

The alarm on my alarm clock has been going off about three more times for quite a while now. I squeeze my eyes shut and tell myself I won't wake up again. I manage to sit up in bed and rub my eyes. My hair must be a mess since I feel it all over my face. I get up, head to the bathroom and take a quick shower.

When I get out I head to my closet, I decide on some black pants, baggy obviously, a long sleeved shirt and some converse in white. I comb my hair, leaving it loose and put on my glasses. I tidy my desk, putting pencils and some notebooks in my bag. When I'm ready I glance in the mirror. I bite my lower lip since it doesn't show my true figure and, before I walk out the door, my eyes fall on my bedroom window, which has the curtain drawn, revealing Colton's room.

He's not in bed so I guess he's getting ready for school. I push him aside, open my door and head downstairs. Downstairs Dad prepares some meat pies, Angelique is already sitting in her place, eating breakfast. I drop my bag on the corner of the table, sitting down too.

-You just got up a little late," my dad says, passing me a plate of pancakes. Did you stay up late studying?

I didn't want to lie, but I had to, it was the first time I would tell a lie about myself, but it was for a good thing, wasn't it? I still didn't know why the police were looking for Colton, so I'll go on like yesterday.

-Yes, this week I have a test -well, the test was not a lie.

My dad glanced at my sister who was on her cell phone.

-And you, have you studied? -he asked.

My sister looked up, glaring at me for a millisecond, then back at my dad.

-Of course.

We finished breakfast in silence, an awkward silence. Dad was strange today, kind of nervous. I said goodbye to him, grabbed my bag and went outside. I started my walk to school in silence. Everything was quiet until I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around slyly, only to find that it was Colton Dashner. He came with his hands tucked in his front pockets, walking quietly.

I looked straight ahead, a little nervous; should I wait for him? I debated whether or not. But a little voice inside me was telling me that maybe he didn't want to talk to me because of what happened yesterday. But then again, he was the one who started the fight and I didn't even know why. Summoning up my courage, I turned on my heels to see him. When he saw me waiting for him, he stopped dead in his tracks for a moment, then clenched his jaw and started walking again, wanting to push me aside.

But I stopped him.

-Colton... -I pronounced his name. He stopped dead in his tracks to look at me, his eyes were very black and deep. However, I could perceive some emptiness in them.

-What do you want, Draper? -he asked, calling me by my last name.

-I just want to talk... -I answered a little nervously.

He snorted, running a hand over his face in exasperation.

-I have nothing to talk to you about," he snorted, "remember: I'm very dangerous so you don't want to be near me. If you're smart, stay away.

Having said that, he passed me by without giving me time to say anything else, anyone would say that he had said that just so I wouldn't talk to him, to scare me, but it wasn't like that, let me tell you that Colton Dashner was dangerous. I could see it in his eyes, he wasn't telling lies. His look didn't lie, I knew deep down he was telling the truth.

I took a deep breath and resumed my walk to school.


The classes had gone by slow and boring, I mean, I wasn't even paying attention. My mind was on something else. The bell rang announcing the dismissal of classes to go to lunch. It took me a while to put my things away, I wasn't even that hungry. I thought I was the only one in class, but I was not.

-Monique," my sister appeared in my field of vision. I want to talk to you.

-Tell me.

-It's about Colton.

Hearing his name made my body tense, but I tried to ignore it.

-What's wrong with him? -I wanted to know.

My sister took a deep breath, as if preparing to tell me something.

-I like it, you know? -I mean, I've seen the way you look at it and I wondered if you... if you liked it too," her words sounded delicate, as if she was afraid of the answer.

Did I like Colton? I mean, I only met him yesterday, that wouldn't make any sense. The proper word would be: intrigue. That's what Colton gave me: intrigue. He intrigued me. And he was strange.

-No, of course not," my lip quivered. And that only happened when he was lying, was he lying? Because I just hoped my sister hadn't noticed.

She smiled in relief.

-You don't know how glad I am," she admitted, "Because if it had been the other way around I'd stay away from him. If your feelings change, you would tell me, wouldn't you? -she looked at me intently.

-They won't," I stood up, putting on my bag. I'm going to lunch, are you coming?

Angelique stood up too.

-No, it's okay. I'm going with Loren.

I nodded in understanding. She was the one who left first, leaving me confused in the classroom. I decided to leave, the hallways were a bit lonely since the other kids must be in the cafeteria. I was about to turn a corner when my body collided with someone else's. I was about to turn a corner.

-Sorry," I said self-consciously. But when I saw who it was I stopped dead in my tracks. Colton Dashner was looking at me seriously, or something... strange. And he was with my sister.

-Oh, Monique, don't worry," she said. Colton just rolled back against the lockers, giving me a quick glance. I was talking to Colton about something.

Actually I think he ran me off.

-Okay," I put my bag away, giving Colton a look, but he didn't look at me. Bye.

I continued on my way, my legs were shaking and my hands were sweating. When I got to the coffee shop I found a very familiar person there, sitting at a table, chatting animatedly with two girls. Loren's friends.


I wanted to approach him and ask him what he was doing here, but I didn't want him to see me being humiliated by those two. So I tried to ignore him, but it was no use.

-Monique," he stood back up from his chair, saying something to his companions and then walking over to me. I was looking for you.

I could see some bruises on her face.

-Me? -I questioned in disbelief.

-Yes, let's find a free place," he took me by the waist, leading me to an available table near the door.

I sat down, keeping my eyes on the front door. Darren sat down across from me.

-I wanted to apologize for yesterday," he said. I'm sorry, you shouldn't have witnessed that.

-It doesn't matter, but... -I stopped in my tracks, thinking hard about what I was going to ask, "Why did you fight?

Darren tensed.

-I can't tell you right now," he played it down. I'll just tell you to watch out for Colton. He's dangerous.

I frowned.

-I don't understand," I let him know.

Darren thought about it.

-I've seen the way he looks at you," he whispered, "That look is not normal for him, that look is dangerous for you. I know why I'm telling you, he won't want you near anyone else.

-Why would he do that? We only met yesterday... and it didn't go well.

-I'm only telling you so you won't trust him," she murmured. Don't be fooled, Monique. You seem like a good enough girl to end up with your life ruined.

I swallowed hard, why would Darren tell me all that? Did he know about Colton? If so, he could tell me. Yet there was something about Darren's words that seemed believable. That they weren't made up. My gaze shifted to the front door, where Colton Dashner was walking in, his gaze met mine, but also shifted to Darren.

He stopped dead in his tracks, looking at him menacingly, I also noticed he clenched his fists and his jaw, but then just backed up and walked away.

Why was he acting like that?

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