

Dinam pov

 All eyes were now on us. What to answer to these questions which were by far the trap?

 "My love, I leave you the honor of telling this table how our meeting went. You are the one who is good at this kind of thing." I say to Maïeil while trying to escape.

 "Ah no no honey! You're the first to approach me, so it's up to you to tell them." Maïeil retorted, making me break into a cold sweat.

 "What's going on? You're a young couple, you're supposed to be excited to talk about how you met. Am I wrong or you don't have any story related to how you met?" The witch intervened.

 "It's true, tell us how it all came about." Adds Maïeil's father.

 "Uh... Actually, Maïeil and I met and we fell in love right away." I tried very hard to say.

 "Where and how did you meet?" Asked Martine in a mischievous tone.

 "At the mall"

 "At the restaurant"

 Each of us gave our answer at the same time. My stepfather and his wife looked at us strangely then this last request

 "At the mall or at the restaurant?"

 Maïeil and I looked at each other, not knowing what to say. At the same time, we hear

 "In fact, my son had run into Maïeil for the first time at the mall. But she hadn't noticed. It was two months later at the restaurant where my son worked that Maïeil and him met again and this times, they exchanged words."

 It was my mother who had just saved us. Maïeil and I breathed a sigh of relief because my father-in-law seemed to swallow what my mother had just said, on the contrary about his wife.

 "It's true. Dinam had seemed very nice and kind to me at first. And since then I had become a regular customer of the restaurant where my darling worked. Today, I can attest that he is a man well and that I was not mistaken about his fate' Adds Maïeil.

 Maieil was so sincere in his words that even I, if I hadn't known about our deception, would have believed him.

 "And why was he looking for work if he already had some?" Maïeil's mother-in-law asked the question dubiously.

 "I actually lost the job because the restaurant went bankrupt." I lie.

 "Ah yes? Which restaurant is it?" The mother-in-law asked without letting go. I was already looking for a story to serve him, but luckily for me, my stepfather intervened and I breathed a sigh of relief.

 "Martine, is this an interrogation?"

 "No, I was just asking to find out more about our young lovebirds."

 Martine was silent and asked no more questions for our greater good. Maïeil and I had been hot in the buttocks. Had it not been for his father's intervention, I don't know what damage we would have caused.

 However, the good woman didn't seem at all happy with the expression on her face. It was clear that she didn't believe a single word of what we had said.


 Between bandits, we recognize each other easily. This is the adage that best suits the current situation. Maïeil and her tintin so-called husband lie very badly. When they arrived when I recognized this tramp, I immediately knew that something was wrong with this story. And I was right. By dint of cooking them, I immediately understood that they didn't care about us. And if there's one thing I hate, it's being made fun of. I was able to pierce their game at first sight. And to think that this beggar's mother hasn't been damned to get them back on track! Georges often annoys me in many ways. It was at this moment that I would have liked him to intervene to put these poor people out of our homes. But no, when it comes to his princess, the good gentleman grants her everything she wants. I had to toil on all fours to convince him to agree to his daughter marrying Lens. That spoiled little bastard has screwed up my plans. She opposed me by going to contract this marriage. Yet she knew very well that I wanted her to get married in Lens. Maïeil is always opposed to my decisions. She annoys me so much that I could gut her with my hands if I had the chance. My plan was working on wheels. To believe that this plague was more deceitful than me. I really hadn't seen in her game. She managed to roll me in flour like a beginner. But I don't intend to let myself go. I certainly did not say my last word. As long as I'm alive, their so-called marriage won't last long where my name isn't Martine.

 I'm sitting across from them around the dining room and staring at them. They are laughing happily. They're probably laughing at me since they pulled it off. But they ignored that the one who really laughs is the one who will laugh the last. They only won a small round of this war they just declared on me. But if they knew who they were up against, they would be shaking with terror right now. Indeed, I don't give much of their skin when I'm done with them.

 We have already finished eating the main course. We are now having dessert. I would be lying if I said that I am really eating right now. I'm playing with my fork, pricking, without putting it in my mouth, the pieces of my cake. At the same time, my spirit sails hither and thither bubbling inside me. While I'm sitting in the middle of this bunch of nobodies hatching my plan to end them, I hear my lazy husband say

 "So boy, how are you?

