
Three • Wedding Night


Classical music filled the ballroom as people danced to and fro. Everybody wore their finest garments and I could tell that they were having a great time eating and dancing on this beautiful night. Even the band that was playing had smiles on their faces as they played their instruments and lightly tapped their feet on the stage. 

It was a joyous occasion for everyone but my bride and I. After being swindled off the bride that I was promised, this woman wasn't even trying to look entertained. 

Heather and I sat in front of the room as we watched everybody have their fun. Our dance was the last and our only job right now was to look happy and receive well wishes and gifts. 

I looked at Heather through the corner of my eye. Despite tying her hair up to show off her elegant jewelry, her short figure was almost drowning in the dress that she wore. I guess they didn't have time for adjustments. Her dark blue eyes searched the room while her full, pink lips were set in a noticable frown. 

For someone who said that she willingly took her sister's place, she didn't act the part. 

"Smile," I said as I leaned in and she flinched before looking at me. "You dare let your mind wander?" 

She dropped her gaze. "I apologize." 

I scoffed in annoyance. "The best apology is you actually pretending to be happy. Dare I see another frown from you and I'll make sure that you regret it." 

"I apologize." She rose her gaze and smiled softly as she continued to watch the crowd. 

The sheer insolence of this woman! She was making it seem like I was bullying her when she was the one who wronged me. If it wasn't for my agreement with the Queen, I would have had her executed the moment she stepped into the chapel.

I let out a deep breath and looked in front of me. When my eyes locked with the Queen Irene's, I tried to not show my hatred for my father's beloved wife. I stood up and bowed to her while Heather gave a light curtsy before we both sat down. 

"Hello, dear," she greeted as she stopped in front of me with her chief lady-in-waiting, Sophia. "Congratulations on your marriage." 

I let out a tight smile. "Thank you, Mother. How would I reach this far without your support?" 

"You flatter me too much." She looked at Heather. "Welcome to the family, Madam Whitlock. May your marriage be long and prosperous." 

"Many thanks, your Majesty," she answered softly. 

Her gaze was back on me. "Anyway, I will not disturb you lovebirds for much longer although I see that you have a few things to explain." 

"I do," I answered, "but this does not change anything and I expect you to keep your word." 

She laughed. "Unlike you, I am not a liar." 

I didn't respond to her and she walked away with a chuckle. Noticing that Heather was staring at me, I looked at her. 

"What do you want?" I asked and she shook her head before looking away. "If you have something to say, speak up." 

She hesitated for a moment before saying, "You and Queen Irene don't seem to be on good terms." 

"That's knowledge that the entire kingdom is aware of." 

"I wasn't aware of that." 

"Then you should strive to be more knowledgeable. I'm sure that you are familiar with the rumours about the castle, right?" 

"I don't often associate myself with gossip or headlines about the royal family." 

"And here you are being a part of us." I sighed. "For your own sake, I recommend you familiarize yourself with these things." 

"I will, your Highness." 

The night went on merrily and when time for our dance arrived, I offered Heather my hand and led her to the dancefloor. I held her small waist and her hands were on my shoulders as we slowly swayed to the soft music. It was a brief moment and we barely even looked at each other. All I wanted was to leave this suffocating room.

When the dance was over, we finished up with the introductions and left the party earlier than the others. Heather did a good job pretending to be happy but after entering the carriage, both our smiles disappeared from our faces. 

When we arrived at the castle that was allocated to me, we got out of the carriage and were greeted with bows and flowers by the servants which neither Heather nor I accepted. I walked ahead while Heather quietly followed behind me.  

When we reached the bedroom that was prepared for Heather, I ordered the servants inside to leave and they did. I walked to the bed and looked around me. The room was immaculately decorated with rose petals, candles on golden stands and a sweet smelling essence was left burning. Just looking at the room gave it's intentions and I hoped that Heather knew what was coming next. 

I turned to look at Heather, who awkwardly stood next to the door, and said, "Come here." She stood still for a moment before hesitantly walking towards me. When she was in front of me, I said, "Undress."  

