

Selene took out the locket that has been on her neck the whole time.

Looking beside her, Celia looked at her askance face and nodded towards her, giving her a go ahead sign.

Selene anxiously gulped at the possibility of what she was about to do and believe in.

White magic powers, are they real?

She had to trust the process because Celia had told her it works and she has been with Celia long enough to trust her, she thought.

So, she did as she was instructed keeping a crossed finger.

"Mother Keeper, Queila." Selene called out looking at the open locket resting on her palms.

Three awkward minutes passed, whew. Nothing happened.

* I guess I was right all along.*

"Where is you faith, Selene?"

Came a voice like a soft cackle from the locket she was holding.

Selene noticed her head swell up in fright as to what she was beholding.

A diverging ray of yellow light surged out through the locket forming a hologram image of a silver with a ginger touch haired lady who you could mistake for a star because of how bright she was glistering. She is what you would describe as impossible.

Looking closely, the face was getting familiar as the rays died down its light.

It's The Mother Keeper, Queila, live and breathing.

Selene couldn't help but leave her mouth gape in cold astonishment.

"Shut your mouth Selene. I taught you better. Welcome to your first mission on the earth's realm. Oh, you look as beautifully as I've imagined you."

Queila said making an admiring face at Selene who was blinking repeatedly in awe.

Celia was at the corner watching. You can't see Mother Queila unless you call on her with your own personal locket.

But from Selene's expressions, the conversation was going smoothly, she could tell.

After a few moments, Selene closed the locket and gave a satisfying wheeze using her hand to fan her face dramatically.

"Okay, calm down Selene. What did she say?"

"Oh my Gosh! I just spoke with Mother Queila face to face? This is strangely exciting. Okay okay. Calm down now Selene, wheeew."

She exclaimed, taking a deep breath in and out as she looked at Celia who had her eyes on her all the while trying to understand the situation.

"She said I would be traveling to West Side, first thing tuesday morning and that I would be giving an architectural contract at a place called, Lucian Estates and Resorts. She also asked me to pick up my papers at Josh's place that you would take me there."

"Oh, Josh is an old friend. I feel guilty now 'cause it's been long I visited him."

Celia muttered more to herself.

"The only problem is, I am not an architect! How could we pull something as huge as this? "

Selene asked trying to think about what lies before her.

"Don't worry, when you get to that bridge, you would cross it, allow everything to take its course. Just do what Mother Queila instructs you to do and everything will be alright."

"I am not even good with acting if it's an option, how technically possible is this assignment?"

Selene asked already pacing the room, biting down on her poor pinkie.

Celia looking wearily at her, stood up and sighed as she said,

"You were once but a flower petal, somewhere in the moon called Ishka.

Now, you are here on earth's realm, a full fledged human woman. Have you ever wondered how technically possible it is?

Let's go fishing Selene and get out of your head."

Celia said leaving the room to fetch her hooks and bait, giving Selene room to think of what she just made her realize.

One of the things Celia had done with hundreds of years of her existence on earth was to learn how to fish hunt.

She is also good in garment making, sailing ships and farming.

She hardly ever went to the market to get some stuffs she probably could make herself. Her coffee was made from some herbal leaves and tree barks she got from her farms and adventure, it also helped in keeping her fresh and young apart from being a white angel.

Selene had tapped alot of knowledge from her within the short period she had spent with her.

Her bungalow is the only house standing ten inches round it's perimeter, she wanted to keep her distance from people boning down to the fact that she was no human. She had a rough past with them and she is trying her possible best to avoid the past from repeating itself.

Selene is a lovely girl, she was also a good friend to Celia. It's been long Celia had a companion, one who is not even human but of her kind. They had a mother and daughter kind of connection. Selene loves reading stories and any book she could get her hands on, it helped in widening her horizon and made her to understand alot of things that would need experiences to comprehend.

Celia on the other hand loves listening to stories even though she had had alot of experiences, nothing is new to her, but she enjoyed listening to Selene's euphonious voice because it has a bag of characters in it. On this note, Celia went to the library and packed lots of bed times story books and had Selene read to her every night, she would slowly and peacefully doze off. Unknowingly, Selene was her bed time medicine.

Tuesday is in three days and Celia couldn't help but start missing Selene already.

She took her to Josh, she sorted things out with Josh and got the papers from him with Selene's face and identity all on it.

~Selene Rogers.

~Twenty five years.

~Professional Architect with four years experience. Worked for Sudan republic.....

The only problem which is not a problem literally is, Selene never went to school!

But Mother Queila had everything all planned out.

Tuesday came and Selene never wanted to leave Celia. But she had to, if she ever wished to return to Ishka.

So, that day, she hugged Celia as she promised to come back and visit her whenever she got the chance. She took a cab and her little luggage and left for West Side.

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