 - It's fine sir!" He replies, lowering his gaze. It's normal, since those who have things to hide don't dare look people in the eye.

 "So what do you do for a living?" Resumes Georges looking interested in the little scoundrel. The latter responds while continuing to avoid the gaze of his interlocutor.

 "Actually, at the moment I'm looking for a job."

 "What academic level do you have?" Resume George.

 "I did a professional training as a computer engineer."

 "Very well my boy! That's not bad enough! As the son-in-law of this family, you will be entitled to a good job in my company. We are also specialized in computer services. We are the ones who manage most of the major government IT markets and large national and international companies. We have subsidiaries all over the continent. I would have asked you to come with me tomorrow to start with the job, but you just married my daughter. Since I couldn't attend your wedding, and I couldn't give you a wedding gift either, I'll make up for it."

 "No need to worry about it dad! The fact that you accepted this marriage is already the most beautiful wedding gift that you can give us." Maieil intervened.

 "Ah no my daughter! I am your father and it is not the financial means that I lack. I give luxurious gifts to a plethora of people as their wedding gifts and you wish that I did not give you not, you my only child?!" Inquired Georges who is stubborn in his stupidity.

 I observed them until then without saying anything. In any case, they made me want to give them speakers right away. My daughter-in-law and her comedian husband for making fun of me. The young mother who sits smiling stupidly because she is their accomplice. Well, my husband, because he's so stupid to swallow everything we tell him. I have to admit it always has been. That's also why I could easily manipulate him and we ended up married a few months after his wife's death. I always managed to get what I wanted from him. I believe that I alone have the right to manipulate it and no one else.

 The voice of my idiot husband brings me out of my distant thoughts.

 "As your first wedding present, I am offering you a trip to Paris, the city of love. You will be entitled to a two-week stay for your honeymoon."

 "Wow! Thanks dad!" Maïeil replied, not seeming at all thrilled by her father's offer. You can see that she forces a smile to hide her embarrassment. Unfortunately for her, I know how to describe this kind of attitude. Her idiot husband meanwhile also looked embarrassed by the offer, but pretended not to let it show. Their reaction reinforces my idea of ​​what they are playing with us. I'm not surprised to hear him retort to Georges

 "I would be happy to go on this trip, but unfortunately I cannot accept your offer."

 "But why so?" inquired George.

 "Well…my mom has to go to therapy. I want to be there for her."

 "Did I tell you I need you here for my therapy? I can handle myself my son." Said the tramp's mother who obviously agreed with Georges' offer. It's normal, since she wants to push her son into the arms of a future heir to his father's entire empire.

 "Don't worry my boy! There are enough employees in this house. Your mother will have a driver at her disposal for her trips." Reassured George.

 The two liars could no longer refuse to wed. But I was preparing my turn quietly. If luck smiles on me, their game will be revealed sooner than expected.

 Night having come, Maïeil and her so-called husband went to their room. The mother also had a room allocated to her. As for me and Georges, we went to our master bedroom. Going to bed that night before sleeping, I had my little idea in mind. I was looking forward to the early morning to take action. Indeed, when the day began to rise, I went on the soles of the feet in the room of our two fake lovebirds. I should make sure of something. I opened the door abruptly on them. And as I had expected, they were sleeping separately. Maïeil was on the bed, while the tramp slept on the sofa in the bedroom. They were sound asleep, without sensing my presence. I carefully closed the door behind me and tiptoed into my room.

 "George, honey wake up!" I said, shaking my husband vigorously. He woke up with still sleepy eyes.

 "What's wrong with waking me up at this time?" he asked looking annoyed.

 "Come immediately to your daughter and her so-called husband. They are sleeping separately. I told you they were cheating on us and you didn't believe me."

 "How come they sleep separately? It's not clear that!" replied George, looking surprised.

 "Come and see with your own eyes. Your daughter is sleeping in bed and her dear husband is lying on the sofa."

 Like any answer, George squeezed his face and got up to follow me. He had to see that his daughter had been leading him on from the start. As soon as we arrive in front of the room, George pushes the door brutally. The two fake bridegrooms turn around with a start.

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