
Chapter 5

Julia POV

After my show, I sat near the bar counter, rubbing my sore muscles, losing a knot that had formed from dancing for so long. Taking a short break, which I begged Raul to give me or else I would die on the stage, he allowed it, but it was only for fifteen minutes. It’s been a week where I haven’t seen that man and a week that Raul didn’t fire me and make me work overtime. I couldn’t blame him; if I had been in his shoes, I would have done far worse than him. I just curse my life for all of my misfortunes.

If I didn't need money, I wouldn’t be working here, and moreover, I wouldn't have met that man, who only reminds me of my dark past, which I was running from all this time. But on the plus side, not seeing that man's face is quite good for me. The way our first meeting was, I don't want to see him again. My body still remembers his touches. Those burning desires, which I felt for the first time and wanted to feel more of it. Those lucid hands imprinted themselves on my body without my consent.

“What are you thinking?" A soft voice drew me out of my thoughts, which were only fascinated by that chocolate-brown-eyed man. Looking over my shoulder, I see my friend Elisa; she is the only girl here that I talk to. Her life is so similar to mine, but at least she has someone of her own blood for me; I don’t even know where I came from.

"Nothing!" I immediately answer her if I tell her about that man. She will poke me until I spill every single detail of that night, which I don’t want to share even though she is a friend and she’s been good to me since the day I started working here, but it’s in my personality to not disclose everything. A lesson I learned growing up. "How’s your mother doing?" I inquired, changing the subject. She sighed heavily, letting her head drop, and her small, pretty, dark black eyes welled up with tears. 

"The doctor said that her body is already weak. If this happens again, there is little chance for her to survive. I don’t know what to do now. I have changed so many places just to keep us safe, but every fucking time that bastard finds us the cycle repeats." she said gritted her teeth. I patted her shoulder, trying to show that I'd be here for her. Her father is a monster who not only sold her when she was barely a teenager when she was again going to be betrothed to someone Raul bought her and make her work as a stripper in his club. 

"What are you going to do about him now?" I inquired.

“Remember I told you about a man? He works for a prominent and respected man of this city. I implored him for help the day she was battered to death, and he said he would seek for that bastard.” She stated this while drinking from her wine glass. We were busy talking when one of the bouncers came over and told me that my show had ended and that I may go home, I nodded. I quickly leaped out of my seat, ecstatic. 

“I can wait for you in the dressing room, Elisa. We can go home together after your show.” I questioned Elisa, she shook her head. “No Julia, I have to speak with that guy. He asked me to meet him tonight,” she said quietly, looking down.

“Did he ask you for anything in exchange for assisting you?” I understand how these men could be. They won't aid you unless they desire more than just your body. She didn't respond, and that was all I needed to know. I didn’t ask any further. She fled since it was her turn to perform. I was on my way to my room when I was halted by a voice.

"Julia!" I stare at the man approaching me in a tight-fitting suit. I grinned at him as he embraced me, which I did as well. He is a couple years older than me. Dario is a kind guy from a renowned family. Beautiful, tall, well-built and more importantly filthy rich. He never looks at me like he needs anything from me; his courteous demeanor constantly draws me towards him. I recall our first encounter, which seemed exactly like a movie scenario in which a guy protects a girl from bad guys—that exactly happened to me. After that encounter, he became a constant here. Sometimes alone, sometimes with his elite friends.

“Dario! When did you come back?” I asked after we parted. I hadn’t seen him in a long time. He grinned at me, nudging my elbow in the direction of the bar counter where I had been seated previously.

“Would you like something to drink? You might say it's a gift from me. My father officially announced my position as a CEO of the company.” He stated it with enthusiasm. He popped open the champagne bottle, grabbing the empty glass and pouring it to the full. I wanted to say no to him, but seeing him looking so happy about his success, I couldn’t bring myself to do so. 

“I’m happy for you; congratulations.” I said as we clicked the glass, I drank the champagne in one go, eager to go home. 

“Here's one more,” he said, passing me another glass that was already filled. This time I was reluctant to take it as the first one has already started to do its wonders.

“No, that’s enough for me, you know I’m not good with drink.” 

“Oh, come on, don’t worry; it’s my responsibility to drop you home safe and sound.” he offered. This will not be the first time he will drop me off at home; he has accompanied me many times. So I didn't find anything wrong about it. 

“Are you here alone? Where are your other douchebag friends?” I asked.

