


Louis Armstrong International Airport

New Orleans

AN ASIAN-LOOKING flight attendant—a woman too young to be working full-time, in Jeannine’s opinion—sat with the shaken attorney as the rest of the passengers disembarked.

“It was only a nightmare,” she told the young attendant. “Too many drinks before getting on board. I’ll be fine in a minute. Honestly, you don’t have to stay with me.”

“It’s not a problem,” said the Delta cheerleader with a toothy smile. “Gets me out of picking up other people’s booger rags stuffed in the seat cushions.”

Jeannine’s stomach lurched. “Nice,” was all she could say without grabbing an airsick bag.

The last passenger—an old man with a cane—finally exited the aircraft.

“I’m okay,” said Jeannine to the attendant. “Really. I can just go grab my bag and get a cab to my hotel—”

“Jeannine LaRue?”

A short man with a buzz cut appeared. He wore a cheap suit under a damp trench coat and stood flanked by two uniformed cops. The three of them block
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