
4. Who's This Guy

Amelia’s POV

I thought I would utilize my suspension as an advantage to work at Joy’s and earn more income for the week.

But the moment I saw Zane and his entire group of friends enter through the door, my enthusiasm was lost.

I knew he would create some trouble for me for sure, so I ran in the kitchen to hello with the meal prep instead of taking orders.

Some minutes passed and my co-worker came searching for me as she said, “Hey girlie, can you take the new orders? I am taking a breather for 10 minutes since I am very tired.”

Ugh! How can I say no to her when she is asking me so nicely. Nodding slightly with my head down I went to take the orders.

Thankfully, I didn’t have to take Zane's order first; there were 2 tables before theirs. Just as I started to note the order of the lady in front of me, I heard someone call.

“Waiter! Could you take our order first?” Mila shouted in her annoyingly high pitched voice.

I immediately knew that Mila was just doing this to make me feel inferior. But she doesn't know that no one can make me feel inferior without my consent.

I looked at the woman in front of me with an apologetic look, but she gave me an understanding smile so I went to the table where the said “evil shire” gang was seated.

“What would you like to order?” I asked in a robotic tone, immensely bored by their amusement of seeing me like this outside of the school premises.

Can’t they just eat at their lavish homes? What are they doing here in the first place? I am sure it must be Zane's idea since he wants to be a dick to me.

“How do you manage to work like this and then come to school?” Lucy, Mila’s best friend, asked me curiously.

I narrowed my eyes at her question, “Do you want anything to eat or not?” I asked impatiently instead of answering them.

“Oh, someone is griping today?” Mila whistled in an amused tone and I wanted to slam her pretty face on the table. But I controlled myself for my own sake. I cannot afford losing this job.

“Look I have other customers to look after so, if you guys don’t have to order anything, please don’t waste my time,” I said in a professional tone, not wanting to create unnecessary drama.

What I least expected was for Zane to speak up, “Babe, why are you wasting your time on such lowly people? I thought you didn’t care about her existence, why are you asking her questions then?” Zane asked Mila, his girl toy, as he was devoting all his attention to her.

I gritted my teeth together to refrain from saying anything and giving him pleasure, by reacting to his stupid comment.

“Oh you are right, I am not wasting my time with her,” she giggled which sounded a bit crazy. Then she turned to me with her voice cold and indifferent as she ordered, “Just get us 5 breakfast meals, cheap bitch.”

After a few minutes I came back with their order and quietly placed it in front of them. I was trying to be as professional as I possibly could be but these people weren’t done trying their cheap tricks on me.

Because as soon as I placed drinks in front of them, Lynn, (another friend of Zane's) he picked it up and plopped it on the floor on purpose, making the glass shatter and drink to go everywhere.

“Oopsie!” he exclaimed and everyone at the table laughed as if it was the funniest shit ever.

“Now now, Miss. Hard worker has to clean all of this up, Lynn. Couldn’t you have been more careful?” Mila asked him as if she was truly concerned.

“What can I say? I am clumsy as fuck,” he replied and both of the girls snickered. Ronan was sitting idly watching curiously between Zane and I. Whereas, Zane had no ray of expression on his face.

“Amelia, sweetie, why don’t you clean this up and we tip you $500 dollars for spilling it?” Mila suggested.

My eyes lit up hearing the amount but then she said the next sentence, “But there is a catch, you have to lick every drop if the spilled drink.” She said and smirked in an evil way,, as I felt shameful for even thinking about taking most y from them. I swore to myself never in my life will I depend on any one for any sort of help. I want to be rich and successful on my own!

I was seconds away from tearing up but then I felt a warm palm on my shoulder, as a calm and soothing voice came out of nowhere.

“Hello, guys, I will help clean this up, Amelia, could you go in the kitchen? They need your help,” an absolute stranger to me, exclaimed.

With blurry eyes I turned to look at the stranger.

A handsome guy with piercing brown eyes stared at me with a resolved expression. He seemed to look at me as if he already knew me, but I have seen him for the first time in my life.

“Um… I,” I stammered completely bewildered by the situation.

Who is this guy? And why is he helping me out?

Understanding my confusion he leaned in closer to me as he whispered very slowly, “Don’t worry, I will handle them, go and take a five minutes break,” he mumbled just for my ears.

His close proximity made my cheeks grow hot and I noticed each of the members from the Blood Shire Pack was looking at our interaction with an envious look on their faces.

Then I turned my eyes towards Zane, and I was shocked to see that he had a murderous look on his face which made me come out of my haze and walk towards the kitchen mindlessly.

What the fuck just happened?

And why did Zane look at the stranger like he wanted to kill him and me both?

After a few minutes, the brown haired guy came to the back kitchen with a warm smile on his face.

He looked Moroccan or from somewhere with the sun. Because he had tanned skin that would make a male stripper jealous.

I looked at him with a shy smile as I said, “Hi, thanks for helping me but who are you?”

His smile widened as he replied, “I am your new boss and the new manager of Joy’s.”

“Oh, that’s great to know. Congratulations,” I told him as he checked me out openly as his gaze took in every inch of my body.

“Are these kids always like this?” he asked after a beat.

I frowned upon his question and responded, “Like what?”


“Yeah, mostly. They are even worse at school,” I informed him with a dark look on my face. I hated how Zane let his friends insult me all the time. But thank goodness this angel of a guy came to help me.

“Wait, you are still in school?” he asked and I could see his face practically fall with disappointment.

“Umm… Yeah why?” I asked embarrassedly, “Do I look older?” I asked in a joking way.

“No, you just don’t seem like a teenager either,” he replied, still recovering from his shock.

He is right though, I don’t look my age at all. I have the body of a woman. With big and ripe boobs and soft, luscious back side I looked like a vixen if I dressed up. However I usually tried to hide myself under baggy clothes because I didn’t want anyone to assume I am using my body to get anything.

“Good to hear that but unfortunately I am,” I laughed lightly.

“I am Garret by the way, Garret Adler,” he introduced himself and extended his hand.

I shook his big and warm hand as I said, “Nice to meet you Garret, I should probably get back to work,” I chimed and then got back to work.

Just as I turned around, I caught him grinning lopsidedly, with the corner of my eye.

Who is this guy? And why does he seem so familiar even though I have seen him for the first time?

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