and I couldn't help but wonder if I had exchanged my freedom for a golden cage since I was caught in such a vulnerable circumstance.

I hurried through Accuzy Tech Company's enormous glass doors as the sun was casting a golden light over the city. Being Ethan Stone's personal assistant introduced me to the world of corporate style and power struggles. Mixed with dread and eagerness, my heart was racing.

A commanding voice screamed out, "Elah Anderson," cutting through the bustle of activity.

When I turned around, a man in a well-groomed outfit was coming my way. His penetrating eyes assessed me with clinical accuracy as he expressed authority.

I welcomed "Mr. Stone," keeping my voice calm despite my anxiety.

While acknowledging, he gave an unreadable nod. And said, 

"Follow me."

He turned and led the way through the company's maze-like halls without waiting for a response. My feet echoed his deliberate pace as I moved after him. 

We walked inside a large workplace with a sophisticated vibe emanating from its modern décor. I waited nearby for directions as Ethan sat down behind the large desk.

He handed me a tablet and said, 

"Your responsibilities will be included in your schedule. You'll help me manage my appointments, plan my meetings, and take care of my mail."

I took the iPad and began scrolling through the duties while nodding. I had anticipated a severe, no-nonsense approach from him. But there was a stronger undertone, something that made me nervous.

"Is there anything else?" I questioned as I directly met his eyes.

He sat back in his chair and kept his fixed look forward. 

"Yes, one last point. I demand the highest level of proficiency and competence. This is not a place for newbies to play."

Though his remarks hurt, I managed to swallow my ego. 

"I get it," I said. 

Weeks passed into days, and I soon found myself caught up in a tornado of obligations. 

The demands Ethan made were constant, and he had a sharp eye for details. Even though the task was difficult, I was determined to succeed.

I was going through a stack of papers in his office one evening when the door flung open suddenly. As Ethan entered the room with an angry countenance, my heart skipped a beat.

He said, pointing at the scattered papers, "What's this mess?"

I responded with a firm tone, "I'm arranging the paperwork according to your request."

He groaned impatiently while squeezing the bridge of his nose with his fingers. 

"You're making things too difficult."

I said, losing patience, "I'm sorry if I wrongly interpreted your directions."

His eyes narrowed as he

sent a quick look my way to gauge my resolve. 

"Elah, you're far too tenacious for your good."

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