
Chapter 6

Chapter 6

"I have to go back to ANNING!" Evelyn said.

Gold had a dissatisfied look, he thought Evelyn would at least fall for his charm and maybe it will later reach the stage of them branching to the hotel and getting laid.

"Oh..h why wouldn't you have a drink?" He stuttered, scratching the back of his neck angrily.

"Nope, seriously, I'm good and they will be probably waiting for me, got to go" Evelyn replied standing up.

"Then should I drop you off?" He asked.

"I wouldn't want to bother!" Evelyn replied and left the restaurant.

Throughout the time Evelyn is with him, she is only seeing the guy who called himself an anonymous face on Gold face and she doesn't understand a bit.

"Shit! That chick escaped, what do I do? I need to fu**k!" He mutters under his breath looking around for whoever would be his prey.

He smiles when he sees the girl and he snuggles his hotel card in her hand.

The girl walked to him, she couldn't glance up at his face.

She had her head low, blushing heavily, the god of Cassanova is in front of her, of course she would blush heavily.

Gold used her finger to lift her jaw up flirtatiously and not only the girl's cheek turned red, her ears also went down red.

"You should look me in the eyes if we are getting down together!" Gold said stylishly, holding her finger.

"What did you think? Should we get down to business in Gold hotel or what?" He asked, bringing out his tongue slightly showing her his tongue ring.

"Ye..yes, my time is over and another person has taken over, we can go!" She stuttered and he spank her ass.

"Yeah, good girl!" He replied and stood.

He escorts her to his car and drives her to Gold hotel, the hotel he owns.

Gold had seen almost all of his female staff pants except one lady Ava.

She hates to see him not to talk of getting laid with him but Gold has promised the girl that she will willingly take off her pants for him which isn't possible till today.


"Sis, why can't you call any of us to bring your car but are you sure that pervert didn't get down with you?" Amber whispers, earning a knock on her head from Evelyn.

She rubbed the spot and pouted.

"So I'm here now, I'm sorry I left you guys, it's just that it's been a long time since I saw Gold, let's continue!" Evelyn said.

"Yes, we should!" They all shouted and Evelyn chuckled.

It's pretty obvious that they didn't want to tell her that Viola is back and they want to cover it.

"You guys shouldn't chicken out, I know already that Viola is back, I have my phone, remember" She replied and they gasp, including Mr. Ronald.

"Well we shouldn't all chicken out and show them ANNING is the born leader, Viola or Violet, I don't need to fret" Evelyn added and they all smiled.

Evelyn just brightened up their mood, she herself doesn't know where the courage comes from, she knows Viola very well because they attended the same highschool, before she got into the accident, she is always finding a means to steal the spotlight wherever party they both attended.

"So guys, let's cut the cake," Stephen grins.

"Yes, by the spell of Evelyn!" They chorused.

They play with the cake, using it to rub each other's nose and talk about some random stuff before Evelyn shoots for Skincare.

After some minutes

"Amber, I really want you to advise me on the marriage, I don't know what to decide and I promise mum to give her a reply today!" Evelyn said to Amber.

"Sis, don't you think there is more reason to it while Mrs. Brown is insisting you should get married, don't you think maybe your property will be the groom's family if you didn't marry them" Amber suggested.

"But sis, this is your life, whatever that will favour and not hurt you, you should decide, I will advise you to think thoroughly, can you tell me the name of the family maybe I know them."

"I didn't even bother to ask, I left in anger" Evelyn replied.

"So sis, decide for yourself what is good" Amber added and left.

Evelyn stayed there for some time thinking before she bade them all, bye and left in her car.

She got home and a sweet aroma of pancakes welcomed her, she didn't hesitate a bit.

She made her way to the kitchen and Mrs. Brown was in apron making pancakes.

"Hi, Mrs. Brown!" Evelyn said with her hand up.

"You are back at four Ms. Brown, wassup?" Mrs. Brown asked and Evelyn immediately looked dull.

"Well, that will not be my case, because whether I like it or not, Ms. Brown will turn to Mrs" Evelyn said with a sigh.

Mrs. Brown turned towards her and hugged her with the glove in her hand.

"You don't need to be sad, daughter. I promise to be there for you. if the guy is ugly, you should use an eye patch so as not to see him" She said and Evelyn smiled.

"Nevertheless you didn't say I should come back home but to use eye patch, is it true that you aren't telling me something I don't know about this betrothed thing?" Evelyn asked and Mrs. Brown looked down and looked at her eyes again.

"If you don't marry her son all our properties will be willed to them!" Mrs. Brown replied and Evelyn gasped.

"Mum, dad went as far as that, whereas I can't even question him now" Evelyn cried, Mrs. Brown rubbed her back pacifying her.

"So does that mean you've agreed?" Mrs. Brown asked.

"Yes, call them tomorrow that I'm ready" She replied and Mrs. Brown hugged her dearly.

"So, mum I will eat all the pancakes you make, I will eat the last food you will make for me" Evelyn cried.

