
The Surrogate


'Run, Azalea, run. Don't ever look back.'

This sentence echoes as I move discreetly and try to blend into the darkness. It's nearly 4 a.m., and I'm taking advantage of the early morning hours to escape.

I pray my timing is correct since the last thing I want to do is run into the castle's security.

I rush down the long row of buildings, avoiding the dense wall of shrubbery that leads to the garage. I quickly arrive and dash inside the dark room, grabbing my cell phone and putting on the flashlight.

All I have to do now is find Landon's car, and the rest will be history.

Earlier, it appeared that the stars aligned in my favor because, as I was preparing to flee, I discovered Landon's keys on the dining table. It's not surprising that he'd forgotten it there — he is always so careless. No one else was nearby, so I stole the keys discreetly.

I soon notice his shining black Ferrari, and I run towards it, gently sliding in the keys while looking around to see if anyone is approaching. Thankfully, no one is. As I get into the car, I'm reminded of Landon teaching me to drive when I was thirteen, and we were still friends.

The memory is both bittersweet and nostalgic. After all this time, I should be used to the emotions by now. Still, it stings a little.

I take a deep breath, shaking my head clear of the memories, and know that once I drive out of the castle gates, I will finally be free.

The prospect of not having to put up with another day of mental and physical abuse from anyone, especially Landon and Riley, is liberating. Speaking of Riley...

My grip on the steering wheel tightens as I peek out the window and notice a red Toyota Corolla. It belongs to Riley. As I stare at the vehicle, an urgent desire for vengeance grows, and a nasty concept takes root in my head.

It won't hurt to break a few glasses and damage the car. I know how much she adores the vehicle, and I'm sure she'll be heartbroken to see it in ruins.

I get out of the Ferrari and grab the wooden make-do club I had with me in case I need to knock someone out. I take a deep breath and swing my arms with such force that the car's tinted glass cracks. I do the same thing with another window, savoring the damaging sight in front of me.

When I’m done, I jump back into Landon's car. It won't be long before someone hears the loud sound of smashing glass and decides to check on things. I have to leave.

I start the car and begin driving away. A grin remains on my lips at how gratifying my little prank is, and even as I move out, I collide with Riley's car, aggravating it’s condition.

"Hope you love your payback, bitch." I murmur to myself as I race out of the garage, pleased.

I drive towards the castle's gate, and a sense of foreboding fills me. I keep praying to myself that the security team stationed there wouldn't try to stop me.

My heartbeat thumps shakily as I come to a halt in front of the massive gates, and I notice one of the soldiers inspecting the car with a flashlight. Fortunately for me, Landon has extremely tinted windows fitted, so they can't see shit no matter what.

The guard nods enthusiastically before signaling another guard to open the gate, and the massive iron wrought bars swing open in a split second.

I drive through with a massive smile on my face. I'm finally fucking free. I actually did it!

"Woo-hoo." I scream, shaking my head with delight.

When anyone notices my disappearance, I'll be long gone, and they won't know where to begin their search.

"Catch me if you can, assholes." I smirk as I continue driving, eager to get to the border and get rid of the bloody automobile.

There's a large lake there, and I'd push the automobile into it, and set out on my next adventure.

It doesn't take long for me to get to the lake, and the sound of pouring water makes my heart race. I jump out of the car, dragging the tiny bag containing my possessions from the passenger seat, and begin carrying out my plan.

Landon won't be able to find me now that our mate bond has been shattered. And with the vehicle floating in the water, it’ll be more complex for him to track.

With all my strength, I push the vehicle until it’s all gone and heave and smile triumphantly.

Next plan, please.

The sun has risen, and I can see the road ahead. I have no idea where I'm heading either, but I keep going. I cross the lake, and continue to walk straight forward.

I'm exhausted. My bones hurt, and I need to rest. I barely slept last night, and now I only need to find a place to rest for a few hours. After I accomplish that and recuperate, I'd think of what to do next in looking for my biological father.

After nearly 30 minutes of wandering about, I notice a motel not far ahead and pick up my pace. I dash up the creaky steps and into the dilapidated structure soon enough. In the reception area, I spot a middle-aged man with graying blond hair.

"I'd like a room, please."

"Forty dollars." He rasps.

I pull out the only $100 bill I have from my pocket, and he accepts it, returning my change with a key connected to a wooden stick holder.

"Third door by your left, down the hall."

I nod at him and walk away awkwardly, ignoring the strange-looking men. Their presence is unsettling, but I don't let it bother me.

Instead, I head to my room and quickly open the door. A weird smell fills my nostrils once inside, but I ignore it. I sigh with relief and collapse into the small bed, falling into a fitful, dreamless sleep.


I jerk awake, stretching on the bed in response to the unexpected brightness. My eyes fly open, and I’m startled by the sight in front of me. This is not my top.

The elegant backdrop of the white-painted apartment strikes me as strange. With its smooth cream carpet and matching furniture, it almost seems like a hotel suite. A desk covered in documents and a giant plush recliner with golden decorations on top of the dark, maroon upholstery is in front of me.

What on earth is this place? How did I get here? My mind is cloudy, and I attempt to recall something, anything, but I can’t.

I'm perplexed, and I have no recollection whatsoever. A strong ringing sound goes off in my ears, exacerbating my situation, and I grip my head with a quick wince.

I hear shuffling and footsteps approaching the room's door, which swings open fast. A young, gorgeous man enters with hands behind his back. He walks straight to the bedside. His outfit is immaculate, consisting of a spotless white shirt with gold buttons and black slacks.

He comes to a halt in front of me and smiles broadly.

"I see you're finally awake." His strong voice is audible. Loud and clear.

I blink at him, attempting to make sense of his presence in the room. Who the fuck is he? Is this a kidnapping plot, or what? But my hands and legs aren't chained, and I can move around freely, so what gives?

A brief ache strikes my skull again, and I recall something. I remember fleeing Shadow Valley and the Alpha King's fortress. I also recall shoving Landon's car into the lake and traversing the pack's boundary. Then I'd walked and walked till I got to a motel. I’d collected my keys, walked into the strange-smelling room, and...Shit! After that, I don't recall anything else.

I was probably drugged. The smell in the room was most likely a sedative, and I must have passed out.

That explains the cloudy sensation in my head and the harsh ringing in my ear. How can I be so stupid and careless?

"Who are you?" My voice has become hoarse.

"My name is Donovan Smith, and I'm the Beta of Moon-heart pack."

Moon-heart pack? This is the first time I've heard of it.

"Um…So, what brings me here?"

The stranger raises an arched brow at me before dropping a bombshell. One I didn't see coming.

"Apparently you've been purchased from a very shrewd slave trader to…”

“Wait, what?!” My mouth falls open, and he finishes his sentence. “You’ve been purchased to become my Alpha's surrogate."

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