
02: Colic in Trash (part 2)

"Who the hell are you?!"

Estrella turned her head to where the voice came from. She finally saw Freda with her blood-soaked medical coat.

Sanguis was just swinging himself at Freda's swivel chair while his feet were on her messy desk. He looked at his wife, who was leaning on Freda's cabinet, while spinning a pen in his fingers.

Freda felt anxious and mad while looking at two strangers who had just broken into her office. Her eyes landed on a woman who was standing right in front of the cabinet where she puts all the ingredients she needed for her business. The fear crawled on her spine when the door of her cabinet was left ajar.

Her hand was shaking while pulling out her phone from her pocket, "I'm going to call the secu–"

"That... won't happen," Sanguis gave her a mocking smile while shaking his eyebrows and waving her phone.

Freda's words flew with the wind. She was stunned at how that guy got her phone in her hand in just a second, considering their over seven feet from each other.

She was about to escape, but the door in front of her slammed with strong force. She gasped when she felt her body suddenly become light and her feet were already detached from the floor.

"What the heck is happening?!" Freda's eyes had a mixture of fear and confusion while floating in the air.

A loud thud and squeaking sound from the swivel chair made Estrella smirk. Freda tried to stand up, but Estrella immediately held her by her neck. The evil surgeon keeps on scratching her neck like someone was actually holding it.

Sanguis threw her phone at the table, "Tell me where your lab is."

"I'd rather die than to give what you want," Freda bravely said. Her face is slowly turning into a tomato.

Estrella sighed and signaled her husband to tie Freda to the chair. He tied the surgeon as quick as lightning.

She sat on the desk while her head resting on her palm, staring at a soulless mother in front. She already wants to rip Freda's skin from her bone, but they still need to know information from her.

She suddenly became allergic to doctors.

"Well, Freda, your life is already on line. You had better work with us so you can still see your sick son," Estrella started.

Freda's looks became solemn yet mad when she mentioned her son. That was every mother's weakness.

Their child.

"Don't you dare to touch even a single strand of my son's hair," she warned in her gritted teeth.

Estrella sarcastically smiled at what she heard, "What do you think your son would feel if he ever knew that his mother killed innocent kids for money?" She sighed deeply, then walked towards the cabinet she peeked at earlier.

"You don't know anything! Just leave us alone!" Freda could break her swivel chair by trying hard to free herself from the wire wrapped around her.

Estrella got the jars from the cabinet one-by-one. All of them contain different parts of human organs. It was preserved using formaldehyde solution, it will keep the organs a bit fresh until she uses it as a poison or on the black market.

She slid her finger on the dusty lid of the jar, "How much does this cost? Is it worth Finn's life?"

"Stop mentioning my son's name using your filthy mouth!" Freda blowed a fuse.

Estrella chuckled. Even though she's enjoying how mad Freda has gotten, there's still a pit of fire in her heart.

The door opened and Sanguis clapped his hands twice to get both of their attention. He put his hands in the pockets of the medical coat he was wearing.

"Your lab is kind of messy, but don't worry, I cleaned it for you."

"What?!" Freda exclaimed.

Sanguis shrugged and a playful smile appeared on his face, "By the way, do you still have a room for fresh organs?" He walked closer to them. His eyes widened when he saw the floating organs inside the jars.

He pouted. His stomach suddenly felt empty. Only if those organs aren't preserved using formaldehyde.

"W-What..." A sudden signal of emergency made Freda's blood cold. She looked at the strangers in front of her, "What do you mean by that?"

"Dra. Freda!" A nurse broke in to her office.

The two strangers suddenly disappeared, as well as the jar of human flesh on her desk. She was already free. It's like nothing happened to her.

"Dra. Freda!" The nurse's voice snapped her back to reality. The nurse was chasing her breath, "Finn is critical! He is now transferred to the Operating Room for an emergency heart transplant."

She didn't speak a word. She just ran off quickly to where her son was. Nurses met her to prepare her for the operation. She shook her head, sighed deeply, and encouraged herself repeatedly to make her calm enough to fight death for her son.

"What did you do?" Estrella asked her husband while watching Freda trying to save her son.

Sanguis suddenly brushed off his right shoulder and shape-shifted to be Freda. He took his body back from him and proudly smiled at his wife.

Estrella rolled her eyes, "You shape-shifted to be Freda, then what did you do to his son?"

"I confessed her sins on her behalf. Finn bawled his eyes out, and had a heart attack."

"Torture," she whispered while smirking. Every bit of sweat breaking into Freda's face was a satisfying scene for her.

Sanguis pulled her closer, "Just like what you wanted."

Freda accidentally slipped the dissecting scissors and cut an artery, causing a massive flow of blood.

"The blood count is dropping!"

"Bulldog Clamp," she commanded in the calmest way she could.

The loud sound from the wheeled metal bed made Freda's ear bleed. She couldn't accept the fact that she was pushing her son's corpse towards the morgue.

She intentionally failed her past operations even though she could totally save her patients' lives. Now, she failed to save her son's life.

Is this her karma?

But she only did that 'evil' thing to save Finn's life...

Why is the world so cruel and unfair? Why can't they understand how far could a mother go to save her own flesh and blood?

"Where are you going?" A familiar voice brought her back to reverie.

