


I felt nervous as we entered the hospital. Today was my scheduled appointment with the OB-GYN, and I wanted to find out how far along my pregnancy was. I couldn't shake the thick layer of sweat coating my skin, especially since my family didn't know about this yet. I was grateful to have a best friend like Celine, who always accompanied me in times like this.

"Come on, don't be nervous, even I'm getting jittery! Oh, wipe off that sweat, it's embarrassing if the doctor finds you all sweaty!"

"Thank you." I quickly took the handkerchief she offered and dabbed at the sweat on my forehead. As we entered the clinic, the anxiety I felt was palpable, more nerve-wracking than reporting or presenting a research paper!

"Good morning, Ms. or Mrs.?"

"Miss. Just call me Keisha." I smiled at the OB-GYN attending to me, and she returned the gesture.

"Okay, Keisha, lie down so I can conduct the check-up." She handed me a gown to change into, which took a while. Some cold substance was applied to my belly before the examination, but I figured it wouldn't have any effect. The doctor peered intently at the monitor, but no matter how hard I stared, I couldn't understand anything.

"The baby is healthy, Keisha!" Her words filled me with joy. It was fortunate that the baby was healthy, and my drinking hadn't affected it. If only I had known I was pregnant, I wouldn't have consumed alcohol.

"You're one and a half months pregnant. Congratulations!"

Keisha and I both smiled as we left the clinic. The baby wasn't fully formed yet, and there wasn't an ultrasound, but I was sure there was another life inside me. And I promised myself to take care of them and not neglect them.

"I'm so excited to be Aunt Keisha! I feel like your child will be a boy, but what's bothering me is it's only been one week since I had intercourse. It's impossible! I'm confused!"

"What? Don't stress about who the father of your child might be! There's only one reason why you're pregnant!"

"W-what? H-how?"

"Artificial insemination, don't you know? They inject semen into your cervix, and you don't need to have intercourse just to get pregnant." I was puzzled by what she said. Artificial insemination? I didn't remember anything like that, but there was only one reason I could think of. When the strange doctor entered my room during my hospitalization for dengue. She injected something strange into me because she injected it into my pearl! And I didn't even bother to ask what it was! Why didn't I think of that? Everything was slowly becoming clear to me. Maybe that doctor mistook me!

"Oh gosh, Celine, I remember! What should I do? Where can I find that doctor?"

"Oh my gosh, you really remember? You agreed to it!"

"Of course not! Do you remember when I was diagnosed with dengue and hospitalized for over a week? I remember! When a strange doctor entered my room and injected something into my pearl! I thought it was just part of my medication!" I received a light slap on the arm, and surprise was evident on her face.

"You're such an idiot! Do you think there's medicine for dengue that they inject into your vagina? Didn't you even think about that?"


"Come here, I'll smack you on the head to wake you up! There's nothing you can do; your belly will just get bigger! What worries me is what if the semen's owner is in jail? Or worse, what if he's a criminal, loitering on the streets, or maybe even insane?" I quickly grabbed her hair, surprised by what she said. It's not impossible!

"W-what if he's not? You're so negative!"

"Oh, I hope you inherit my traits! And we need to find that idiotic doctor who injected you; she probably knows who the father is. But when will you tell your family?" I heaved a deep sigh; I couldn't hide this from my family forever because my belly was getting bigger, and I had to face their wrath. I could understand and accept their disappointment; the blessing was already here, and there was no reason to retreat and regret anymore.

"I-I'll tell them tomorrow. I don't want to delay this any longer."

"Good, always remember that even though you're dumb, your smart friend is here to support you." She smirked as she glanced at my belly, which wasn't that big yet.

"It's annoying; I'm jealous! Ouch!" I pinched her cheek due to my frustration, which resulted in her wincing in pain.

"Hey, stop it, ugly! You're making yourself uglier!" We both laughed at what she said. Isn't it true? We're good at giving advice and preaching to others, but we find it so hard to apply them to ourselves.

I decided to postpone heading straight to my shop because I was feeling overwhelmingly sleepy, and my body was in need of rest. Recognizing the importance of taking care of myself and my baby, I made the conscious choice to step back from my responsibilities as an online seller. I knew that overexerting myself with work could potentially harm both me and the baby, so I wanted to prioritize my pregnancy above all else.

