

We finally made it to the beach and I couldn’t help but get more and more excited. The water looked so clear and inviting I just wanted to jump in. I looked back at Gray but he was too busy typing away. I shot a glance at Fernando but he was too busy parking. I rolled my eyes and returned my attention to the beautiful waters in front of us.

As soon as we parked Gray got out to get his bathing suit from his assistant. I used this time to take off my dress and adjust my bathing suit. Making sure to tie my hip that Gray decided to untie. I peeked at Fernando while I changed and adjusted myself and he wasn’t even looking at me… which wasn’t at all how he would normally react while I stripped right in front of him. 

Normally he would embarrass or fluster me by being really hands-on, staring at me the entire time, or telling me to do some perverted pose for him, but right now… he wasn’t even looking at me. What made it even worse was that he was quiet. He was lost in thought that I could see but… what was he thinking about?

For some reason, I didn’t mind the lack of attention. At the same time, I constantly cursed at myself for wanting Gray to look at and appreciate me.

I bit my lip and mentally fought off those horrible thoughts. I just wanted attention and right now, I wasn’t getting any. I pouted to myself while I strolled over to the metal rail that separated the parking lot from the beach and leaned against it clearing my mind as I stared into the horizon. 

This view is stunning.

It was about a minute of silence before I felt a pair of hands trail down my sides and grip my hips. Before I could look at who the hands belonged to, I was thrust up against and felt a hand slide down my stomach and into my bikini bottom slowly making its way lower to more sensitive areas. My heart dropped and I panicked so I pulled the hand out before it made it to where it was heading and pushed the person away. Taking the moment to hop over the metal rail to create more distance, I watched as my phone thudded to the sand and slid ahead of me, before turning to see who it was. It was Fernando. Honestly, I didn’t know why I didn’t immediately assume it was him… but then somewhere in the back of my thoughts I was quickly reminded of who came to mind first and I shivered. I took a few seconds to shake away the nightmarish events that my brain refused to let me forget before responding.

“I-I… sorry, you just caught me off guard.”

“It’s okay. Wanna talk about it?” I shook my head no and slowly climbed over the rail to join him.

“That’s okay! I want to take you somewhere beautiful, don’t worry it’s on this beach and it’s not far from where we are now, it’ll… give me a chance to have some alone time with you. You up for it?”

I was still shaken up from what just happened both physically and mentally but I just nodded in response and hoped that whatever he had planned would either help soothe or distract me, because I was not in a good headspace right now. I watched as he smiled sweetly which calmed me down a tiny bit but nowhere near enough to say I’m fine. He walked by Gray who whispered something to him as he led me to this so-called beautiful space. We were probably really close to the spot when I remembered that my phone was still in the sand. I tried to get Fernando’s attention but he was so far ahead of me that he didn’t notice I was talking to him.

So much for fucking alone time you’re like a mile ahead of me. Hold my damn hand or something. Stick with me.

I decided to cut my losses and run back to the area to get my phone. I would much rather it be lost in the car than forget it at the beach. When I made it back to the spot where I dropped my phone I plucked it out of the sand and threw it in the car. Gray was there giving me a puzzled look the entire time I stood there huffing and puffing.

“Why was your phone in the sand? Did you throw it? Are you okay?” His worry made my anger and sadness dissipate immediately as I laughed at his confusion.

“No. No. I dropped it there earlier and forgot it and yes I’m fine now.” he smiled and walked over to me. Paused, and hugged me to his bare chest I could hear his calm heartbeat as he softly squeezed me in his arms. I couldn’t tell when he was wearing a suit but Gray was pretty toned but he wasn’t scary muscular with veins popping out everywhere just… well defined. I shook those types of thoughts out of my head and took the moment to calm down, to think, to clear my mind. I don’t know why but his soft random hug made my eyes tear up. I didn’t want the hug to end. It was so comforting and kind and I couldn’t help but feel safe. But eventually, he pulled away from me and cupped my cheek.

“Are you okay now?” the tears that were welling up in my eyes finally spilled over. I was smiling the entire time before this but he saw right through me he knew I was upset… how?

“Yes, much better now thank you.” I melted in his gaze as I felt the sadness fade away while he wiped my tears. There was so much love and kindness in his actions. It was almost alarming.

You treat me like a human… like a person. Thank you.

I made an effort to thank him out loud but there was a rough yank on the back of my collar which momentarily stopped all air and hurt like hell. My body stumbled backward with the force being exerted on my collar. My collar was still being roughly yanked around when I was forced to face the person responsible. 

“What are you doing to her?! Let her go!!” Gray’s deep voice barked out with anger and outrage. He tried to come closer but stopped in his tracks when he looked at me. I had tears in my eyes from the pain but his eyes were stolen away from me when Fernando continued to speak.

“Shut the fuck up Gray! Now I know why you want me to be honest! You want to steal my girl! My property! Hell no! I’m going to fuck her brains out and you are going to sit right there and wait for us to come back happy and satisfied!” he yanked my collar downward and forced me to fall to my knees the asphalt immediately tearing into my skin and drawing blood only to burn my wound and any skin that came in contact with it. It was only fiveish but the air was already muggy and hot which was probably why the asphalt was so hot.

“Let me go… please you’re hurting m-”

“Shut up slut!!” I quickly did as I was told it was my fault for wanting attention from Gray. This was his way of punishing me so I did as I was told. Gray tried to storm forward but I stopped him.

“Just stay there. We’ll be back. I’m sor-” Fernando yanked my collar hard.

“You should be fucking apologizing to me! Not him!”

“I’m sorry Fernando.”

I’m so sorry Gray I should have just ignored you… I-I should have known better. I’m such a horrible person.

