
Chapter Eleven

"Sky's POV"

I come to the office of Xavier to complain about my unlucky day last night, I knock at the door but he didn't say anything, I tried making sounds in his office but he looks like he's in outer space. I tap his table very hard, and that makes him back to reality.

"Bro, where's your mind?" I asked him and drinks a cup of coffee. He looks dismayed and blatantly admits that something happened between her and Mia. I was startled and  I almost throw up the coffee that I drank.

"Whooa! Seriously?" I looked at him with amazement.

"Yeah" he replied. "Then, what happened next?" I intrigued.

"When she woke up, she was really mad at me and thinks that I molested her or took an advantage of her," he told me.

"Oh, I think anyone would think that you took advantage of her because she's drunk. Haha!" I mock him.

"I told her that I will be responsible for what happened between us but she refuses my proposal" he complains.

"Well, obviously she used to do it in any man," I conclude, he dazes for a second and looks like he's analyzing the situation.

"Oh no! She's a virgin before we made that" he replied.

"How sure are you?" I sat on the couch, cross my foot, and lean on it.

"I saw a stain of blood on the sheet of my bed when she went to the bathroom" he expounds and I just show my "Oh" expression.

"You sure that you want to take responsibility for her? I confirm. I was thinking what made him think to take responsibility for a woman he had a one-night stand and I never heard him planning to get married to anybody else.

Without a second thought, he answered "yeah."

"But how? Do you want to marry her?" I spelled out, he nods and asked, "do you have any other idea?"

"Oh man, you're too sentimental. Just give her money. That's all! Then problem solved." I advise him.

"Okay." he agrees and asked me, "Oh, what brought you here? As far as I remember you have a photoshoot today with Kelly?" I embarrassedly explained the situation last night but instead, he shows sympathy he was laughing at me after hearing what happened to me and Kelly last night, I ended up being hurt after I send her off. She thought that I was a perverted man and she kicked me out of her home. 

I feel my phone vibrates, I fished it out of my pocket and reads the message.


Good morning sir. Ms. Clarkson and her team are waiting for you at the set. I told them to wait for you within a minute.

I bid goodbye to Xavier and left his office.

I was walking on my way when I accidentally heard our staff were talking about Kelly. "That Ms. Clarkson is tough to call our vice president in his name! She should've to respect our VP, in fact, it's not the job of our VP to be her partner in that photoshoot of theirs. For sure she requested it to our CEO." I heard Annie's accusation to the other staff.

"Exactly! She may look innocent from the outside but in her heart, she's plotting something" the other staff added. A little while Jessy runs to them and reported, "Hey, I already take revenge for our VP. I pretended to her that I accidentally pour her a hot coffee, I'm sure she already had burnt on her body."

I showed up to them and warned them, "All of you will pay for what you did to her," I quickly walk away from them and I pass by to the hotel's assistance and ask for an ointment that will help the skin from swollen, they immediately responded and gave an ointment.

I run as fast as I could to them cause I know the most important for the models is their body and they shouldn't have her be treated this way just because of me.

I run out of breathing when I reached them, I heard them saying, "he's finally here." I look in Kelly's direction and she looks fine, I was amazed to see her wearing a white long wedding dress, her hair was braided, and she has very light make-up that showed her true beauty. She's really beautiful. I hid the ointment inside my suit pocket.

It's good to see that she's doing great otherwise I will blame myself for what they did to her.

"Sorry for making you all wait," I said while walking near them, Kelly smiled and replied, "It's alright, you're the boss." She doesn't look angry for waiting for long.

The staff of the set told me to change into a white suit paired with Kelly's gown and helps me put make-up on my face.

We started our work, posing for the wedding photoshoot, the cameraman requested a sweet pose I thought she will complain but I haven't heard anything from her instead she obeys what the cameraman told us.

Something comes to my mind since she obeys everything that the cameraman told us, I will do something that will make her caught her attention.

We face each other, I wrapped my arms at the back of her waist while her hands are placed on my chest, I moved my face closer to her face then I heard the photographer be intimate with one another then I captured her lips and kissed her, her eyes grew wider and she protested for a second later on she submit her lips, shut her eyes and follow my lead. It made me forget the reality, I cherished each second that pass. My left-hand travels under her neck to support her head till it lasts, the photographer shouted. "great job!" 

It's been long years since I tasted her sweet lips.

We both separated from each other, I've been waiting for her to have an argument with me but she just stared at me and pretended that It was just nothing. I feel like she was looking down on me. I'm really pissed of.

Her manager comes to Kelly and said, "Wonderful! You are lucky for kissing the Vice President of this hotel, how's it? How do you feel?" I waited for her answer.

"haha. It was nothing, I'm just doing my job, be professional" she said, my jaw clenched and my eyes flashed heat waves at her by hearing what she said.

I talked to her manager and excused Kelly from him, I grabbed her arms and pulled her through the corner of the hallway of the bathroom while everyone where busy packing up the things they used.

I lock her arms in my arms, "be professional?" I sarcastically repeated what she told her manager. I forcedly kiss her lips, she protested but I go on kissing her then down to her chest, I searched for the doorknob and opens it. I dragged her in and locks the door, I continue kissing her, I travel my hand on her chest. I was squeezing my lap on her sensitive part between her legs, her body was shaking, I pulled up the skirt of her dress and caressed her soft legs from down to up, I slowly moved my hands to her butt, put it in her undies then cup her butt she feels aroused.

I kissed her lips eagerly, I moved my hand in the bottom of her undie, I touched her soft, wet part and slowly rub it, I can hear her arousal and were both feeling the heat but she's still struggling till I heard her crying. 

I feel like I was being poured a glass of cold water, I suddenly stop, she pushed me then she slapped me on my face. "I'm a model, not a prostitute that you can kiss or have sex where ever you want. You can buy EVERYTHING BUT YOU CAN-NOT BUY MY DIG-NI-TY! I haaaaate YOU! I I-I REALLY REALLY HA-AAATE YOU!!!" she shrieks and left crying. I tried to stop her and apologized but she didn't stop.

What have I done? I almost raped her and I made her hate me, I was disappointed in myself for doing that and thinking bad things to her. I can't believe that I did that to her out of anger.

I looked at the mirror, I washed my hands then washed my face in the lavatory, I wake myself up. I messaged the staff on our group chat to dismissed Annie for one week and gave punishment to those who are making stories about Kelly.

I was startled when the bathroom door opens, I turn my head in the direction of the door for thinking that she'd come back but a loud scream echoed on this floor.

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