
Chapter Six-Your Story Is Different Damian

Kelvin leaned and looked him in the eyes.

“ she doesn’t love you so how are you sure this wasn’t planned out with Ava?, We both know Ava can be cunning”

Damian already knew That Layla didn’t love him. He didn’t love her too but was ready for love to grow in his heart for her. For as long as he is concerned, He wasn’t going to let her go once they got married. Not when both companies are involved however, hearing the truth about how Layla felt made him annoyed. “ Why not”

“ If you divorce her or she divorces you, she walks away with fifty percent of your wealth. Have you thought about that?” Kelvin asked critically.

“ What makes you think I would divorce her and vice versa, our parents had the most beautiful marriage before we both lost our dads. I don’t know about her but I have learned a lot from them and I am ready to make mine work” Damian explained to Kelvin.

Kelvin was not convinced by his explanation, He thought differently and said,

“ Your parents have been in love for a long time. How can you compete with that? Your story is different”.

Damian was not ready to give him all the details. All he wanted was to hurt Ava badly and make her pay for all she did to him. But now, things are different since their family business is both involved but Kelvin will not understand no matter how much he explained.

“ I think we should go for lunch and come back to work. We also have a wedding to prepare for.” Damian said.

After that, the two men walked out of Kelvin’s office to the cafeteria, shoulder to shoulder, just the same way they walked into the office today.

Meanwhile, Layla has been swarmed up in her thoughts that she only realized she hadn’t called Ava to update her on what happened till she stepped out of Damian’s office to go home when a black limousine pulled over in front of her and a man of at least fourth years, neatly dressed in a black suit stepped out of the car and addressed her politely.

“ Miss Jones, I’ve been asked to bring you home”

Layla shivered lightly. She hasn’t called Ava and it wouldn’t be right to do so in the car.

She lowered her head and made an excuse in a low tone.

“ Can you give me a minute, I need to make a private call”

“ I’m sorry miss since I’ve seen you, I’m responsible for you”

What a beautiful way to deny her, the man wasn’t going to let her get out of his sight.

Layla was pissed and looked at the opened door where the chauffeur stood. Pursing her lips tightly, she slid in. They had not covered much distance when her phone began to beep with an incoming FaceTime from Ava. Gritting her teeth, she ended it and sent a text message,

‘ I sorted things out with Damian but he insisted I live with his mom till we get married in a week. Their chauffeur picked me up from his office and I can’t talk now.’

When Ava received the message, her anger boiled.

After she told Layla to agree to marry Damian yesterday, an idea popped into her mind and she told her dad to call Damian and threaten him. In this way, Damian will be scared and eventually divorce Layla a few months after they get married and marry her, all that belongs to the Waltons will be hers and her father’s.

But Damian was a step ahead of her.

He even hung up on her dad. Everybody feared her father so she got furious at the thought of Damian not being scared of him.

She decided to play a fast one and texted Layla back,

‘ That’s great news, but you know I have to be your maid of honor right? Why don’t you tell Damian you want your best friend to come over and stay with you? You need me to help out with the wedding preparations.’

Layla read the message and held her phone tightly, she wished Ava would be around her. At least it will take away this feeling she was having. Feeling disappointed that she can’t tell Ava to come over she replied to her text,

‘ I’m sorry you can’t. I told him earlier but he insisted I let his mom take care of everything and that he doesn’t want anyone to see me before the wedding aside from our moms.

I guess I will see you at the wedding Ava, be safe.’

When Ava received the last text, her anger boiled twice the way it boiled when she received the first text. Damian was smart and played her fas.

Nonetheless, she wasn’t ready to give up, she will get Damian and everything that belongs to him to herself.

Soon, the limo pulled over and Layla was welcomed by Karen and Kendra, Damian’s sister.

The way the two welcomed her awoke some guilt in her but she had to continuously remind herself that she was getting married to Damian and not them, their son and brother was the problem, not them.