“That’s fucking right, now let’s go.” he pulled me up by my collar but once I was on my feet he yanked my collar down and started walking so I would be forced to stumble and walk while I was bent over. The empty beach didn’t change the fact of how humiliated I felt. I felt like an animal… an object. After I came to this realization I started hammering and clawing at his arms, hands, and legs. That’s when he whipped my collar to the side and let go, sending me straight to the sand. 

I glared at him for a second. I couldn’t believe the disrespect and the public abuse. He just climbed on top of me. He was still in his cargo pants so the material and the sand caught between the fabric and my skin scratched uncomfortable circles as he groped me and argued with me. I slapped his hands away every time they made contact with my skin.

“What is wrong with you today? First, you act weird around me while your “best bud” Gray is around and now you’re dragging me across the beach to some dingy overhang half-assed cave by my collar, like some psycho!”

“You were cheating on me! You did me wrong and I’m the bad guy for reacting the way I did?”

“Cheating? I was not cheating just now! That was a hug and nothing more. Nothing more would have happened with or without you dragging me by my collar!” I died inside saying that but I was about to make a valid point.


“What if you broke it? You’re the same one who loves to brag about how much it stands for how much you love and own me… so what if it broke?”

“I wasn’t even that rough.”

“The skin on my neck begs to differ. You’re so careless lately.”

I’ve made up my mind. I’m done being his object. I don’t want to hear any apologies or hand out any more forgiveness. I’m done with you. We’re done, just give me a chance to say it. Watch. 

“Is this what you do when I’m away when I’m deployed, or out of town? You become a slut for anyone who asks nicely?” I rolled my eyes, offended by the audacity of this man.

“You done? Look whatever you want to believe… believe it, I don’t care but you will get the fuck off of me, and once you do just know that me and you? We’re done. We don't exist.” I pushed him off me hard. I wanted to get off the sand and into the water because the sand on my knees and neck was irritating my poor raw skin.

“Ludo?” I got to my feet and started making my way out from under the overhang cave.


“What do you want?”

“Don't do this, don’t leave me. I love you.”

“You definitely show it.” I spat sarcastically while rolling my eyes. 

He grabbed my wrist and yanked me to him then pushed me back to the ground and started placing kisses everywhere. His actions were no longer filled with love and that disgusted me. So I pried his face away from mine and once again pulled away.

“No, get off of me! Leave me alone! I don't want you and I don't want your touch.”

“But I want you!”

“Okay and?”

“Let me guess you're gonna run straight back to him and fall in love? I bet you only want his money! You just want to be pampered.” 

“It's nothing like that! I can make my own money, I don’t need his. So go fuck yourself.”

“You’re a fucking whore! A fucking slut and you’re so god damn easy that’s probably why even your uncle was able to get a piece of you!”

“No! Shut up! Stop talking. I didn’t want that! I never wanted any of that! You’re such an asshole.”

“Now I don’t feel bad for cheating on your dumb ass for so many years, only a gracious man like me would ever tolerate someone slutty and disgraceful! You’re so fucking disgusting I still don’t know why I kept you around for so long!”

“What? No, but you said you loved me! You said this collar was a symbol of your love, no matter how far away you were you cared about me! Don’t lie to save face!”

“I’m not lying. Seventeen…” 

Seventeen? There is no way he’s a liar.

“There are Seventeen other women other than you that know what my nut tastes like.” his smile was so proud and perverted but there was no way he was serious… right?

“So when I say you’re not fucking important just know… I’m not fucking exaggerating. Oh, and you want to know who else wears collars expecting unconditional love from those who put it on them? Bitches. Dogs, and you are one needy bitch in heat! Go on give me a little bark, stupid whore.” he was inches away from my face the entire time as he spoke his shit. And when tears flooded down my face as I fought with the collar to get it off I wanted nothing to do with him I wanted the collar off of my neck in any way possible.

He gripped my collar and yanked me up to meet his eye level forcing me to tiptoe due to height difference. I yelped in pain as he did this.

“Aww it’s okay doggy I'll help you get it off.” his false sympathy morphed into something much scarier… much more sinister.

I heard a weird metallic click and watched Fernando’s arms reach just out of my peripheral and then flick upwards before I was suddenly freed falling backward due to the lack of warning. I didn’t even fully land in the sand before I felt a searing hot pain that spanned from halfway down my neck all the way to halfway up my cheek. My eyes instantly flicked to the hand that was most likely the cause of my pain only to realize that he was holding a knife and the warm stream flowing down the right side of my body was blood. He then knelt down in front of me and sliced the middle of my right eyebrow. Then threw the knife into the water. And the sliced collar to my side. 

It hurts. It hurts! oh god… it hurts so much! Why? Why me?

I held my face and neck crying until he chose to bring his face inches from mine again


I didn’t even wait for him to say what he was going to say. I punched him in his nose which created the space I needed to wind up and once again punched him, but this time I knocked him out by punching him in the temple. I stood up and began dragging his body back the way we came down the beach and dragged him across the asphalt as I continued to pull him to his car paying no mind to the injuries I may or may not have been causing him as I did so. When I got to the car I was dizzy and angry. Gray hopped off the car’s trunk and helped me stuff Fernando into the back seat. 

“What happened? Why are you bleeding? You know what? Tell me later, get in, we need to take you to the hospital.” I remained silent trying to hold my blood in as we drove but my vision was getting blurry and I was getting tired. I held on for as long as I possibly could until we made it there. Then I told one doctor the story ending it with:

“Yeah, you see the unconscious boy I came in with? Don’t let him into the room I’m in, please, he did this to me. He tried to kill me. I don’t want to die.” and then lost consciousness.

If I survive this… I’m going to fuck him up again. Fucking psycho bitch.

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