Freda's grip tightened as she stared at the lifeless red eyes of the woman standing in front of her. Estrella walked closer to her and leaned to whisper.

"You took the wrong way, Freda. Your son shouldn't be at the morgue."

In just a snap, Freda found herself holding the instruments she was using to do her horrible business. Her breath got heavy when her eyes landed on Finn's lifeless body lying down on her long metal table.

She's still wearing her blood-stained scrub. A footstep echoed, making her raise her head. The dissecting scissor and scalpel slipped on her hands.

"Hm? You have a new customer, remember? Detatch his organs now," Sanguis commands her.

Freda slowly slipped a potassium cyanide injection into her pocket without breaking eye contact with Sanguis.

"You're not satisfied yet? My son was dead!" Freda yelled. Her veins on her neck were visible.

Estrella shook her head and used her telekinesis power to get the potassium cyanide shot from Freda's pocket. She carefully took it from the air and stood up.

She played the shot with her fingers, "The pain you're feeling right now wasn't enough to pay for all the evil actions you did." She walked closer to Freda while putting the injection inside her pocket. Estrella picked up the scalpel and handed it over to Freda.

"I want to watch you suffer, Freda."

"What kind of monster are you?" Freda asked in her shaky and deep voice, with her gritted teeth.

"Vampires?" She chuckled and twirled the scalpel with her fingers again, "But, we're more moral compared to you. So, which of us is the real monster?"


That agony. The way she blubbered.

It's like music in Estrella's ears.

She pulled out the scalpel from Finn's chest and slurped the blood, "So pity. He's so pure and kind." She threw the scalpel back to Freda, "Sorry, I must've tortured his heart."

"You! You will pay for this!"

Freda threw a sharp knife directly to Estrella's head, but she just caught it easily without even looking on it. The surgeon lost it. She climbed over her son's body to attack Estrella from behind.

Estrella swiftly stabbed her neck when she made to avoid Freda's attack. The surgeon seizured and sighed her last breath. She sighed and knelt on the floor to see her blood flowing from her neck. She shook her head when it slowly turned into black.

"You're really evil."

"What? You killed her already?" Sanguis tantrumed like a child. His hair was still a mess from waking up.

Estrella suddenly punched him. Sanguis' soul shook so badly that it totally woke him up.

"What was that for?!"

"I almost died, yet you're sleeping there soundly!" Estrella threw her medical coat to Sanguis and left the room.

"Hey!" Sanguis threw away his medical coat also and chased Estrella.

They're both casually walking in the hallway of the hospital like they didn't do anything horrible. They both hear a faint wailing sound of police siren when they had already got into the parking lot.

Estrella threw her body at the shotgun seat, closing her eyes, and relaxing her body as much as she could. Sanguis started the car and they immediately left the hospital.

"Let's stop for a coffee," Estrella whispered after a long silence.

Sanguis just nodded. They passed a few buildings when Sanguis parked his car in a coffee shop. He left the car without uttering a word. Estrella wanted to breathe some fresh air, so she stepped out of the car and strolled a bit.

She stood beside a trash bin. She was kicking some soda cans when she heard a colic somewhere near her. She followed the sound and it took her to the trash bin beside her.

Estrella was surprised when she saw a baby in the trash bin.

"Who put you in there, my little angel?" she softly asked while rocking the baby to make it stop from crying, and removing some dirt.

The baby slowly stopped crying, and it stared at Estrella's eyes. She warmly smiled at the baby. Her heart melted and went out through her eyes when that little angel started to chuckle sweetly.

All the stress she felt earlier suddenly had fled with the cold breeze of the night. The laugh of that child was a lullaby in her ears that she would listen to every minute of her life, and never got tired get repeating it.

Her heart felt lighter. All of a sudden, she didn't know the feeling of being mad, scared, or blue. She just knew how happy she was now, with an infant lying in her arms.

So, was that how it felt like?

To be a mother of an angel, this is how it feels like.

"I've searched—" Sanguis' feet were glued to the ground when he saw his wife carrying and playing with an infant. He blinked once. Twice. Thrice.

He was not just seeing things. Estrella was really holding a baby. A human baby.

The shock faded instantly from his face when Estrella looked at him. He never saw his wife smiling so genuinely and sweet in their entire time being together. Estrella's eyes glowed. Her aura brightened. 

Estrella badly wants to be a mother.

And now, she had it.

Sanguis felt relieved and happy for his wife. 

He walked closer to her. He also peeked at the beautiful angel that his queen was holding. Sanguis was about to touch the baby's cheek, but it suddenly wailed.

"Oh, oh, oh! I didn't do anything!" He panicked.

Estrella laughed at him while rocking the baby, "You scared her."

"Wait, you already know what her gender is?"

Estrella nodded at him. She checked it earlier while the baby was playing with her.

"I want to keep her."

Sanguis sighed, "We are between a rock and a hard place if we keep her. Your parents, including the whole kingdom, would not accept her in a snap."

"But..." Estrella looked at him with begging eyes, "I badly want her. We can fight for her, right?"

Her husband sighed in defeat. He just kissed her forehead and took them to their car.

Estrella was holding the baby tight on their way to their kingdom. She will do what it takes to keep the infant.

Even if it means surrendering her throne.

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