“ Welcome home Layla, I know you must be famished. Let’s go get you something to eat” Karen said, leading her to the table. Kendra followed close behind and while Karen served Layla’s food, Kendra welcomed her.

“ You know this is your home too Layla. If you need anything don’t hesitate to ask. You have every right to reject anything or anyone you don’t want at your wedding.” Kendra said sincerely.

Layla quickly recalled Ava, if she could get Damian’s mom to allow her to invite Ava over then Damian would not have anything to say about that.

She cleared her throat politely and said, “ Aunt Karen if you don’t mind, can I invite my best friend over? She’s also my maid of honor”

“ Don’t be silly Layla, I thought I was going to be your maid of honor” Kendra said and pouted.

Truly, Kendra thought Layla would choose her to be her maid of honor since they grew up together and have been friends since childhood.

Layla was not happy that Kendra saw her as a good friend but she didn’t. She felt bad but tried to shove that thought away immediately, she didn’t know Kendra would accept to be her maid of honor.

“ I’m sorry Kendra. Okay let’s do it this way, how about I have two maid of honor? It’s not a bad idea right Aunt Karen?” Layla asked. She was bent on finding a way to communicate with Ava by all means.

“ Well you see Layla, Damian already said he doesn’t want you to meet anyone until the wedding, and I think you should have just one maid of honor, and it has to be Kendra.

You said you want a small wedding so it’s best if only family members are allowed to perform special roles at the wedding” Karen smiled and said.

Damian had already explained everything to her so she wasn’t going to let Layla out of her sight.

Layla was numb. It seemed that her plan failed before it started.

“ Okay, Aunt,” Layla murmured, she was not happy with the arrangements but she was helpless too.

“ Great. Eat up quickly” Karen said while adding food to Layla’s plate.

Layla was amazed that her favorite dishes were being served.

Saturated by the aroma, her taste buds watered with hunger.

She placed her phone on the edge of the dining table while she ate. Kendra wanted to pass her a plate of salad and pushed the phone onto the floor. Her action seemed like an accident.

“ I’m sorry” She bent a little and picked up the phone on the marble floor, squirting with remorse.

“ Mom, I broke her phone,” she said and looked at Layla apologetically. Layla felt like her world was crumbling but she forced a smile and said in a low and tiny voice,

“ it’s nothing”

“ It’s something,” Karen disagreed.

“ I think I have a new phone upstairs, I’ll get you one,” she said, took the phone from Kendra, and rushed upstairs. It was too late for Layla to stop her.

Kendra noticed the uneasy look on her face and felt guilty, seeing the change in Layla, Kendra wanted to soothe her and said, “ Your mom called earlier, and said to let her know when you arrive. I can call her if you want”

Layla nodded and Kendra dialed Isabella’s number and gave the phone to Layla.

Her mood brightened as she spoke to her mom.

Karen came back shortly with a new phone.

“ Here, all your contacts are intact”.

Layla was surprised when she took the phone from Karen. It looked expensive. She also realized that everything of hers, including her chats with Ava was intact.

‘ what if Damian’s mom read their chats’ She was gripped with fear but noticed that the woman’s attitude toward her did not change, she felt she was just overthinking it.

“ Thank you, Aunt Karen,” she said genuinely.

Kendra showed her to her room upstairs.

It was everything she needed and more, Layla felt at home instantly.

She looked at Kendra gratefully and said,

“ Thank you, Kendra”.

Kendra smiled, “ if you need anything, I will be next door”

Suddenly, they heard a knock on the door.

“ That must be Mom,

Can she come in?” Kendra asked and Layla felt embarrassed.

“ It's still your house Kendra, you don’t need my permission to let anyone in”.

Kendra laughed and opened the door for her mom.

Karen smiled and said,

“ Your Mom is here, Layla. So are Damian and Kelvin”

Layla paled instantly, it seemed to her that she was stuck with Damian and there was no way around it.

How was she supposed to communicate with Ava and keep up with their plan?

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