
Chapter 4


"Gab, my friend!" Mike greeted me cockily as he entered the room. Our block mates looked at him weirdly as it was too early to be that loud but Mike is naturally loud. That's actually his voice's normal volume and I can't do anything but shook my head as I wait for him to finally settle down at the chair beside me. I frowned when I saw how wide his smile was. It's as if he won the lottery with that kind of look and that's quite far from the usual grin he flash every morning. 

Well, Mike is the type of guy who can't easily get sad. He always looks at the brighter side of things. That's why he decided that he'll also study Psychology with me so that, he'll be able to infect his future clients with his happy virus. And as for me, I wanted to study Psychology to be able to read people's mind. Well, not totally read them to a certain extent that I can guess what they're going to say but I want to be able to know who's telling the truth among the people around me. And of course, to help those people who are having difficulties by means of coping up to the society. 

I know for a fact that mental health matters and I'm also a hypocrite for studying something that deals with it while breaking a lot of girls' heart at the same time. For all I know, I may be one of the reason why a girl is kind of insecure and depressed but I couldn't stop myself from playing around. 

And besides, men are naturally polygamous. Men aren't supposed to taste just one dish and eat it for the rest of their lives. And as for me, well, I want to have a grandiose buffet. I wanna have them all. That's why I'm quite allergic to commitment. I can't commit myself to one person. Maybe not now, but in the near future. I know I'll meet my match but I just hope it's not any time soon cause I'm still enjoying my happy go lucky life with my harem of girls.

It was then Mike's unusual happy aura and bright smile caught my attention so I looked at him quizzically. Seems like something good happened while he's on his way here causing him to smile from ear to ear.

"What's with that creepy smile of yours? It seems like something from your wildest dreams had finally happened in real life?" I said and even got more curious when he laughed. I even had to hit his head for him to stop laughing mindlessly as if there's only the two of us in the room.

"Aow! Gab! You could've just told me to stop laughing!" He complained and I can't help but to raise one corner of my lips to mock him. 

"As if you would listen." I retorted and he winced while massaging the part that I hit. "So tell me, what is it?" I asked and he looked at me quizzically. 

"What do you mean, 'what is it?'" He asked and I can't help but to shook my head once again. Seems like he totally forgotten that he actually looked like someone who had gone mad a while ago because of his smile. 

"What's the reason behind you unusual lively aura this morning?" I said and he paused for a minute to think of what I'm pertaining to.

"A-ahhh. That." Again, he smiled before looking at me. "Well, I dunno if you can call this a good news but for me, it's far beyond great! Cause--

"Stop going around the bush and get to the main point, Mike. The professor would be here soon--"

"Good morning, Class!" Speaking of which, my words were cut off by our professor and I can't help but wince as I turn to look at him only to be surprised upon seeing the guy standing next to him. I can feel my heart beating faster as I recognize the guy's familiar built and his mystic eyes.


And as if on cue our gazes met and it's clearly obvious that he's not glad upon seeing me. We can all hear the girls gossiping about him and some are even giggling as if they're being tickled. Well, I can't blame them. It's not really surprising for people to swoon over Maze's looks for it's really oozing with so much appeal. But of course, I am still more handsome than him. For a moment, I saw the terse expression on Maze's face before going back to being blank as he look at the the professor. But Mike slowly poked my side so I looked at him and he's smiling at me.

"It's actually the reason why I'm happy. I saw Maze at the university gate with Tong and judging from the uniform he's wearing, I knew right away that he'll be studying here. I just didn't thought that I'd be this lucky to have him as my block mate." Mike said while grinning and I can't help but to wince. 

"Lucky, you say."

It was then I realized that I'm actually planning to get even for what he did to me last night and this is totally a good opportunity for me to do it!

'Oh, yeah right. How lucky can you be, Gab? Seems like you have all the gods on your side.'

I can't help but to smirk just by thinking about the possible revenge I can do to get even with Maze.

"We have a new student as you can all see." Our professor said bluntly. "Please introduce yourself before taking a seat." Maze nodded as he keep his straight face before bowing. 

'Man, how can I ever tacit this guy? He can quickly switch his expressions!'

"Hello, everyone. My name is Maze." He said before looking around and he seemed confused upon seeing some of our block mates' reactions. It's obvious that they are waiting for Maze to say more about himself but it's also obvious that Maze had no plans to say more. He even seemed to be hesitant upon introducing himself but because he doesn't have any choice, he obliged to our professor's request. 

"Is that all you're going to say?" Even the professor seemed to be confused at how short his introduction was. And Maze looked at him while frowning before flashing a sarcastic smile.

"I can actually present my autobiography if you have time, Sir." My eyes widened upon hearing what he said, the whole class fell in silence as if absorbing what he just said and contemplating if it's either a joke or guised disrespect towards our professor. 

