
Chapter 2


As the car turns onto a dirt road leading to the Lycanrock pack’s mansion, my eyes widen in awe. The house is familiar, but it’s been almost five years since I last was here and a lot has changed. The garden is more beautiful, with plenty of new fruit trees and flowers, and the house has been repainted in a warm cream color that makes it look very inviting. Yet, for some reason, my heart thunders inside my chest. 

This is it. The moment I’ve been waiting for. The moment when life as I know it ends and a new chapter in my life shall begin.

The car comes to a stop, and the driver steps out to open my door. I take his hand, and he helps me out of the car. My knees shake as I stand up straight, trying to calm my nerves.

Suddenly, the front door of the mansion opens, and a tall figure appears on the threshold. My heart races as I recognize Zeke and Sebastian. They are as tall and intimidating as ever, grinning at me with their hair neatly combed back and their muscular arms stretching the fabric of their suits. 

Zeke is the first one to smile at me and stride forward, two steps at a time, as he grabs the open sides of his suit. As he gets closer, I grow anxious. 

He is much larger than I remember, at least 6’5 to my pathetic 5’2 frame. It’s all because of his Lycan genes. I’ve heard the “shortest” Lycans are at least 6’1, while the biggest ones can grow up to be over 7’ feet tall, but that’s incredibly rare. Either way, they are all unnaturally big. Giants, honestly.

“Ah, Amber!” Zeke stops right in front of me and leers down at me with his white teeth that are dazzling in the sun. “You’re finally here! Welcome back,” he looks me up and down. “Did you shrink, or were you always that small?”

Sebastian snorts behind his brother. “Why are you complaining?” he asks. “I’m just glad that someone is finally shorter than me.”

My attention turns to Sebastian. He is pouting in a way that tells me he is bothered by his own size, which is ridiculous, considering the guy must be like, what? 6’3, or something? And what does he mean by saying he likes that someone is finally shorter than him? Surely Alex is smaller—

I widen my eyes when I see a third man coming out from the mansion. This one is larger than both Zeke and Sebastian and only wears a tight t-shirt instead of a suit, which only makes him seem even bigger.

Who is this guy?

His gaze suddenly meets mine, and it’s like a bolt of lightning strikes me. It’s Alex. But he is not the same boy I met five years ago; he is a man now, with a chiseled jawline and broad shoulders that seem to go on forever. His hair is darker than I remember, and his eyes are the color of the sky.  

I gawk at him. I’m not sure what I expected, but it wasn’t this. He was so scrawny and cute the last time I saw him, and I guess I sort of expected him to look more feminine. Instead, I’m met with a wall of chiseled muscles. Alex has grown taller and way more muscular over the years. He now stands more than two heads taller than me, and his bulky frame seems to take up my entire field of vision when he reaches the bottom of the stairs. His tanned arms are glistening with sweat, and new tattoos are peeking through his black t-shirt.

I stare at him, my mouth agape. This seems to amuse Alex. He flashes me a crooked grin, making my cheeks burn red.

“Wait... Amber? Is that you? Don’t tell me you shrunk since the last time I saw you?” he asks with feigned innocence, amusement clear in his voice.

I quickly shake my head, feeling my face grow even warmer. Alex seems to take pleasure in my embarrassment, letting out a hearty laugh. I know he probably doesn’t mean to scare me, yet fear still bubbles up inside of me hearing it. 

It can’t be helped. I’m very nervous and fearful around men. As the former Omega of my pack, I’ve had plenty of them try things with me. Last year, a guy named Broderick tried to rape me during a hunt. I couldn’t fight him off; if Alpha Ashlee hadn’t intervened, he would have succeeded. It makes me shudder to think about it. Men are scary creatures, especially the big Alex.

I glance up at him again, blinking when he grabs my two suitcases without me even asking him to. He then turns his attention to me, and something about his gaze intimidates the living crap out of me. But Alex either doesn’t notice or chooses not to comment on this as he turns around to walk up the stairs to the mansion.

I stare after his broad back, jumping when Zeke places a hand on my shoulder. When I turn around, he is grinning. “So, what do you think?” he nods up at Alex. “Can’t call him the little brother anymore, huh?”

I swallow hard, trying to clear the lump that has formed in my throat. “No,” I reply shakily. “He has definitely grown up.”

