

One week passed, 

Abhimanyu opened his eyes. He looked around for Sia but didn't find her. He was going to stand up from the bed when his gaze fell on the note. 

He picks up the note and read. 

~ I am going to the hospital. Please eat your breakfast.

A smile crept on his face reading the note, it was so long somewhere to care about his food. Realizing what he was doing, he shrugged his thoughts and get up from the bed, wrapping the sheet around his waist. He was under the shower when he hisses in pain. He walked toward the mirror and saw his back which is full of Sia's nail marks. He looked for an ointment and apply on his back. He comes out of the washroom and wears the clothes which Sia kept for him before going to the hospital, he was used to this. Suddenly he felt like he wants Sia, he wanted to ravish her again. He calls her, but she did not pick up the call. 

Getting no response from her side, he decided to go outside in the fresh air to calm himself and his desires. He was walking outside when he heard a moaning voice from Tina and Viren's room. He closed his eyes painfully imagining what they were doing inside. 

He angrily walked inside his room and all the memories of Tina. Her love confession, her promise, and her plan for marriage. He frustratingly pulls his hair, thinking about his behavior and betrayal. He angrily kicked the table nearby and picked up the alcohol bottle. He picked one bottle and gulped in one go, then the second, then the third.....

In the evening, Sia rushed toward her room, she was feeling restless since morning thinking something bad is going to happen. She opened the door of her room and was shocked to see Abhimanyu and the room's condition. Abhimanyu was lying on the floor while he was surrounded by empty alcohol bottles. Her heart breaks seeing him like this. 

Sia hurriedly rushed toward him, she kept his head on her lap and patted his cheek, and asked:" Abhimanyu, what happened? Are you okay ? ". Abhimanyu opened his eyes slowly but still, he was feeling dizzy. She helped him and take him to the bed, and lay down on it. She covered him with the blanket, she was staring at him.

Her heart pained seeing him like this, she was thinking he was slowly coming out of his addiction. But, today seeing his condition her heart broke. 

She sat on the floor and hold his hand, she kissed his hand and said:" Why are you doing this Abhimanyu ? You don't know how much I love you, and seeing you like this breaks my heart into a million pieces . I felt suffocated and feel like dying to see you like this ".  She kept her head on his palm and slept in the same position. 

The next morning, Abhimanyu opened his eyes. He has a terrible headache, he tried to hold his head when he realized Sia was sleeping on his hand. He looked at her sadly, he promised her that he will not take drink alcohol again, but he broke his promise and wasted her effort. He hisses in pain feeling a headache, Sia opened her eyes hearing his voice.

She looked at him and asked with concern:' Are you okay? You are feeling pain anywhere?". He nodded and informed her that he has a headache. She called the servant and asked them to bring lemon water for him.

She told him without looking at him:" I have asked the servant to bring lemon juice for you, drink it you will feel better ". She was going away when he holds her hand and said:" I am sorry, something happened yesterday and I could not control myself and drank ". 

She looked at him with teary eyes and said while sitting on the bed:" Abhimanyu, my all efforts were in vain if you did not put in effort. I  have asked you to call me if you felt like drinking or taking drugs".

Abhimanyu was looking at her pink lips, his whole attention was on it. He has craving to touch her since yesterday, and not able to control it anymore he slams his lips on her. She was shocked at first due to his sudden action, but after some time she also starts responding.

The kiss gets more and more intense as well as passionate, they both were out of breath and pulled back. He again sealed his lips with her, she wrapped her hands around his neck. He kissed her more passionately this time and started exploring her mouth. 

After minutes of kissing they finally pull back, Abhimanyu said looking at her:" Trust me, before drug or alcohol, I wanted you, but you were not picking up my call . I did not have any option, I am sorry ".

Sia sighed looking at him,  looking at his puppy face she can't say anything. She picked up her phone and send her hospital address and contact number, she said:" I have sent you my hospital address and details .  Contact them when I am not picking up your call ". 

He nodded and going to capture her lips again when they heard a knock at the door, he groaned frustratingly. She chuckled seeing his expression:" Husband, you have to wait  ".  She walked to the door and take the lemon juice. 

She made him drink the lemonade and went to keep the glass downstairs when he pulled her and made her lay on the bed. They were looking at each other when Abhimanyu captured her lips while his hand moved toward the zip of her dress. 

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