
14. Punishments

Munching on my cereals, I concentrated on my essay, which was due the following Sunday. Today's class was just like any other day; to put it simply, it was dull. I was desperate to return to the mansion as soon as possible. Fortunately, the last class I had was free because our professor was away for an emergency, so I was able to return much earlier than expected.

I sigh before putting down my pen and stretching my back muscles, which relieved me. I've been working on this for two hours and think I deserve a break. I rose from my position on the bed, where I had curled up like a cocoon wrapped in a blanket. I had forgotten that I needed to do laundry today, so I went to gather all of the clothes that needed to be washed. At the very least, I can make my break productive by doing some cleaning.

Before leaving my room and going down the stairs, I gathered a bunch of my dirty clothes and threw them in a basket. I looked around the living room, expecting to see Log

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