
Chapter Two: Signed Marriage Contract


Call me crazy or whatever I simply don't care. I just got my heart broken by someone and this is simply me trying to move on.

Rather than spend time crying my eyes out, why not do something crazy and regret it later when I'm in my normal state of mind? This is simply my way of moving on.

The man in front of me looks hot and ravishing after all, who wouldn't want him?

He stood unmoved and had this expressionless look on his face. Although he did seem intrigued by my behavior I could simply tell through the glittering in his eyes. I curled his eyebrows at me, scrutinizing him.

My mom who had just entered the room immediately walked up to us and pulled me away from him.

"I'm sorry sir, I'm really sorry sir for my daughter's behavior," she apologized, giving me a dreadful stare.

"I really apologize, she's such a child who doesn't know when and where to play. I'm sorry."

"I should have trained her better," she added and I scoffed.

I stood there surprised and baffled as to why my mom would cower in this manner to a man. She was not one to act that way; this was definitely new.

"It's okay, " he replied, still looking at me, his eyes glittering in amusement. He didn't look offended.

My mom led him into her study room, pointing out some artifacts hanging on the wall, explaining their origin and the history behind them.

We re"Mr. Lucas. this is my daughter Rae Sinclair and Rae this is Mr Lucas and he's going to be helping us out."

I shook his hand with my face beaming with smiles.

I wonder how he was going to help us out. I was curious to know what business mom has with him.

"It's nice meeting you Mr Lucas."

"The pleasure is mine, Rae Sinclair," his deep baritone voice reverberated around the room as he shook my hand. His voice made my stomach churn in excitement. It was crazy but I loved it.

Watching Mom interact with Lucas, I finally realized something. This was the first time Mom was involving me in a meeting. Mom has never asked for me to be present in a business meeting but she asking me to be present for this simply means that something was up.

They both kept talking about the company and how far it had gone while I sat watching in amusement. I was already feeling so important just because I was in that meeting. It was my first meeting in this company and it was with a handsome-looking man.

"How about the money Mrs. Sinclair?" Lucas relaxed back on the seat, his legs entwined together.

"I don't have it," Mom simply stated. I then realized that we had gone bankrupt and our company owed Lucas's company, an astronomical amount of money, and the only way to pay him back, I began putting one and two together and my eyes widened in horror.

"No, no, no," I shook my head refusing to believe whatever it was that my head was cooking up.

Mom won't do that right?

"How do you intend to pay me back," Lucas kept his eyes locked on Mom and Mom straightened up, clearing her throat.

"I'm giving you charge of the company. I will hand over my shares to you and you will become the biggest shareholder in the company," Mom offered and Lucas shook his head, contemplating.

"I like the deal, it's fair…."

"But…." Mom paused, interrupting him and he frowned.

"I hate being interrupted, Mrs. Sinclair." Lucas sounded displeased and his sudden mood change was quite scary.

"Ooh, I'm sure you'll like what I have to say," Mom smirked, unmoved.

"What the hell was mom up to?" I thought to myself, watching their exchange.

"What is it?" He asked, also sounding curious.

"To ensure that the company is in safe hands, I'll be handing over the heir to the company to be married into your family." She dropped the bombshell and I went still for a moment, trying to comprehend things.

"Mom?" I called out in disbelief, my face draped in shock.

"You're one heck of a woman Mrs. Sinclair," his lips curved into a smile as they both ignored me.

"To seal our deal, Rae will get married to my son Gunner," he said, stretching his hands out for a handshake.

"Deal," Mom shook his hand, a little smile on her face.

I stared at Mom in e to come to terms that she just traded me out to a family I didn't know. I just had a heartbreak but her actions signified that she didn't seem to care. So she cared about saving the company at the expense of my joy.

I was snapped out of my thoughts. I was not going to accept this.

"You've got to be kidding me," I laughed out loud like a crazy lady.

"Son? Marry? No, no, no, you guys have got to be kidding me."

"Get a grip on yourself Rae," Mom scolded me.

"Fuck you Mom!" I banged my fist on the table, making Mom jump back, startled but Lucas didn't even blink an eye.

"No, I'm not going to marry a stranger, I'm not some sacrificial lamb," I said, growling out angrily.

"Shut it Rae Sinclair, you're going to do it whether you like it or not. You're old enough to get married and besides you do not get to decide on this matter," Mom glared at me, initiating her authoritative voice. It could only mean that her mind was made up

"Please don't let my mom do this to me" I turned to Lucas, pleading, tears glistening in my eyes but he turned deaf ears to me.

"We'll start the arrangements soon," he simply said, standing up and stretching his hand forward for a handshake agreement while I stared at them speechless.

"Thank you so much sir," she smiled, shaking his hands in return.

"I'll text you the venue and a day for the two of them to meet for a date"

He left immediately, did I just see my own future get decided by my mom and some stranger?

I screamed out, unable to handle the anguish and pain building up within me.

I suddenly hated him and he no longer looked appealing as he did in the beginning. He is just an asshole

"Mom, what the fuck was that all about?"

"It's a signed contract, you're getting married and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Mom, I'm an adult; I can decide on my own what I want for myself."

"No you cannot, you're my daughter so it's definitely going to be me who's going to decide who's gonna marry you"

"Dad wouldn't do this nonsense that you've done; selling your daughter cheaply to some stranger"

"Mr Lucas was a friend of your dad. I'm sure your dad will see no issues with it."

"I see so many issues with it, this isn't right Mom and I hate you"

"Hate me all you, but you brought this upon yourself, If only your father was alive we wouldn't have to go through all this we're going through now"

I became quiet and I stood looking at my mom with my eyes filled with tears and walked out of the room to my own bedroom.

I wasn't just going to give in to my mom just like that, I was going to escape and leave this house. I took my phone and texted Lyra.

*Lyra, code red."

"What's up?" she texted back.

"My mom just organized an arranged wedding and I need an escape route help me out please."

"What the fuck!" Lyra exclaimed, using the shocked emoji.

We continued chatting and we came up with a plan to escape.

There was no way I was going to get married off like that.


I arranged a few clothes, some cash, and undies in a small bag and climbed out of the house through the window.

I successfully escaped and ran towards the road, boarded a taxi, and drove off to the nearest bus stop that was going out of the city.

I didn't know where the hell I was headed but as long as it wasn't in a place where I would be married off, I was cool.

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