

Ray woke up on a chaise in his father mansion apartment. The sunlight was streaming in through the window, and Ray could hear the sounds of someone puttering around in the kitchen. He stretched slowly, surprised to find that he felt well-rested and completely uninjured.

“Look who finally woke up,” Ray was by his side immediately. He ran a hand through Ray hair. “You must have been tired. You didn’t even make it to your room. We were going to put you to bed, but you were clinging rather tightly to that pillow.”


“Breakfast is ready,” Ash appeared in the doorway, dressed in one of Bright robes over a pair of plain sleep pants.

“Don’t worry. I made sure it was one of the recipes he was good at,” Bright whispered to Ray as if it were one of their little inside jokes. Then in a louder voice, he continued. “C’mon. Y

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