
Meeting Malison and Gabby again

Annie's P.O.V

    I told you Laura embarrassed me in front of my crush right? Not like it's just one crush I have, but, he was the only one I saw at the party that night. 

So, back to present. That crush, was the person I bumped into, and Kate was currently holding his hand.

I suddenly became speechless. I so wanted to ask questions, but these people weren't the right people to ask

I tried to walk past them, but then someone held my hand. Thinking it was Kate, I turned towards the owner with a glare, but my expression softened but with a hint of surprise once I saw who it was. Bryan!

Second grade, I saw him inside the principal's office and I fell for him. 

“Uhm, don't you owe me an apology? For bumping into me?". He asked. His voice, oh Lord!. I could come right this second. 

”uhm..". I felt a lump in my throat. “So…sorry". It was actually just ‘sorry', but it sounded like ‘so sorry'.

He nodded, and stuck his hands into his jeans. It seemed like he wanted to bring out something, but his hands remained there. 

I walked past him, feeling kinda awkward, and wanting to share my experience with my friends. 

I checked the classroom, and didn't find them, so I knew they wouldn't be together.

I walked into the muic room and found Gabby there. She doesn't play any instrument, but she sings quite well. Her voice was so melodious, but although she has this adept talent, she refuses to share with anyone as she has stage fright and all that bullshit. 

“Here you are". I said as I walked in and found her at the back, as usual. 

“Oh my gosh". She screamed. There was no one else in the room, so she didn't care. She ran up to me and hugged on my body. “I missed you". She said, then released me.

I take a good look at her. She looked different. ”Gabby? You look different". I remark, while trying to point out what was different about her. “Your glasses, and your hair. Oh my! ". I gasped. ”Did it mistakenly fall off when you hugged me?". I looked around. Gabby couldn't do without her glasses. You could say she was bling without them, and she was teased alot because of it. If you want to render her helpless, just take them off her eyes. 

“No, silly". She chuckled 

“Then what?".I asked. I look closely at her. “Are you wearing contact lens?".

“Yeah I am". She replied and grab hold of my hand. “I couldn't bear those rubbish anymore, so I had to wear contact lens".

”Wow, you really changed. Before, I was literally begging you to wear them". I replied. 

”And you didn't change one bit". She stated and I rolled my eyes. 

“You sound like my cousin brother!". I groan as we walk together to find Malison.

“You mean your hot cousin?". Yeah, Gabby had a thing for my cousin. Infact, she wasn't the only one who had a thing for him. I mean, he is so hot, and undeniably, I might have a thing for him too.

“He is not so hot". I sigh. Pftttttttttt, what a big lie! He is literally the hottest guy I've ever set eyes on. 

“Whatever miss four eyes". She retorted.

“Heyyy". I turned around sharply. ”as you can see, I'm not wearing them anymore, cause.i don't need them anymore. You know I was only wearing them for a short period because the doctor said I stressed my eyes too much and it might cause partial blindness if I don't correct them immediately". I defended. It was true. I wasn't born blind or anything, I just happened to experience pains in my eyes and difficulty seeing some things, so we went to see the eye doctor, and that's what she said. To be honest, I didn't wanna wear them, but I felt like I was slowly turning blind, and it got me really scared, so I was forced to put them on..

“Well, you still look the same!". Gabby said and I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time.. “It was part of my makeover". I muttered underneath my breath, but she heard me and chuckled.

“Wait, so you think just by taking off the glasses you did a makeover?". I nodded my.head slowly, knowing she was going to taunt me afterwards, and she did. “lord!". She bursted out. “Are you for real Annie? The fact that I told you that you look the same means you didn't do any makeover. The fact that you..". She pointed sharply at me. ”Told me I looked different means I'm the one who did a makeover, which of course, I did". She said proudly..

“Malison". I exclaimed as she stepped out of the class we were about to enter. 

She gasped, wide eyes as she jumped on both of us at the same time. I don't know how that was possible, but she did it. 

“I missed you guys". She said, happiness and excitement clear in her voice. 

“Technically, you guys didn't miss me. I mean, I'm still very angry at both of you, you know". I pointed out. 

“Ugh, I already said sorry like a billion times". Malison groaned. 

“Er, it's just two times you said sorry". I corrected her.. 

“Still felt like a billion. You know it's very hard for me to say sorry". Malison reminded me. It's true. She doesn't like to say sorry. It's very hard for her. But to be honest, she doesn't do much to require forgiveness, but the little offenses she commits, she wouldn't want to apologize. It's not about pride or something, it's just as if the word doesn't exist in her own world. So I'm feeling funky cause she apologized to me twice. 

“Well, I said sorry like eight times". Gabby seemed to have counted mentally.. I chuckled at how cute she looked right now, with her eyes rolled upwards, her head slightly bent to the side as if making a silent confirmation with an unknown friend or something. But for real, I felt so lonely because they weren't there with me. Gabby had gone to enjoy her summer in Las Vegas with her aunt, while Malison went to stay with her brother in college. They must have had lots of fun. They were yet to tell me about it though, while my summer was trash. I stayed with my mum trying new recipes. It should have been fun, but it wasn't, as my mum looked for every opportunity to knock senses into me. 

“Yeah. I'm just kidding. I really missed you guys though. Come on, we don't have any class today. Tell me all about your summer experience, then we'll discuss important stuff".

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