
Chapter Eight


No one had noticed when I walked into the dining area, they all seemed too enchanted by whatever Katherine was saying to Thompson. It made me angrier that she thinks she can just come and speak to that boy and give him hope of being a good mother to him.

“Dad” little Bluey climbed down her chair thanks to her nanny and ran to where I'm standing.

No matter how angry I am, seeing my kids always brings this bright smile to my face.

I carried her up, throwing her in the air as she always loved.

Her little giggles are everything, and it certainly melts my heart.

“Daddy's big girl” she giggled more as I pressed kisses to her cheeks before bringing her back to her seat.

No need to turn and notice that Katherine is sitting directly beneath the dining where I always sat.

I balanced on my seat and then looked at her, what exactly is her deal? Did she have a concussion ?

“I was telling mummy how I scored a goal today daddy,” Thompson always said as happy as a bright moon when he speaks about his ball.

“Now were you??” I looked at her, and she wasn't looking at me but at the food, like she hasn't seen that before.

Thompson beamed at me and I looked away, deciding to ignore whatever she thinks she must be doing.

The eating went on smoothly and once she was done she stood up.

“See you youngins tomorrow” She ruffled Thompson's hair and, without another look is walking away.

There is something strange about Katherine and this night I am hellbent on finding out exactly what.

After tucking the kids in and reading a story to them, I went straight to her room and without knocking I badged into the room.

“What the hell” she exclaimed, covering her body with the shawl that was discarded beside her.

“Nothing I haven't seen before” I reminded her, walking straight to where she was sitting.

She flushed, and my feet fluttered seeing the bright shade of red on her cheeks. Katherine blushing? That is strange.

“What are you doing here? I remember you didn't want me anywhere close to your room, and now you think you have the right to come into mine??” She directed at me looking angry.

“This is my house, I can decide to come into any room I choose to because it's mine, all of them” I reminded her and then walked so slow until I'm standing right in front of her.

I am towering over her and her eyes are raised to look me in the eye. I gave her a cheeky smile before she took a single step, stepping backward.

“What exactly do you want from me Damien, I am trying my possible best to keep as much distance from you as you want" she pointed out.

“No, you are not keeping enough distance. Don't act like this isn't what you wanted like that wasn't part of the agreement” I laid out.

“What ….” She kept quiet, biting her cheeks down.

“No, what were you about to ask??” I took a single step towards her, crowding her space.

She inhaled deeply, “I don't need to ask you, and if I choose not to I think that's my business too”

She rounded me off, walking away from my space, and then she was at the door. Furthermore, she opened it and motioned with her hand.

“As you can see, I am exhausted, I need you to leave,” She said.

I chuckled internally and looked at her. What exactly is her deal??

Ignoring her, my hands were in my pocket as I stared her down.

“What's your deal? What are you all of a sudden seeming interested in how the kid's day went” I couldn't hold back and asked her.

“Don't be ridiculous, they are my kids too” that earned her a chuckle from me.

“Oh, how could I forget that” I walk bit by bit until I'm slamming the door, and she is jerking away from it, “how much do you want?? Don't you ever use the kids as leverage again, do you understand??”

She stared at me looking shocked before she held her chest, her eyes not disappearing from mine.

My eyes dim as I stare closer at her, she looks shocked, not when she is acting drama shocked but shocked. What exactly is her deal??

“I don't know the kind of life you have lived for you to think that a mother wants money to spend time with her kids,” she said.

“Oh really?? You had an accident and then all of a sudden, you decided to become a mother? You were about to sign that contract if you have forgotten and you will”

“What contract??” She seemed perplexed.

“Stop playing games with me Katherine, tomorrow I'm letting my lawyer know you are healthy and ready to sign it, let us end this sham of a marriage”

“But I don't….” I couldn't wait for her to say one more word as I opened the door and walked out of the room, making sure to slam the door so hard.

What the fuck is suddenly wrong with her?? Why did she decide that all of a sudden, she wants to act like a mother.

Walking to the living room, I spotted the nanny, and she stood up immediately she saw me.

I wanted to walk away but on second thought, I walked to where she was standing.

“Mr. Anderson” She greeted.

“I would like to ask you something” She nodded, “what has Katherine been up to lately??” I ask.

“Umm, nothing much. She .....”

I walked away as she told me everything, and that feels stranger. Katherine doesn't cook, ever, so what the heck got into her??

These thoughts were on my mind as I strode back to the room, and they were there when I went to sleep. Why is she suddenly pretending? What exactly is her deal??

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