Zeke chuckles. “Yeah, he sure has,” he agrees, pushing me forward so that we are following Alex inside. “But don’t worry, he is still a kid at heart. You will see.”

I nod, unsure of what to say as we head inside. Walking into the mansion feels like stepping into another world; it’s so different from what I’m used to. The floors are shiny and polished, and large chandeliers hang from the ceiling in every room. The furniture is grand and luxurious, with leather couches and armchairs. It’s all so fancy and extravagant that it makes me feel out of place.

“Amber?” Alex calls out from the end of the hallway, bringing me back to reality. “Are you coming?”

I hurry over to him, feeling my face heat up again as I catch sight of the tattoos on his arms. They look fierce and intimidating, and for some reason, a shiver runs down my spine. 

“Ye-yes, I’m coming,” I stutter, glancing at Zeke and Sebastian, who both have stopped in their tracks. Aren’t they going to follow us?

My stomach flips with nervous energy at the thought of being left alone with Alex. Even though he is younger than me, I’m incredibly shy and timid around him. I can’t even seem to find the words to make a conversation with him. 


I snap out of my trance. “C-coming!”

I hurry after Alex, struggling to keep up with his long strides. As we walk down the hallway, I sneak plenty of glances at him. He doesn’t seem to notice, too lost in thought. His large brow furrowed as if he is deep in contemplation. What is he thinking about? Is he unhappy with me? That wouldn’t surprise me. He doesn’t seem very excited that I’m here because even though we are walking together, I feel like there’s a chasm between us. Besides the occasional smile or glance from him, I’m not sure what to say or do in his presence.

“Here we are,” Alex finally says, breaking the awkward silence as we reach a door at the end of the hallway. “Your room.”

He opens the door for me, and I’m taken aback by how spacious and grand it is. The walls are painted a soft lavender color, and there’s a large four-poster bed in the center of the room with a plush comforter and fluffy pillows. The room comes equipped with a study desk, a fireplace, and even an ensuite bathroom.

“Wow,” I finally manage to say, looking around in amazement. “This is incredible...”

Alex scoffs, his eyes wandering around the room before finally settling on me. “It’s not much,” he says with a shrug, “but I suppose it will do for now.”

I can’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment at his lackluster response. I mean, if this isn’t much to him, what would be? Nonetheless, I try to shake off my negative thoughts and put on a smile.

“No, it’s perfect,” I say softly, feeling foolish for even trying to impress him. “Thank you so much.”

He nods and turns to leave the room, but something in me makes me stop him.

“W-wait,” I call out hesitantly. “Aren’t you going to stay” I hate how desperate I sound, but he can’t just leave me here...right?

Alex turns back around, raising an eyebrow in amusement. “Talk about what exactly?” he asks with a small chuckle that is a bit dark in nature.

It makes me more nervous, and I shrug, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. “I don’t know...anything? Just...get to know each other?”

The amusement drains from his face, and he regards me with a strange intensity that sends shivers down my spine.

“I think we know each other well enough,” he says finally, his voice low and husky. “But if you’re looking for some company...” He steps closer and leans down to whisper in my ear. “Then I would be more than happy to oblige.”

My heart races as I realize what he is insinuating, and I crane my neck, meeting those sky-blue eyes of his. There isn’t a smile on his face. Not even a sliver of affection, yet I don’t think he is joking around. 

I take a deep breath. This is what is expected of me...right? We are about to become husband and wife, so it’s only natural for me to offer myself up on a platter even if it frightens me, even if I’m close to tears from his words.

Tears burn in the corner of my eyes, but I fight them down and swallow the lump in my throat as I grab my dress. “I-If this is what you want, then I shall provide.”

Alex’s eyebrows slowly raise in response to my words. He looks flabbergasted, but his shell-shocked expression is quickly replaced with irritation, and I freeze when he grabs my hands and force them down. It confuses me. Doesn’t he want me to get naked?

“Keep your dress on,” he orders me with narrowed eyes, and when I stare up at him, he turns around with a sigh. “Do you always take off your clothes when a person asks you to? How freaking shameless... And here I thought you had saved yourself for me.”

It takes me a few seconds to process what Alex means: he basically thinks I’m a slut that would offer up my body to anyone asking for it, which isn’t true. I’m a virgin, but when I part my lips to speak, Alex is already out through the door. 

Did I somehow already piss him off?

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