
Chapter 8 - Jonathan

Edward comes running, throwing his arms around me. Coming home to my son is the best part of my day. I never realize how much I miss this kid until his skinny little arms are wrapped around my neck. Scooping him up with one hand, I stand, pretending to drop him.

Edward lets out a dramatic yell and then laughs hysterically. I do it again and get the same reaction.

“We made dinner!” he says to me excitedly, taking my hand as soon as his feet hit the floor. “Come eat!”

“Give me one minute, and I’ll join you.”

Elizabeth is bringing plates to the table and does a double-take when she sees me. I can’t get a good read on her, and I don’t get why everyday things seem surprising to her. Maybe it’s a sign this isn’t going to work out and I should let her go after the weekend is over, saying we’re just not a good match.

Though that would be one hell of a lie. There are plenty of things I&

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