"Ye..yes daughter, eat it all, when you are married you can call me and I will bring whatever you want to you" Mrs. Brown also cried.

She also needs to be pacified, but what can she do? Nobody is there to pacify her. It saddens her that her only child has to be the sacrifice of her father's promise.

She is going to be alone forever without her model baby, all this also hurts Mrs. Brown. That's why she is making the last pancakes for her only daughter.

They later disengage from the hug and Evelyn asked Mrs. Brown to teach her how to make the pancakes which she messed up.

They laugh and play together lastly, Evelyn ate most of the pancakes while Mrs. Brown only ate little and watched.

They took some pictures together and Evelyn took some of Mrs. Brown secretly.

They watch movies and eat some popcorn, with hotdogs which they ordered.

This lasted for night, both the mother and daughter retired to bed, they slept on Mrs. Brown bed and was covered with one duvet.

Evelyn wasn't able to sleep throughout the whole night, the only thought in her mind was the marriage, how her life is going to be after the marriage, how she isn't going to see her number one friend; Mrs. Brown, again.

Next Morning

Evelyn had her bath and was waiting for the worst because today is the day, she already called Amber and told her about her decision.

Amber also pacifies her with some soothing words, she told Amber she would be late and she should tell Mr. Ronald that she went on a picnic with Mrs. Brown.

She combed her hair neatly making them fall to her shoulder, her lips with nude lipgloss, she wore a white shirt under a black suit jacket and the jacket black pants and a matching seven inch heel.

Mrs. Brown already called Mrs. Valentino and Mrs. Brown who is hurriedly on her way.

Mrs. Brown is also nervous because she has heard who Mrs. Valentino is and she fears how Mrs. Valentino is gonna treat her daughter.


"Mr. Drake, about Evelyn Brown you asked me, she is the only child of your father's friend Mr. Brown and she is also 21, she is the popular ANNING model" Drake Valentino PA said.

"Alright! Let's see if she is mum's puppet or a show" Drake replied.

"But boss, your fans are still anticipating your reply and Viola Spooner is back, it seems she's here to compete with your would-be wife."

"I see this is getting more interesting than I thought, I will watch till the end" Drake replied.

"But are you going to let her believe you are a moron? Or you will show her you are not?."

"Where is the witch right now?" Drake Valentino asked.

"Evelyn Brown didn't want to marry you before so I think her mother persuaded her or something, so they called this morning and the girl agreed," Samson replied.

"Can you show me her picture?" Drake demanded and Samson wanted to show him when a guard entered Drake's room.

Samson quickly put the phone in his pants pocket.

"What are you doing in the young master room?" The guard, who is one of Johnny Mudrock's men , asked.

"I came to check on him," Samson replied and quickly rushed out.

And the guards chuckle and shake his head.

"The fool is chatting with a moron."

He closed Drake's door and left.

Drake Valentino gritted his teeth in anger, how dare an ordinary guard talk to him like that, well the guard is one of the rebellious people he will take down when he is done.


Mrs. Brown already prepared pasta for breakfast as Evelyn demanded but they both are little from the pasta.

They sat together in the living room expecting their guests.

And shortly Mrs. Brown arrived with Johnny Mudrock and a man who is a lawyer.

Mrs. Brown welcomed them and the three sat on the same chair while Evelyn sat beside Mrs. Brown.

"Is the guy here the groom?" Evelyn asked, looking at Johnny Mudrock.

"No, I'm not Ms. Brown, as you have been told before, your groom is on a business trip and the man here is the lawyer that will be binding your marriage before it is done in a grand style" Johnny Mudrock replied.

Evelyn chuckled, the woman who came here by herself on that day isn't even talking today.

"So Ms. Brown you need to read this document thoroughly before signing that you agreed" The lawyer said a d hand over the document to Evelyn.

Evelyn didn't bother to read it before signing, she signed and handed over the document back to the lawyer.

Johnny Mudrock and Mrs. Valentino maintain eye contact with a smile.

"But I have my conditions also," Evelyn mutters, staring at Mrs. Valentino.

"List your conditions, Mrs. Valentino is listening" Johnny Mudrock replied.

"First, I wouldn't stop my career because of a marriage, second, I don't want it to be leaked out to the fans that I'm married, so I will disagree with the grand wedding, third, I will only be your son wife or Mrs. Valentino at his house, my name wouldn't change because of my career and lastly, I will move to your son's house whenever I want" Evelyn listed surprising Mrs. Brown and them all.

"Well, Ms. Brown I think you didn't read the document very well, but I will tell you, in the document, it states that you are to move into your groom house immediately or the next day if you are busy" Johnny Mudrock said.

"What did you mean by that? Won't I pack my belongings?" Evelyn replied.

"You need not to worry about that we got your belongings covered, we will bring you ten maids who will come to pack it tomorrow and the rest of your condition, Mrs. Valentino accept" Johnny Mudrock replied and they stood up.

"You are welcome to my family, daughter in law" Mrs. Valentino mutters and they leave.

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