
Chapter 5.

14th of October, 2016

I walked into the house and dumped my keys on the table. It wasn’t supposed to go like this. This wasn’t the plan.

Throwing myself on the nearest couch, I huffed. Why was he looking at me like that? After everything his pack did and didn’t do, they didn’t deserve any of my kindness.

A small picture of Andre stood on the coffee table beside me, and a smile crept onto my face. “I wish you were here, Andre.”

My phone vibrated, breaking me out of my reverie. “Eve, there’s trouble at the Northern Woods. Some wolves are attacking rogue children!” Jake rushed out.

Jake Adams, my right hand man. One of the reasons this plan has to work.

I shot up from my seat. “I’m on my way.” Every single day, my powers got stronger. More dangerous.

So I started helping out a neighboring pack, the Water Moon pack. I ran to my room and quickly changed into my stretchy black jeans, and my signature red top. I picked my bike since it was easier to transport in case of any trouble. In a few minutes, I was speeding towards the Water Moon’s pack house- with the ghost of a peppermint scent blowing by.

Even with my helmet on, I could hear the thumping of wolves’ feet against the floor. They moved in a cloud of smoke, so fast that if you blinked, you would miss them. Something about that seemed all too familiar.

In a quarter of an hour, I was standing at the border of Water Moon territory. Wolves howled- some in sick pleasure, some in pain. The pack usually took in rogues who were willing to join the pack, since that was how their Alpha started- as a rogue.

Why were they attacking them? Children?! Who attacks children?

Wait… that means….Ana is in there.

For a moment, I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think of any thing. If anyone hurt her, I would murder them.

Skylar would be happy to.

Immediately I crossed the boarder, the air became tense. Anger boiled hot in my veins, like it was going to start gushing out of every part of me. I needed control.

I sniffed the air for rogues, but their scent wasn’t there. But I knew there was something going on. A pack attacking another pack’s children?

My phone vibrated from my bra and I picked it up. “Jake, I’m here.”

“They’re in the house, Eve.” He whispered. “Please be-”

And the line died.


I had to teleport there. The thing about my teleportation was that it hardly ever worked. But there was no way I would make it in time if I didn’t try. “Take me to Jake Adams.” I whispered, and took a step forward. My body tingled and I felt myself being blown by the wind. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. When I opened them, I was staring into the eyes of Tom, one of Ajax’s friends. I was so angry, I didn’t even register that he was in Xavier’s pack. He was standing frozen, with a knife in his hand, and his hand in the air. Waiting.

It was so noisy. There were screams and howls everywhere, I couldn’t think. Couldn’t breathe.


I couldn’t even recognize my own voice. The eyes around me widened, and time slowed down. The attackers all froze, and fear filled their eyes. The hand in front of me was still frozen.

So was everyone else.

The fear. I could taste it in the air. The anticipation, the angst, all because of… me.

My hand rose up in the air …so did Tom. “Wh- What’s going on?!” He yelled.

“Your voice is annoying.” I clench my fist hard, and he started choking. Harder. A voice said. But it wasn’t Skylar. Clouds moved together, and darkness covered the building. A storm was coming.

And that storm was me.


I squeezed harder, and Tom’s eyes rolled to the back of his head. I felt him go limp, and dropped him. His body fell with a thud. I turned to look at the rest of the wolves, there were about twelve of them. Well, eleven now.

“Who’s next?” I smiled, feeling my eyes burn. They screamed and ran towards the door, but it slammed shut. So did the windows.

I took a step towards them, and they took steps back. More steps forward, even more back. Until they were backed up against the wall.

“I think you guys need a little… reward.” I started. “For what you’ve done. Terrorizing these kids… it takes real guts.” I was only a few feet away from them now, and I was practically feeding off of their fear. The windows opened and slammed shut over and over again. The lights flickered. It felt like the energy was practically spewing out of me looking for a way to escape.

My powers had never been this strong before, and I felt good. I felt strong.

I felt truly… wicked.

A smile crept unto my face. “What’s my name?” It was calm and dominating, threatening but sweet. “No answer?”

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for focus. My hands moved quickly.

Roll it harder, Eve!

I rubbed my hands in a circular motion, and felt the heat between them. It wasn’t friction. The harder I rolled, the bigger the ball of fire became. Instead of my normal red-orange fire, it had a mix of blue. “What’s my name?!”

They shook in fear. I could hear their harsh breathing, the thumping of their hearts. I couldn’t control it anymore.

I wasn’t even rolling it and the fire kept getting bigger.

I heard screams. I loved them. Harsh, terrifying laughter bubbled up my throat.

With all my strength, I pushed it in their direction. My knees buckled under the force. I could feel the energy leave my body, and it left with a scream. My eyes burned harder.

“It’s Eve.” I said, when the fire was centimeters from them. “It’s Wicked Eve.”

I heard bubbling of skin, and they practically melted. Screams, begging… crying. I loved it all. I loved it all.

“Eve” I turned around, and so did the fire. It went flying in Jake’s direction. His eyes were wide, and he was frozen in shock.

“Jake!” I clapped my hands together, and it diminished in a puff of smoke. “Are you okay?” I rushed over to him, but he took a step back. “Jake?”

Then I saw it. The terror in his eyes. The fear.

“Oh.” I said. “You’re scared. Of me.”

He blinked furiously, snapping out of his trance. “No! It’s not that, Eve, I-”

“No, I get it.” I said, walking to the door. “I get it.”

“No, Eve!” Jake rushed after me. “Eve, I’m sorry, I was just-”

It hurt. The last reminder I had of Andre was afraid of me. And it wall all my fault.

I looked him in the eyes. “Say hi to my baby for me. Tell Ana I love her.”

“No, Eve! Wait”

“Take me to my motorbike” I said, and slowly teleported there. With strength I didn’t know I had, I drove back home.


A few hours after, I was changed into my pajamas shirt and shorts. Laziness overwhelmed me, but that all disappeared when I heard movement on my front porch.

I shot up from my bed. Since I was recharging, I didn’t want to use any powers. So I grabbed a baseball bat and stalked down my stairs. Each step I took made my heart faster.

I sniffed the air.


Confused, I walked over to the door and opened it.


The Alpha of the Photia pack stood in front of my house, hands in his pockets. He looked up when he hear my voice. His eyes darkened with lust as he looked at me from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. Then we made eye contact again.

He walked in, and shut the door behind him with his foot.

The temperature kept rising and I couldn’t find it in me to hate it. No. He was Xavier, my mate who didn’t want me. I couldn’t… I couldn’t think about him like this.

But fudge, it felt good.

“Xavier-” In a second I was pinned to the wall, with Xavier looming over me.

“Say my name again”

His voice was deep and husky. It sent vibrations straight to my core.

I didn’t want to obey. I didn’t have to obey. “Xavier…”

My voice was barely above a whisper.

“Shit, Eve…” He smashed his lips against mine, hard. I grabbed his collar and pulled him against me. I couldn’t control any thing anymore. All I could feel was the pleasure. Deep in my bones, it burned. My legs found their ways around his waist and he pressed me harder against the wall, like he couldn’t get enough of me. His lips trailed down my neck and my eyes snapped open. Memories made their way up and I pushed him off of me.

And the next words that flew out of my mouth started it all.

“I said no, Tyler!”

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