With a newfound focus on my well-being, I made sure to consume nutritious foods and steer clear of coffee, opting instead for milk as a healthier alternative. Establishing a routine, I diligently set alarms on my phone to remind me to take my daily vitamins, ensuring that both my body and my growing baby were receiving the necessary nutrients for a healthy development.

Choosing comfort over style, I wore a loose floral dress for the day. Its relaxed fit provided the comfort I needed, especially since I wanted to avoid anything tight around my waist. Today marked the momentous occasion of revealing my pregnancy to my family, a task that filled me with trepidation and uncertainty. I grappled with how to broach the subject and admit the truth to them, fearing their reaction and unsure of how they would take the news. Despite my apprehension, the overwhelming joy I felt about the impending arrival of my baby eclipsed all other emotions, giving me the courage to face whatever response awaited me.

"Mommy will do this for you, baby." I gently brushed my hand over my belly, even though it wasn't big yet. I felt the life within me. And like Mama, I knew she was already aware of what I wanted to say today.

My mother is an exemplary mother who has been pregnant several times. Sometimes, she catches me vomiting in the bathroom. Instead of asking why, she just smiles at me, as if telling me that it's okay. Perhaps she's just waiting for me to open up to her.

"What do you want to say, Keisha? It's already 7:00 am, and I need to leave for work by 8." I released a deep sigh; it seemed like my two brothers were in a bad mood, which only made me more nervous. But gradually, the warmth and firm grip of my mother's hand on mine helped calm me down.

"I-I don't know how to start or admit this to you. I'm scared of your reaction... but my joy outweighs it." I bit my lip as Kevin furrowed his brow. Kuya Keifer, on the other hand, remained calm.

"I'll understand if you get angry because I know you have many dreams for me."

"Will you please get to the point, Keisha! You're confusing us!"

"Kevin, don't yell at Keisha!" I couldn't hold back my tears any longer, especially when Mama held my hand.

"Kuya Kevin, Kuya Keifer, p-please forgive me... I'm pregnant." I couldn't bring myself to look at their faces because of what their reactions might be. I buried my face in my hands and cried, feeling Mama's comforting hand on my back, which only made me cry even more. Mama, why are you like this? Why didn't she scold me instead of comforting me? I'm so lucky to have her as my mother, who gave birth to me in this world.

I promise to be a strong and loving mother like my own mom, Kendra. She raised three kids all by herself, showing us endless love and devotion. No matter what challenges came her way, she never gave up on us.

My mom faced life's ups and downs with courage, never letting fear stop her. She took on the role of a single parent with grace, making sure we had everything we needed and giving us all her love. Even when things got tough, she never wavered in her determination to give us the best life possible.

What I admire most about my mom is how independent she was. She never asked for help or relied on anyone else to take care of us. When we asked her why she didn't find a partner, she would just smile and say, "You are my world. I don't need anyone else because you are more than enough." Her words always stuck with me, showing me the depth of her love.

Now that I'm becoming a mother myself, I want to pass on the same love and strength to my child. I'll cherish the lessons my mom taught me and be there for my child no matter what. Just like my mom, I'll face the challenges of parenthood with courage, knowing that her love will always guide me.

"Hush, princess, I'm sorry for raising my voice; your brother's just in a bad mood. Stop crying. We are not mad."

"Hey, stop crying, ugly; you're making yourself uglier." Their words made me cry even more.

"I said stop crying; don't make it worse." I noticed that as time passed, I became more emotional, probably due to my pregnancy.

"A-are you not angry at me?" I looked at the three of them in front of me, but all Mama gave me was a smile. My suspicion was correct; Mama already knew that I was pregnant. She started to doubt it when I began avoiding foods with garlic and suddenly started vomiting.

"Why would we be?" I raised an eyebrow as Kuya Keifer's sarcastic voice filled the room. He's really a philosopher.

"Oh, did you see that, Kevin? Our pregnant sister got even more sullen!" I chuckled at Kuya Keifer's words, knowing he just wanted me to feel comfortable and assure me that everything was okay and they accepted me even though I was pregnant. I'm so lucky to have such understanding brothers.

"Why? Do you want us to be?" I raised an eyebrow at Kuya Keifer's sarcastic tone. He's really a philosopher.

"Oh, did you see that, Kevin? Our pregnant sister got even more sullen!" I chuckled at Kuya Keifer's words, knowing he just wanted me to feel comfortable and assure me that everything was okay and they accepted me even though I was pregnant. I'm so lucky to have such understanding brothers.

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