
Chapter 2


I am held in chains on a platform outside of any cell block. I was on my knees, my head hanging low since the collar on my neck is so heavy. I was weak, I was starved and dehydrated, days without sleep. Every day, a woman comes to torture me with something new to offer. I’ve been beaten, stabbed, drowned, burned, suffocated, and much more. Yet somehow I healed quickly and no scars appeared on my body. I look up to see the sun rising over the wall, the cold air from the night still lingering. The sun was warming me up but not by much. I needed to escape! I need to do it today or else I’m afraid that my life will end here. I try to get up but my legs are weak from sitting on my knees. Blisters started to form on my wrists and knees. There are other prisoners here besides me. Monsters and humans alike, yet I did nothing wrong! Or did I? I couldn’t remember how I got here or why I’m here in the first place. All I remember is waking up in a cell next to a crazy lunatic screaming profanities at something. I needed some rest, so I closed my eyes for only a minute before my eyes opened on their own. I was on high alert as I heard someone coming towards me and I knew who it was. A Japanese woman with spider legs appeared in my line of vision. Every time I looked at her I wanted to vomit but I was too weak. She cocked her head to the side with an evil grin on her face.

"You look tired, Warrior. Didn’t you sleep well?” The woman asks, getting into my face. I scowled at her saying nothing. She slaps me across the face. “Saying nothing will not save you from your punishment, Damian. I’ll admit that you are strong both physically and mentally, but eventually you will break like everyone else.” I continue to just scowl at her. She turns her head to whistle for a torturer to come. “Let us see if you are strong after this.” She whispers in my ear. She crawls away back from where she came from. That’s when I notice thunderous footsteps approaching. A shadow comes in front of the sun, blocking it out. The monster has one eye, is at least twelve feet tall, has sharp teeth and a horrible grin.

"Welcome to your prison for all of eternity.” He says. I stay silent as my fists ball up in rage. I’ve had enough of this torture. “Strong silent type today? You won’t be silent for long.” He starts laughing as he sharpens some tools of torture. It took him about ten minutes to sharpen them. He cuts himself on his hand. “Hmm, sharp enough.” He says to himself. He turns around and outright stabs me in the abdomen. I let out a scream of pain as he cuts deeper. “That’s it, keep screaming! Soon you’ll run out of strength and you will break.” He then takes the bladed weapon out of my stomach. I notice that his blood was made out of fire or more specifically, lava. I started to whisper something to myself. “Huh? What is it that you say?” He comes closer to hear me. My plan is in motion. “Is that a prayer? There is no God that can help you here.” He laughs manically.

"I need no God.” I say before I bite his ear off. He screams in pain, holding where his ear used to be. I spit the ear towards one of my chains to melt it. Once it melted, I used it to break the other chain off. With both hands free I use my strength to take off the collar on my neck. The brute comes towards me with a club but I shatter his knee with a brutal punch. I grab a sword to decapitate him, yelling as I swing it. I cut his head clean off with one swing. The guards come quickly with spears, swords, knives, and other weapons of that nature. I ready myself for a fight seeing that there are about one hundred of them and only one of me. I charge towards them yelling a war cry.


I go through a stack of documents on my desk, retracting my spider legs into my back. I searched for Damian’s file to see why he was so strong, so well powered, and so forth. At last, I found it in a drawer where I keep a bottle of wine. I pulled it out, poured myself a glass and drank as I read his file. Strange, he doesn’t appear to have a birthdate or parents. In fact he has no history of any kind. As I read, a commotion from outside drew my attention to the door. The door suddenly kicked itself open and in front of me was a blood stained Damian, anger lacing his features. He slowly walks towards me with a sword in his hand. He is breathing very heavily.

“Give me the keys so I can walk out of here. No one else needs to get hurt.” He threatens. I let out a shallow laugh. “Do not laugh at me!” He yells.

“You’re adorable! Thinking you can get out of here alive. No one has ever escaped the Prison of the Damned and that record will remain unbroken.” I say, calmly. “Though I am impressed that you made it here to my office. Tell you what, let’s make a deal. If you can kill the biggest fighter in this prison, I will let everyone in this place go back to their lives and leave everyone alone for all of eternity.” I mocked. There was no way he could defeat what I had in store.

“And if I don’t defeat it?” He asks.

“Then you will stay and the torture that comes with this stay will be the prisoners choice. Do we have a deal?” I ask.

He nods. “Deal.” We shake hands as I teleport us to the coliseum. I sit on a throne overlooking the whole battlefield as I release the prisoners from their cells. All of them take their seats, not knowing what is going on. I look upon them. All their souls are broken since most have been here for many centuries or millennia. All of us see Damian, alone on the battlefield. I’ll admit that he has impressed me so far getting through hundreds of guards that were armed with stabbing weapons and crossbows. But my champion in this coliseum has never been defeated nor has he ever been injured. I use my magic to conjure a table of weapons in front of Damian.

“Choose your weapon!” I shout down at him. Damian comes to the table to pick out two swords with serrated blades. This man sure did love his swords. I nod at a servant of mine to ready himself to pull a lever. “Release the Kaiju!” And with that my servant pulls the lever.


“Release the Kaiju!” The warden shouts. I readied myself for one hell of a fight as a gigantic gate opened. The prisoners stayed silent. At first, nothing seemed to move in the darkness or even made a sound. But I spoke too soon when one of this thing’s footsteps felt like an earthquake. Another footstep cracks the ground all around me as the monster steps out of the darkness. It had a lizard-like body with bat wings, spines out of its back, large hands, saber tooth tiger fangs, long claws on its hands and feet, and three heads! It lets out a massive roar that deafens me for a couple minutes. The prisoners cheered as the roar excited them. Please God let me live to see the rest of this day!

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