Her eyes snapped up at me in shock and fear. "E-excuse me?" 

I frowned. "I thought I made it clear that I don't like repeating myself. I also made it clear that you have to fulfill your duties as a wife. Are you objecting?" 

"I have never.... With a man, I....." She dropped her gaze as a dark blush filled her cheeks.

"That's even better," I said with a smirk. Ravishing her virgin body didn't sound like a bad idea.

"B-b-but!" She stuttered nervously. "I-I can't reach the zipper on my dress." 

"Oh? Then let me assist you." I held her shoulders and slowly turned her around. Her body shook underneath my palms but I decided to ignore it. Reaching out, I held her zipper and pulled it down to expose even more pale, soft skin that it made me wonder how often the sun touched her. 

What a fragile thing the Harlows decided to give me.  

I pulled her dress down her shoulders and leaned in to kiss her neck and shoulders as her sweet scent filled my nostrils. "You know what's expected of you, don't you?" She nodded and I pressed on, "And you can do it, can't you?" 

She didn't respond and I proceeded to pull down her dress until it landed on the floor. She only wore white lace underwear underneath and I ran my fingers down the softness of her thighs then up her stomach but before I could cup her perky breasts, she held my hands. 

"I can't!" She exclaimed, her voice quivering even more than her body was. "I can't do this, your Highness."  

"Of course, you can't. You're shaking like a leaf," I said with a sigh before letting go of her and taking a few steps back. "Any man would lose interest if their partner behaved like this." 

"F-forgive me." 

I rolled my eyes. "Quickly get dressed in your sleepwear. We've got issues to discuss."  

I grabbed my own sleepwear before heading into the bathroom. After getting changed, I walked back into the bedroom and saw Heather seated on the bed in a white, silk nightgown. She was still shaking and I figured that her heart was still unsettled by what happened earlier. 

"I won't force you," I assured, making her look over her shoulder at me. I would actually prefer to have her enjoy it than stare at me like I'm a monster. 

"I... I see," she said and her eyes followed me cautiously as I approached her. 

I stood in front of her. "But you are aware that we'll be expected to have a child soon?"  

"I'm aware." 

"And you do know how children come about, right? The King will be worried if the heir to his throne doesn't have any children." 

"I will try to get used to the thought." 

I reached out and she flinched, making me hesitate before stroking her cheek. "I can hold everyone off for one year. After that, I have to get you pregnant. I would have gotten a concubine, but it's too much of a bother." 

"I understand," she mumbled as she moved back to escape my touch.

"If anyone asks, we consummated our marriage. Should I hear otherwise, I won't hesitate to get rid of you." 

"I won't say anything about this. After all, it's my fault that our marriage hasn't been consummated." 

"Good." I turned around and looked at the large painting of the Goudin Forest in front of me. "I will send in your ladies in waiting tomorrow morning and they will tell you the procedures concerning the coronation." 

"You're not sleeping here, your Highness?" She asked after a moment of silence and I chuckled. 

"I won't sleep here unless you are willing to get pregnant as soon as possible." 

"I'm not ready for pregnancy right now but the servants will talk-" she argued but went mute when I turned to face her. 

"All that matters is that I slept with you. Where I decide to continue my sleep is nobody's business."  

She nodded and dropped her gaze. "I apologize." 

Seeing that she had nothing else to say, I walked out of the room and made my way to my own quarters. Seeing that the Queen also noticed that the bride was changed wasn't a good sign but it did not make much of a difference and I was going to make her stick to her word.

All I needed was a decoration to stand next to me and give me children. Otherwise, I wouldn't have bothered with this entire arrangement. I thought back to Heather's small frame and wondered if she even ate well back at her manor. 

Giving my head a shake, I decided to forget about it. She was a noblewoman born from a highly respected family. She was obviously accustomed to being treated like royalty. If there was a problem then it was probably her fault. 

My marriage was the least of my concerns. I had focus on the big picture, which was getting full control of the kingdom so that I could rid it of the scum that currently ruled it.

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