
How will I look like, as a lecturer?

Chapter 2.

What will I look like, as a lecturer?

Raphael O'Neill's POV.

I sat still on the floor in shock as I looked at my savior who was also on the floor beside me, she was not moving, and I felt my heart skipping a beat. "Is she dead?" I wondered. I crawled closer to her with my eyes already cleared from the intoxicating wine I drank, I was already sober. "Girl, hey!" I called out. I withdrew, staring at her with bug-out eyes, now in astonishment, I was sure that the car never hit her, the driver must be a good driver as he had diverted the car to the other side of the road just in time and we escaped him.

I only managed to snatch out of shock and took a chill pill when the lady jolted to her feet. "Are you okay?" She questioned me, then she helped me up to my feet.

I was unable to answer her as my eyes were glued to the beauty in front of me. Her face was not visible when she was on the floor, but when she raised her head, my thoughts suddenly became messed up with just the sight of her face. "Where the hell does she come from?" I questioned myself. "She must be a fallen angel," I answered myself before chuckling foolishly.

She didn't say anything again, she was just observing me, and at once, she must have taken my silence or chuckling for something else, she must have thought that I was still drunk and that I didn't even understand a thing out of what was happening.

She stared around the place, obviously waring against herself whether to leave me alone or help me further. "What if he tries to cross the road again and get into an accident for real this time? Life is too precious to be wasted." She thought out loud with her hands in akimbo while I was quiet. I was just silently staring at her with a smug glow on my lips which I was sure was perfectly hidden from her with the help of my overdue mustache.

She returned her gaze to me, "Do you have someone I can call over to pick you home? Like a friend or family?" She questioned me, gesticulating with her hands and I gently nodded with my smile not wavering. Her voice.....

"I have a friend," I answered her.

"That's good, give me your phone, and I will try to get someone over to take you home." She told me but I was only staring at her. Of course, I knew what she said, I just ignored it because I didn't want my already focused mind to be distracted from the sweet sight.

She shook her head pitifully before reaching out to my pocket, she found my phone and unlocked it with my fingers, which I didn't try to fight. My eyes were glued to her all the time without even blinking, I knew that I was swept off my feet and that I was bewitched by the beauty of the dazzling woman in front of me.

"I saved his name as Lincoln." I told her, seeing her scrolling through my contacts impatiently, she must have been searching for a 'friend' or something relating to that.

She nodded when she finally found the name I mentioned 'Lincoln', and she called the line immediately. "The owner of this phone is drunk and he needs help, come and get him at Finda Bar and Suite, I hope you come very early." She said to Lincoln as he answered the call and she hung up immediately, not even waiting for his response.

She got hold of my hand and led me to a safe place, "Please just stay put and wait for your friend to come here and pick you up, while I will just head back to work." She held my shoulders as she told me.

The smug on my lips disappeared immediately, realizing that she was leaving. She made sure that I was comfortable before she turned back and left without waiting for any of my words, not like I was ready to reply to her though.

I watched as she left, I got my tongue between my upper and lower teeth firmly, preventing myself from calling her back, at least to know her name.

I sighed when she was finally gone and stared at the bar as I watched her enter. I wondered what she would be doing in a bar that late at night, then made up my mind that I couldn't just let the beauty go without finding out who she was.

I went back to the bar and entered the loud and boisterous dimly-lit, cozy space, with low-hanging lights, with drunk people chatting and laughing among themselves. The room was already filled more with the smell of beer, wine, and spirits, even more than when I first entered there to drink.

I walked towards the long wooden countertop, that was lined with glasses and bottles, and met up a bartender there, just behind the counter, waiting for orders and I took a seat out of the pile of stool that was facing the counter. "You are back again Mr, I thought you were drunk just a minute ago." The bartender said to me. He was the same one that attended to me.

I just decided to ignore him to begin my mission. I stared around, trying to see if I would see her in sight and I did see her, serving a man who was busy flirting with her.

I got my answer immediately with that single sight, "She is a bartender and is she a bitch too? But why? Why would someone so gentle and considerate, someone who was supposed to be in school, thinking of how to pass her exams, be working in a bar this late at night?" I wondered suddenly feeling scorn towards her or maybe towards her job and I secretly took her pictures.

I made it my duty to follow her about with his gaze, this time normal, it was like all the emotions in me were dead or something and I was like that, cringed up and mad until Lincoln, my friend, arrived to pick me up. "Let's get you out of here man." He told me when he found me and I left the bar with him.


The next morning, I paced around as I awaited the arrival of my friend who was on an errand for me.

I am Raphael O'Neill, a man of 31 years old, who became miserable since the day I divorced my ex-wife, who was a complete sheep in human clothing. I caught her red-handed when she was cheating on me and she still had the guts to tell me to my face that she was only using me. "Damn her fucking asshole!" I cursed bitterly and tried to shake the thoughts off my head.

I pretended as though I was not so hurt, but that was a messy lie, the truth is that I was completely broken and had turned so into drinking and smoking that my once perfect look had turned into something else, I knew that I was now looking so dirty with my extra bushy and tangled beards and mustache, as if that I wasn't looking dirty enough, the hair on my head too had to be that dirty and bushy, causing me to look so much like a rough nazarene and I didn't real care about my look, at least, til now.

"I'm here, I'm so sorry I'm late." Carter, the guy I was waiting for said and apologize as he entered the living room.

"I forgive you on this, how is the research?" I questioned him impatiently.

"It went on successfully, I found out everything about her," Carter replied.

I snapped my fingers in anxiety, "Where is the file?" I questioned Carter and the file was given to me. I held the file firmly for seconds, not opening it, as I earnestly prayed that she shouldn't be an actual bitch, that what I saw was wrong.

I had told Carter to help me to find out everything he could find out about the lady I met the previous night and had given him the pictures I took and Carter had done just that.

I opened the file, snug as I put on a fake boldness with my body and heart cold in suspense. I read through the file about the lady and found myself chuckling, there was nothing to worry about after all. "So, her name is Adrian?" I questioned Carter, and even as I knew the answer, I still asked.

"Yes, that's the lady's name." He answered me.

"Nice, and she schools at the University of Art and Science Technologies?" I questioned again, with my eyes fixed on the file.


"Just nice, and she is a brilliant student who only has difficulty in a course, Literature right?" I asked, now with my smug smile and my eyes twitching mischievously.


"And she's on scholarship, she is working hard to pay her fees right?"


"That's cool." I closed the file and threw it on a sofa, I raised my head to Carter, making my mischievousness obvious. "How do you think I will look like if I am to be a lecturer?"

"What? Lecturer?!"

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