But then, Mike started to laugh so I looked at him and I can see that he's just trying to lighten up the heavy atmosphere because of Maze's sarcasm. Our mates looked at Mike and he encouraged them to laugh with him and it's clearly obvious that he's trying to save Maze from a sure sermon. I looked at Maze and he looked so done with all these as he stared at our professor blankly. 

I can see the confused expression from our professor's face but Maze didn't even bother to blurt out some excuse that could help Mike and our mates from saving him. And judging from what I've observed, I can really say that Maze has an attitude problem. Starting from last night, up until now, it's obvious that he can't take hold of himself and just blurts out the things on his mind without hesitation. 

'This guy is one hell of a complicated person. How can he be friends with Top?'

As far as I know, the last thing that Top would like to deal with are the things that can make his life complicated. And there's no doubt that Maze can give anyone a pain in the neck just by talking to him! 

"A-ah, you can now take your seat. Sit wherever you want." The professor said as if he's been in a trance after hearing Maze's sarcasm. Maze nodded before looking around but Mike is too eager to get closer to Maze that he even raised his hand. 

"Maze! Over here!" Mike said and Maze looked at our direction. It's kind of weird that instead of Mike, his gaze directed at me which I coincidentally met. I don't know what's happening but why does everything around us seems to blur out? It feels like there's only the two of us. "You can sit with us, Maze!" Mike added causing us to break the stare and he turn to face Mike and smiled at him.

"Thanks but, I'd rather not." I frowned when I heard his answer and saw that he's now smirking at me.

"Aow, and why not?" I can hear Mike's disappointed voice and he even pouted. 

"If it's only you then I won't really hesitate." Maze answered and I know very well who's he pertaining to. His cryptic message only meant that if it wasn't because of me, then he won't think twice about sitting with Mike. Hence, the reason why he's not sitting with us is actually because he doesn't want to sit with me. 

'Damn, this guy is really testing my patience.'

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I snapped at him as I couldn't take it anymore. I didn't do anything to him that's why I don't understand why he's being downright rude to me! Mike held my shoulder to stop me from zapping this arrogant guy in front of me but to no avail, I remained throwing dagger stares at Maze while he kept his straight face as if he's telling me that he's not afraid of me. Then I heard our professor cleared his throat causing me to look at him only to see him walking towards our direction. It was then I realized that we're still inside the classroom and our block mates and professor witnessed how I snapped at Maze. 

I saw their reactions and I can see that some guys are enjoying our tumultous face off while some girls are glaring at me. Hmm, seems like they have found a new crush and they've totally forgot that they once became head over heels towards me. Tsk. And I think that's good. That aside from being downright rude to me, I have more reasons to hate Maze and that's because he will be the reason while I be deprived by some girls' attention.

"What's going on, Gab?" Our professor asked and I looked at Maze who's still smirking at me cockily and I can't help but to wrinkle my nose because of too much frustration. 

'I swear that I'll have my revenge on you, Maze.'

I forced a smile before long at our professor and shook my head. 

"N-nothing, Sir. Sorry." I tried to sound sincere though, my apology is obviously fake. Our professor nodded before looking at Maze once again.

"Take your seat, Maze." Maze nodded before proceeding at the chair on our opposite row. Meaning, we are side by side to each other and I can totally see every move he makes through my peripheral vision. But c'mon! I am not observing him! And I have no plans! Swear to God, liars will die!

Our professor went back to the central front and started discussing but I can't totally focus on his lectures because Mike is poking my side again. I looked at him while frowning but he's actually looking in front to pretend that he's listening to the lectures when in fact, he's trying to gossip.

"What is it?" I hissed. Good thing that we're actually a little far from our block mates and my voice is only loud enough for him to hear. 

"Bro, tell me the truth." He said and I frowned even more.

"What truth are you talking about? I haven't go on a date after Jen--"

"That's now what I mean, Gab. Tell me the reason why Maze is being like this towards you!" He whispered, almost hissing at me. And I paused to think of what to answer with his question. I've actually no idea. I don't know why Maze's treating me like that when he's somehow civil towards other people. It's as if I've done something bad to him and that he's holding grudges for me. But I don't recall any incidents that involves the both of us for him to treat me like this. Well, except for the one that I had interrupt his phone conversation last night at the rooftop when Jen made a scene and slapped me in front of him. That's actually the first time I met him. 

"Gab." Mike's voice is enough to take me back from reality as I was too drown of thinking about the possible reason why Maze is treating me badly.

But I don't know. 

I really don't know the reason. 

Was he annoyed at first sight when he saw me? 

But that's impossible. I'm too adorable to annoy someone. Everybody, especially girls loves me.

"Can you now tell me the reason?" Mike asked once again and I shook my head before looking at me. 

"I don't know." I whispered underneath my breath as I watch Maze listen to the professor, he looked totally oblivious about his surroundings and seems to be very interested in out topic for today. 

I tried looking at his eyes.

And frowned upon seeing som ething that I never knew I would be able to see. 

What is that emotion that I can see through his eyes?

Was it...


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