
A ray of hope

"Oh my gosh!, oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Rosie exclaims, and I desperately Wonder what is making her this excited.

"We've got a gig!" Rosie exclaims again, she's jumping up and down like a child that just received a candy she has long awaited, I can't help but smile. This is a miracle that we've been waiting for, my heart soars with delight. 

"It's not just any gig, it's a major gig that can pay for your mum's surgery and you'll still be left with some change to spare"

Her explanation leaves me stunned, and we both begin to hop in excitement, we giggle like school children as our heart is elated.

I drag her towards the seat so she can explain further to me. "Look they said their photographer won't be able to make it because he came down with a flew fortunately for us they saw your work which I put out, that's why they reached out to us", she explains, her green eyes are shining with excitement and her face is red due to the blood that has rushed into her cheeks from the excitement. 

"Denise this is big, I mean very big, it's for an elite class of people, they are hosting an event, and a lot of wealthy people will be in attendance, the business class and political class that kind of stuff, you've got to give it your best". 

She proceeds to reply their mail, accepting the offer on my behalf while I sit there watching her and smiling like a Cheshire cat. I look at my mum and my heart bursts in happiness knowing that I'll be able to see her go back to her old self again, doing all the things that she usually does, and knowing that Patrick's stupid ass will not be ing the three of us gives me another level of joy.

"Mum, you're going to get your surgery and get out of here soon, I got an offer that'll give me enough money to pay for the surgery, and soon you, Rosie, and I can have dinner like we used too" I tell her.

There's no response from my mother and the machines are still as they are but I smile regardless, knowing that this situation she's in will be a thing of the past once I get paid from this gig. Rosie smiles brightly at me. 

In less than ten minutes Rosie gets a response email from them stating all I need to know, the email says that the event is happening during the weekend specifically on Saturday day night by 7pm but the team will be there earlier by 5pm to acclimatise to the environment, the setup team will be there a day earlier, the event is an indoor event with a black and white theme and we are to dress accordingly, It also states that I am to come with my own camera and if I require anything that will make me work efficiently I should send a corresponding email and it will be provided for me otherwise any other set up that I may require will be provided. 

After reading the mail. I am short of breath, because the offer is so surreal. The amount they'll be paying is huge and I am still going to be provided with the things I might require.

I look at Rosie and she's staring right back at me from ear to ear. "We need to go shopping for your dress" she tells me. "Definitely" I respond nodding my head like an eager child who is being given an instruction.

Rosie gives mum and I a kiss as she head out again. Once I see she is gone I go towards mum and give her a hug as I cry because we've gotten a breakthrough.

I stay with mum for a while then I head home. The house feels so empty without her. Everything feels so bland, I sigh and head to my room.

I enter my room and close the door, my eyes rakes over every inch of the room to check if anything is out of the ordinary before I can bring myself to strip out of my clothes. The exhaustion of the fews days finally hits me as I peel off my clothes slowly, as I do this I watch myself in my dresser mirror and I see how zombie like I look due to the lack of proper rest, every bit of my body aches because I haven't gotten healed from the punches crazy Patrick gave me, I trace my fingers over the bruises on my body, a reminder of the impending doom to come if my debt is not paid soon.

Eventually, I enter into the bathroom and turn on the shower, the warm water cascading my sore body feels so heavenly. I close my eyes and savour in the moment as mind hits everything that has transpired in a few days. As I eventually open my eyes, I have a real bath and leave the bathroom.

My cotton pyjamas comforts my skin like the way I love them. I head towards my table grab my phone and find my way towards my bed. Comfortably on the bed I begin to g****e the team that reached out to me and the event I would be covering for.

Turns out everything they said about the event was true, this event is held once in 3 years, for the rich to find new alliance and donate back to the society, it is sort of a charity event. I go further to read articles on the previous event and what I should expect from the event. 

Feeling my eyes drop, I turn off my phone to sleep. I am tossed into dream land. I am a little girl again and my life is perfect, my both parents are here we are at the park I'm running around both my parents and my dad is smiling at mum the love in his eyes is evident for her, she smiles warmly at him, she doesn't look sick nor does she look weak, they both turn towards me and I smile brightly at them, I am engulfed in so much love that I end up giggling at them. Dad hands me a really pretty doll with long hair, she is perfect and I give both him and mum a hug. As I play with my doll and stroke her hair I move away from the reach of my parents, and I site them sitting on a bench holding each other and having a conversation, I return my attention back to my pretty doll. a little girl about my age approaches me and drags my doll away from me, I try to get it back but I can't. Turning back towards the area where my parents are, I can't find them anymore. I look around the park but they aren't there, I run around to search for them but they are no were to be found, my breathing becomes frantic. 

I am awakened from my dream with beads of sweat on my forehead, the bed is damp from my sweat and my alarm is on full blast.

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