
13 ~ Aurora

I was smiling. Really smiling this time. It was not forced. I even caught myself singing a couple of times as I hurried off to my new favorite place.

"Hey Axel." I waved at him with child-like excitement as I skidded to a halt.

He gave me a slow smile, "Seems like you're in a good mood today,"

"I guess so." I shrugged, giggling slightly. He could tell there was something on the tip of my tongue.

"What's the good news, would you like to share?"

"My friend is coming over today! Leo says she can." I squealed and did a little happy dance.

I was so excited to see River. I had not seen her since the wedding because she had traveled out of town for school and now that she was done with college she was going to be in Washington until she got her dream job. I was so happy for her.

"That's great." Axel said. "Is this friend as beautiful as you?"

I sighed dreamily, "River is so beautiful, you can't possibly compare me to her."

He frowned, "Why would you say that?"

"Well because it's the truth?
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