
Chapter 5

Penelope held her breath until she walked into her car. Once she was behind the wheel, she clutched it in her hand so tight that her claws were white and forced herself to calm down. How had she forgotten about the wives he had after their disastrous wedding day? She had seen them all in celebrity lifestyle shows and magazines. His wife. The second. The third. Then there were the girlfriends. And every time she convinced herself she didn’t love him anymore. She would attend events on the arms of wealthy men, models and actors. And she would look across to see Noel with a new woman on his arm, force herself to smile and try to forget about him. And it seemed to her that he appeared in every event she was.

 It hurt that while she was still pining after him he didn’t care. Now he waltz into her life and demand her back?

Why had she signed the papers anyway?

She would have to find a lawyer who would help her dissolve the marriage. Once again they would be married for only a few hours. Maybe Jay, her head designer would know a good lawyer. Or she could ask Matthew. She could just imagine the look on Matthew’s face if she told him about her and Noel.

Needing something to do to distract herself she finally opened her phone to check her messages. Then froze.

Added to the first message was one from Nancy describing in detail the young man who had come earlier this morning. He was at the house again threatening hail and storm if Nancy wouldn’t let her see him. Her message was urgent: Come quick ma’am. He looks dangerous.

Penny put her car in drive, all thoughts about Noel and marriage gone, and raced home. The man was probably a crazy fan. It wasn’t the first time one stalked her and threatened hail and storm if she wouldn’t see him. A few years ago one fan had even go as far as send messages warning her about seducing him on tv with her outfits.

I will call the police, she thought to herself as she got closer home.

She was only a few yards away when she could just make out appearance of Nancy standing wearily beside a tall figure clad in black. Her mouth went dry.

Albert Kowalski. Dad’s right-hand man.

He stood beside a large motorcycle and in front of him was a cowering Nancy. Nancy sighed in relief as Penny pulled up and ran to the car.

“Thank God you are here ma’am.”

 Her heart heavy in her throat, Penny opened the door. “What the hell are you doing here, Albert?” she demanded walking toward him.

He watched her, dark blue eyes unreadable. This was the face of the man who dragged her down a flight of stairs to be married off at 18. But that’s a different place and a different time…

“Midnight Fox. I am here to take you home,” he said plainly. Home meant Poland.

Nancy, leave us. I’ll handle this.”

“Do you need me to call the police ma’am?”

“No. Go inside.”

She obeyed.

“My name is Penelope Quinn. Midnight Fox aka Penelope Nowak is dead. I am sorry you came looking for a ghost.”

“Is this what you do to the name that made you who you are?” his accent was thick. His stormy blue eyes were harsh with deadly precision. “The family needs you. Your father is in trouble and, you his blood will help.”

Penny laughed, glad that it was mid-afternoon and there was no one to witness their conversation “Is that so? I seem to have done well without the name ‘Nowak’ holding me back. And from all indications,” she gestured to the brand new motorcycle and the diamond earring in his ear, “You seem to be doing well yourself. What kind of trouble can my father possibly be in?”

“I cannot tell you. The boss will tell you everything you need to know.”

“The boss will tell me nothing because you are leaving and you will never come back. If it’s money my father wants he knows how to get it!”

“Money is too simple this time around, Fox. Your skills are needed again. The boss is desperate otherwise he wouldn’t be seeking the help of his estranged daughter.”

“Tell him to go to hell. Go with him too.”

“I wish I could.”

“You cannot force me to go with you.”

“I abduct you.”

He spoke in a monotone. Penny didn’t don’t doubt for a second that Albert would tie her up and fly her across the Atlantic Ocean. He didn’t become Hubert Nowak’s right hand man by playing nice. Albert did the dirty jobs in the gang. If a rival needed to go missing without a trace he was the man for the job.

But regardless of the danger he posed, Penny shook her head. “Then you must kill me to take me because I will scream if you try anything stupid.”

“You leave me no choice.”


Before she knew what was happening he advanced and was behind her before she could blink. She started to turn to defend herself when a small, sharp prick on her neck blackened the world before her.


It was late afternoon and the sun was high in the sky. The roads were busy and most especially so because this was The National Museum had opened it’s doors to the early May tourists. The Laod’s National Museum was one of the oldest in the world. They had established archeologist unearthing the most priced artefacts from all over the world. Gold, silver, bronze…nothing was a stranger to the museum. Their brokers struck unrivaled deals when acquiring new arts and unearthed treasures.

And most recently they had just unearthed what was thought to be the remains of the fallen Camelornian kingdom. A culture said to have rivaled the great Atlantis. A devastating war between gods and man had caused the fall of the kingdom. There weren’t many who believed in its existence yet when archeologist began to find buried treasures, pieces of the myth was put together.

The National Museum had some acquired artefacts on display. That was the reason for the tourist crush.

Evangeline Visser was overwhelmed by the preparations for the display. She was in charge of the afternoon tourist group and already she was tired and wanting to go home to a nice glass of wine by her fire and a good book in her hand.

Her feet ached. All afternoon she had double checked to make sure that the Camelornian gold coins were safely displayed within their glass confinement. Not even a sledgehammer could break the glass.

The most priced display was the Camelornian diamonds. They were large and huge.

The only reason Evangeline was going to put up with the afternoon crowd of tourist was because she needed the money and Laod’s National Museum had suffered greatly almost a decade ago when the Royal Diamond necklace was stolen from the vault. It rivaled the Marie Antoinette in beauty and significance. And then one day, just like that, it was stolen.

 How that had happened, no one knew. There had been no trace of the thief and try as they could, Laod’s international and local authorities could not trace the necklace.

The museum was on its way to becoming great again if they had a successful tourist season. So Evangeline was putting her neck on the line here.

Well, there was also one reason she was putting her neck on the line.

The lone tourist who had arrived an hour earlier than the tourist bus was supposed to. Apparently, he had missed the memo and thought he missed the bus and had come hurriedly panting to the museum.

He was handsome. Nice blue eyes and blonde hair. The way his eyes shone as he apologized profusely for his forgetfulness. Evangeline didn’t mind seeing him among the crowd of tourists. Especially since he bestowed her with the most radiant apologetic smile before asking if he could wait in the waiting area for the bus to arrive.

She stuck her neck out to see. He was still waiting.

He was dressed – like a tourist…although she sensed he had more sense than most tourists.

Then suddenly he looked up and caught her eyes before she could look away. He smiled again and Evangeline felt weak.

Was he married?

He was coming toward her now and she looked at his left hand. No wedding ring.


“Uhm sorry but I was thinking about getting something from the cake shop just now. I notice you have been standing and waiting for the bus too. Can I get you anything?”

And very thoughtful too.

“Uhm…” ordinarily she wasn’t supposed to accept anything from customers. “Not right now.”

He blushed. “Oh I’m sorry…I didn’t realize…”

“Maybe after the tour?”

“Oh.” He realized what she had just done. A date. He smiled again. “That – I was going to ask that given how much of an inconvenience I caused coming so early. A date would be nice.”

Evangeline was in cloud nine. She didn’t even groan when the tour bus came around and the lousy, sweaty tourists piled out of the bus. There was an especially loud pregnant woman holding a small briefcase on one hand.

Evangeline frowned. Tourists.

The woman was working a fan with her other hand.

“The group is here now, sir. Let’s start the tour.”

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