“Oh, they are in the VIP room getting drunk. I haven't met you for so many days, so I thought I would come and see you.” He said, sipping on his drink. I nodded at him as I, too, sipped on my glass. We spoke briefly, but solely from his perspective; talking about my life isn't really intriguing. Suddenly, the world around me seemed extremely hot, as if there was a burning sensation inside of me.

“Hey, are you okay?” Dario asked, looking concerned. I slightly nodded my head, and everything around me felt like it was spinning. I struggled a little when I got off the chair. I would be on the floor if Dario hadn’t put his strong muscular arms around me, balancing me so I wouldn't fall.

“Hey Julia, you're making me scared. What happened? Are you feeling sick?”

“Yes, a little. I think I drank too much.” I got out of his grip and held onto the counter to make me stand.

“Okay, wait, here I go and inform my friends that I’m leaving.” He informed me as he disappeared into the sea of peoples. I just stand there waiting for him to return. When I ran out of patience, I made my way to the dressing room, thinking that if I stayed there, maybe Elisa would see me. I was ready to open the door when I was jerked back by a powerful hand. I was about to yell, but a huge hand seized my mouth, forcing me to be silent.

“Finally, I found you in your frail condition.” I examine the man's features. He was among the men I saw with Dario. Stupid bastard! I cursed Dario, believing he had put something in my drink so that his friend might take advantage of me. Despite the fact that my condition is weakening me, I bite his hand, hissing in pain as he uncovers my lips. I shoved him, causing both of us to lurch back. I bolted from the back door, which led to an alley. I was ready to take another step when he grabbed my wrist again.

“Where do you think you’re going? I worked so hard to get you, and now you’re running away from me. It would not have happened this way, if you had listened like a good slut.” He braked, holding me against the wall. I try to squirm free from his tight hold, but I’m nowhere near able to fight with this man with the drugs running through my veins.

"Get off me, you fucker!" I tried to push that man away, but with my current condition, my strength fell short. "Get away from me!" I shouted this time, thinking that someone would listen to my pleas. A lone drop of tears fell from my eyes, thinking that this was the end. Why does this always happen to me? Why is God so cruel to me? If it were not for the drugs, I would probably go into a panic attack again right now. I prayed inside that someone, anyone, would save me from this disgusting person.

His filthy hands roamed around my body as I was still in my show's attire making it easier for him to squeeze my breast when they were about to get inside my panties. I closed my eyes, thinking that no one would come to save me. But after a few minutes, I felt his weight being lifted from my body. I just stare at him as he tosses backward into one of the garbage cans. 

I glanced up at my redeemer; there he was, the man who was clouding my thoughts. I was hypnotized by his bright chocolatey eyes with a hint of gold dancing in his iris, which chilled me to the bones. I swear I saw wrath in those eyes, which looked just like those of a monster out to destroy everything in his path.

He marched towards me with long strides, and in two steps he was close to me. His eyes roamed around my face and then to my body. "Did he hurt you?" He asked in his deep voice. The looks make me feel hotter. I always found that this chocolatey brown held so much power over me that I had to submit to him. I nodded my head.

“He shouldn’t hurt you. He has no right to do it.” I think that was enough for him to know what to do. He turned around, walking towards the man on the floor groaning in pain. He held him by his collar, lifting him up. 

"Look here and see what happens to the one who makes me angry." He commanded, and I stared as he threw a strong blow on his face, the sound of breaking bones being heard in the darkness of the alley. I was sure that his nose broke. From behind, two men in black uniforms came, and he handed my assaulter  to them. I couldn't keep my eyes open to see what he was telling them, but I saw them dragging that person, god knows where, and I don’t even want to know.

The scorching sensation returns, and this time it is more intense than the previous one. I know what my body is demanding from me, and looking at the man in front of me is not making it any easier. He was standing there doing nothing, enjoying seeing me withering in need. Slowly, I took a step towards him only to fall due to my dazed mind, but he immediately grabbed me in time to keep me standing. His musky scent put my mind at ease.

"Help me…" I whispered in his embrace. I don’t know what God is trying to do with my life, but the moment this man came into my life, I always found myself in his tight grasp caging me.

"Please help me..." I grabbed his shirt, narrowing our distance as I kissed him. Heavens! I have kissed that man. We kissed each other on our first meeting, but now I want to say that his lips should be one of the seven wonders of the world.


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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Abdul Haseeb
most tragedy in the beginning.

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