
Chapter Three

I had seen Finn in school from the time I was young but i really got to know him the summer before my senior year in high school. He had been from the proverbial wrong side of the tracks, his family was dirt poor but he was always determined to make a success out of his own life and turn things around.

Finn ended up helping me with my math and soon we were inseparable, i loved his hunger and motivation and the way he never talked down about anyone, i thought he was every one of my fairytales come to life.

I found i was spending every waking moment with him, when my father found out i was dating a boy from the poor side of town he became very furious and demanded that i end the relationship, it was the first time in my life my father told me that I could not have something i wanted, it also was the first time I had defied my father.

I had been stubborn, putting my foot down and continued to see Finn behind my father’s back, I dearly loved that he seemed to like me for me and not my money, he would not let me spend money on him, ever. Finn worked hard for a construction company, which would frustrate me at times, because I wanted him to be with me and not at a job, I was ready to lay him for the time spent being with me, outside the Usual time we spend together.

Finn would just laugh at my complaints but always made it up to me on the weekend, that last weekend we had been together, we snuck off and went camping in the woods, i made love to him for the first time, it was the most magical experience i had ever had, he proposed marriage to me that night and i said YES, we were going to meet at the old abandoned church on the outside of town on Sunday and run away together, he had been saving all his money and was heading to the city to make something of himself.

I had gone home after being gone all night and my father had been spitting, ready to turn the world upside down, he was so angry with me, i told him i was of legal age and could do what i wanted, i told my father I loved Finn and i was going to marry him.

My father had seemed to accept my decision, because he become eerily calm and kissed me on the cheek, that was a rare thing as he was not normally a man to openly show affection.

My father said i was right and he was proud of me for making adult decisions, he then asked if he could help with anything, I had been so overwhelmed with happiness that my ather had accepted my decision, I told him everything.

The next day i ended up being late to the church, because i had a few errands for father, he had asked me to do for him, knowing i had the rest of my life with Finn, i could wait a couple of hours running errands before running away with him, i knew finn would wait for me, I was confident in our relationship.

I got to the church and was surprised he was not there but figured he got busy like me, so I waited and then waited some more, I sat there all afternoon until I finally accepted he was not coming as the sun started to set in the sky.

Being totally devastated, i dragged myself home, crying the entire way, when i walked into the house and my father saw me, he took me into his arms, wanting to know what was wrong, I cried in his arms , finally telling my father Finn never shown up.

He had continued to stroke his daughter's back, telling me everything was okay, he explained to me that he never trusted the boy and that is why he had been so overprotective, i never suspected my father had anything to do with Finn not arriving.


Finn's POV:

I left the hotel and was thinking back to that summer as well but my memories were far different from those of Lilith, i had so much bitterness about that day but if i really thought back to it, that is what shaped me into the man i was now.

I had fallen head over heels for this girl, I never thought I was worthy of dating someone as amazing as her but I was determined to make myself so, when I ended up helping her with her school work and found a connection together, I was unable to stay away from her.

I thought she was so different from the other kids who had money, her family were the richest in town and her father reveled in that fact, he walked around in his custom made suits and drove his expensive cars. Hell, the man’s house was a showpiece so all the people lower than him could worship at his doorstep.

When I and Lilith made love for the first time and I realized she had given me her most sacred gift, i was overwhelmed, I proposed right away and decided to run away with her, to do the right thing, to spend the rest of his life with Lilith, away from her father, away from whosoever was going to tear us apart.

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