
Chapter 6

"Did he just threaten me?" he asked himself and turned around to glare at Leon, who immediately began to dart his eyes around, not wanting to meet his gaze. "Follow me," he said to him, and Leon obediently followed him as they returned upstairs.

       Lucian returned to his office and sat down in the chair. "I want information on her." He suddenly spoke.

       "Who?" Leon asked

       Lucian’s face immediately switched to a frown, and he pinched between his brows.

       "Leon, you have started to become dumb recently. Who else would I ask you to get information on if not his daughter?" He looked at him with a neutral glint in his gaze.

Leon blinked his lashes and half smiled at him.

       "I am sorry," he apologized.

       "Whatever. Anyway, while you get the information, there is something I want you to do. I want you to find a way into the Ferguson mansion and see what is going on."

       "Huh? Why?" Leon inquired.

       "Leon, if you ask one more dumb question, I am going to break your head," Lucian warned with an annoyed expression on his face.

       Leon furiously nodded, and with a half-smile visible on his face, he turned around to leave the office. "Sometimes I wonder why he is my personal guard." Lucian shook his head at himself as he wondered.


       Avelina blinked her gray eyes open and let out a heavy huff. She tried to move, but because of the deep pain she was in, her whole body stayed dormant. A grimace appeared on her face, and she groaned in frustration.

       "I'm probably going to die sooner or later. I am in so much pain. My whole body feels like it's being punctured by nails." She sighed and turned her head as the door to the room was pushed open. One man and four women, who seemed to be from the hospital, walked in, and Avelina stared at them, trying to figure out what was going on.

       Are they here to treat me? she pondered and glanced at the male doctor, who smiled gently at her.

       "Hello, miss." He waved his hand at her, and she lay there staring at him without saying anything. "We are here to give you treatment, so please cooperate with us, okay." He spoke to her in a tender tone as he approached her.

       Avelina watched as he pulled out a drug and a syringe.

       "What…is that?" she asked in a weary voice.

       "Oh it’s nothing. Just a drug to put you to sleep, that’s all." The doctor smiled at her and injected the drug into her body.

       Avelina's eyes flickered tiredly, and in a short moment, she found her eyes feeling heavy.

She shifted her gaze around, and it stopped on one of the nurses who was intently staring at her.

       Her brows furrowed, not sure why the nurse was looking at her as though she knew her. A tired breath fled her nose, and she slowly dozed off in the next moment. The doctor quickly had the nurses start to treat her wounds. It took them a whole thirty minutes before they were done treating her. They bandaged her injuries and stood up on their feet.

       "She will be fine now." The rest of the nurses nodded as the doctor spoke.

       They proceeded out of the room and made their way downstairs. They strolled towards Mr. Ferguson, who was seated on the sofa in the living room, and slightly bowed to him.

       "We are done with the treatment, Mr. Ferguson." The doctor smiled as he spoke.

       "Thank you, John. The payment will be added into your account," Mr. Ferguson replied, and John, nodded his head before proceeding to leave. The nurses followed after him, and once they arrived outside, one of the nurses halted.

       "Dr. John. I will have to stop here now. I have someone important that I really need to meet," she said, and Dr. John stopped. He turned around to look at her and slowly nodded his head.

       "Alright." He agreed and walked away, with the rest of the nurses following behind him.

The nurse who had stopped had a stern expression emerge on her face and turned around.

She proceeded at a far distance from the Ferguson mansion, and once she spotted a black SUV, she hurried towards it.

       She knocked on the window, and the person in the car, who was none other than Leon, unlocked the door for her. She stepped inside and shut the door.

       "Found anything unusual, Penelope?" Leon asked.

       "Well, you won't believe the shit I just saw." Penelope shook her head as she proceeded to remove the realistic mask she wore on her face. "Gosh, this itches a lot," she complained and took it off, revealing a completely different face, which was even prettier. Her blue eyes glanced at Leon, and she fastened her seatbelt. "Let’s go," she said to him and Leon started the car engine, then drove off towards the Zvetch mansion, Lucian’s building.

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