
Chapter Two.


He removed his hand from the door and walked into the class chuckling as he sat down. I followed in his footsteps and made my way to the back taking my book out.  After Sir had taken the register I went into a deep read completely forgetting my surroundings.

That was until the book was taken out of my hands and held in the air by Ryder.

I smiled at him not wanting to show how upset and annoyed I was, why wouldn't he just leave me alone?

"Can I have my book back please?" I asked politely as if he wasn't teasing me.

"You read some weird shit, honestly Ayla what the fuck is wrong with you?" My heart sank at his harsh tone. "I hope nothing is wrong with me, all I want is my book please." My voice faltered and I felt like crying because I noticed everyone was looking at me, I hated it. It was like the only time I got attention was when Ryder was teasing me.

"You're so fucking weak." He said maliciously and threw the book at me, I grabbed my things and rushed out of the class. I needed to be anywhere but here and the only place I could think of right now was the restroom. I got into a stall and sat there waiting to calm down.

It was like this every year, for seven years I've been taunted by him. I just wish I knew why, what did I do to receive this from him? I mean there was a theory but it wasn't the greatest. Nonetheless, when we were in year seven me and Ryder had befriended each other. I guess you could say I was the friend on the side, I helped him a lot, and he would always come to me when he needed advice, but I found Bria and eventually started to stray away from him. He had his own group of friends, and actually, he was quite popular but when he realised I had gotten closer to Bria he was angry at me. I never knew why but the last time he came to me was a disaster, he confessed he liked me and I didn't reply, how could I? I was a scared little girl who was afraid of boys because they were meant to have lurgies.

We completely distanced ourselves after that, well at least he basically stopped being friends with me. But that's basically my theory, he's mad at me for becoming closer to Bri

The bell rang and it was the first period, I internally screamed as I knew I Ryder was in the same class as me. Nevertheless, I made my way to class and breathed heavily as I walked up the stairs, I was out of shape but that didn't make me want to stop eating chips. Finally, I was on the second floor and tried to powerwalk to class when I was grabbed by the waist into a room of some sort. "Um-who is it?" I said, what a stupid question I know, but I was so confused and creeped out that I didn't know what to say.

"Your favourite person." Oh, thank god it was Bri.

"Bri! You scared me!" I whisper and shouted at her.

"Oops, I just wanted to say guess who asked me out?" The happiness evident in her voice, I started thinking about the guys in the year and couldn't think of who Bri was into, I mean we weren't even an hour into our first day. "Who?" I ask as I came up with nothing.

"Myles!" She squealed and I smiled. They were getting close last year, now that I think about it, they would look good together. I remembered Myles, he was cute, with blue puppy eyes and a great smile. He was actually one of Ryder's closest friends but nothing like him at all, he was really kind. I was happy for her, she looked so giddy.

"Aww, Bri! I'm so happy for you." I said and hugged her.

She got out her phone as it rang, I caught a glimpse of the time and realised I was ten minutes late.

"Oh my god, I'm so late!" I say concerningly and Bri laughs at my uneasy state. "I need to go before sir gives me detention." Bri walks out with me but turns left and I leave rushing to go to class. I looked to my right hearing chuckles and saw Ryder and his friends. I quickly walked past but of course, was pulled back by none other than Ryder.

"Ayla, ten minutes late? Thought you were a good girl?" He said teasingly.

"I was in the restroom." God knows why I was explaining myself, however, in the presence of Satan anything's possible

"You sure you weren't hooking up with a boy?" He says degradingly and I look at him in shock, why would he suggest that?

I didn't want to react and I remembered Mama's words, 'Kill them with kindness' she always says and so I did just that. I smile at him and laugh as if he had said a joke.

"I was not hooking up with a boy, I was simply washing my hands in the restroom, now if that's all I'll be on my way to class." I didn't let him reply, and using all my strength to get out of his hold I ran to the class.

"Miss Rose! fifteen minutes late, detention!" I nodded and looked at the board to see my name on the seating plan. I sat down on my allocated seat and grumbled. I knew I had it coming I mean I was fifteen minutes late!

The door was slammed open and I turned my head to see Ryder.

"Mr Costello, this is atrocious it is your first day and you are twenty minutes late! Detention!" Mr Cooper shouted and gave Ryder a dirty look. I shook my head and continued on with my work, the task was quite easy but really interesting, I loved literature and had a passion for the way words could depict. All of a sudden the back of my cardigan was pulled, I gasped and looked back, of course, it was Ryder smirking as he caught me off guard.

All lesson he annoyed me, constantly poking me and pulling on something. My head was aching and I could feel a migraine start to form. I checked and noticed I also had the fifth period with him which was sociology. Every time I answered a question he rolled his eyes, he made me feel as if I wasn't good enough.

There were two minutes left of this lesson then school would be finished but no, not for me. I would have to spend my precious time in detention. The class started packing up our books and laptops waiting for the teacher to give us our homework.

The bell rang and I got out of class. Taking out my phone I call mum, she picks up within seconds. "Mama, I have detention, don't worry I'm not in trouble, I was just late because I needed to pee badly." I lied to her because if she knew why I was in the toilet it would break her heart and she didn't deserve that. "Oh okay, princess but come home soon." She said, her voice always so soft and calming. 

I disconnect the call and make my way to Mr Cooper's classroom, he gives me pencils to sharpen and I get right to it. Ryder came in soon after and was handed some unfinished work of his. He sat behind me to the right and began working. I finished sharpening but because sir hadn't told me to leave I got my book out and started to read. I hear shuffling and turn to see Ryder smirking.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, why was he smirking?

He then lifted a bag up, my bag specifically. My eyes widened and I reached over to get it but he pulled back. I fell onto his table and it made a loud noise, I looked over to see that Mr Cooper had his earphones in and was concentrating on marking the books.

I looked up into his eyes as he stared into mine, they were full of this unknown emotion that I couldn't decipher. I blushed, this position was way too intimate for me to comprehend.

I slowly got up and removed my eye contact with him, it was far too intimidating. I got my bag and walked up to Sir. He took his earphones off, "Sir can I leave? I finished sharpening the pencils."

"Yes, Ayla but don't be late like that again." He says and I nod, I leave the room and the academy frantically making my way home.

As I walked home from the station I thought about Ryder, his eyes were so captivating. I stopped myself and got rid of any thoughts of him. Once home I completed any work and went about my day before going to bed ready for another day.

Another day of being taunted by Ryder.



hiiii, hope you all enjoyed! pls let me know what you guys think?

as always pls vote if you liked.

stay safe, eat and drink lots of water.

lots of love,


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