
Chapter 13

Playlist~ Halsey – Eyes Closed

Fernando's POV

Telling Micaela she looks attractive made me felt like I just committed a crime because it's quite an unusual thing for me to say to any woman. The only woman I've ever complemented is my mom, she deserves to be praised more than any other woman. She's such an amazing mother, the best of all mother's, I adore her more than I do myself. Although it hurts me not to give her a grandchild like she'd always wish for, but I can't do anything about it, she should just be patient, my younger brother will definitely give her many grandchildren someday when he gets married.

Talking about Micaela, she's driving to a restaurant she knows in the city just like I'd requested. She's more familiar with the city that's why I allowed her to pick the restaurant of her choice.

"Why do you like teasing my friend?" she asks glancing at me briefly before returning her gaze on the road.

"No reason actually. I guess I just wanted to distract her weird thoughts of us" I replied. It's the truth, if I didn't come up with the teasing, she'll continue with her assumptions of me spending the night at Micaela's house.

"Oh, I understand now. Well, I was actually enjoying you two bantering" she chuckles.

"I noticed" came my reply and a smile played on my lips. 

"She sees you as a jerk. A handsome jerk face so to say" she laughs and her laughter was so contagious that I joined her in laughing. "You've got to see her face when I asked her to go keep you company outside when I went to get my car key. Her scowling was not of this world" she added and more laughter erupted from the both of us.

Twenty-eight years of age and it's the first time I'll be sitting in a car like this having a short conversation and sharing laughter with a lady. This is unlike me, I'm doing something wrong. My laughter dies down and my gaze fixed on her, I guess she noticed I wasn't laughing anymore and she glances briefly at me. 

"Is something wrong?" she asks looking worried. I diverted my gaze to the road and I saw a truck coming our way, my eyes went wide open.

"Watch out!" I yell and her gaze returns back to the road. She tried to avoid the truck, but the more she tried to, the more cars she kept avoiding not to barge into. I've got to do something. I scoot closer and placed my left hand on hers on the steering wheel and I kept turning the steering escaping many cars until we deviated from the road and ran into a big tree in a mini garden. The car came to an abrupt stop and I huff out in relief that we were safe. I glance beside me to find Micaela's head bowed on the steering wheel, I furrowed my brows at the sight of her.

"Micaela" I whisper-yelled her name. She didn't stir up and that got me surprise. What's happening? I touched her arm and tapped on it twice, but she didn't respond to my touch. I held her shoulder and pulled her back to the chair, and all I could see was an unconscious lady beside me. Oh my God! She's passed out! 

I hastily unbuckle my seatbelt and rushed out of the car to the driver's seat. I unbuckled her seatbelt and carried her out of the car and I immediately went on my knees while I placed her body on my thighs. Before I'll gaze up, I was surrounded by people whispering, videoing and showing sympathy for us.

 "Someone should call an ambulance!" I yelled in panic. I hope one of them understands English enough to do what I just said. "Micaela, please stay with me" I whisper like she could hear me and wrapped my arm around her body and I touched her forehead and traces it down to her hair. My hand kept patting her hair until paramedics arrived.

I followed them to the hospital and waited for updates. When I checked my wristwatch, it was 10minutes before 2:00pm. What?! When did we get here that's already 2pm? Is there any magic I could do to get to the airport right now so as not to miss my flight? There's obviously none, even if they was, I couldn't just leave this lady all by herself. I don't even know how bad her condition was at the moment. I sweep my face with my hands down to my hair while I pace around the hallway confusedly for couple of minutes which seems like forever to me.

"Excuse me Sir?" A male's voice called out right behind me and I immediately turnaround and jog up to him. It was the doctor who had taken charge of the situation when Micaela was brought in.

"Doctor is she okay?" I asked in a rush.

"Yes, she's doing really fine. Are you her husband?" he asks and that question threw me off guard for a moment.

"No, doctor. Just a friend" I replied.

"Okay. Your friend got a shock due to the accident that's why she became unconscious. She just had few bruises which has been taken care of. You can go see her now, she's in room 201" he said.

"Thank you" I said and bow slightly as their culture demands.

"If you'd excuse me, I need to check on other patients" he replied and left to one of the wardrooms.

I took a walk to Micaela's room and when I got inside, she was lying down with her pinkish flowery hospital gown. On her left hand, a drip was passing through her veins. Her hair was loose down and it spreads widely on the pillow. She was looking beautiful and innocent just laying down on the bed. She stirs up and her eyes flutters open and her gaze fell on me.

"Fernando" she mumbles aloud my name and she tries to sit up by herself.

"Hey, take it easy. Let me help you with that" I said and took few steps closer to her bed. I adjusted the pillows first to the headboard before helping her relax her back on it.

"Thank you" she said almost inaudibly and tug the strands of her hair that was on her face behind her ear.

"How are you feeling?" I ask and took a sit next to her bedside.

"I'm fine. Just having a little headache. Do you think I'll be discharged today?".

"I really can't say. If your condition progresses before night time, I'm sure you'll be discharged. The doctor said your situation isn't that bad, just bruises that's all".

"I see" came her reply and then silence follows. "What time is it?" she asks and I glanced at my wristwatch. 

"2:00pm exactly" I answered quietly.

"You missed your flight because of me, isn't it?" she asks looking guilty. I kept quiet and didn't respond to her assumptions even though she was right. I didn't want to make her feel bad by pouring it to her face that she's truly the reason behind it.

"I'm always a bad luck, ain't I?" she continues and I raised a brow at her.

"Why did you say that?".

"Isn't it obvious? In just the period of 24hours I've caused nothing but trouble for you. First was getting stuck in an elevator lift just because of me, and now, involving you in an accident. Tell me how am not a bad luck?" she croaked and I saw a tear slide down her cheek.

"Hey, stop it. All of what happened isn't your fault, Micaela, it was my fault, I made you lose focus that's why we got into an accident. You have to stop taking blames that you're innocent of. You can't keep taking responsibility of a crime you didn't commit. How long do you want to...." The door swung open cutting me off mid-sentence. When I glance at the door, it was her two friends rushing up to her bedside.

"Micaela!" Kim exclaims dramatically.

"Angel!" Sabrina exclaims as well and both girls crush her with a hug. 

Angel? Why does she call her angel? Micaela might be beautiful but that doesn't mean a female should give her such a pet name like some guy. I frowned at it and just kept mute before I'll say something bad.

"Please easy girls, if not the drip might pull off from my hand" Micaela said giggling.

"Look at you, you scared us!" Kim yells pouting.

"I did? Do you love me that much to not want to lose me to death? How did you two even knew I was here?" Micaela jokes but only I knew behind that joke is also the truth she's hiding from her friends and her fans.

"Don't joke with death, you silly pretty face! You know how much we cherish you, there's no one like you round the globe. And for the second question you should know the answer already, every little thing goes to the internet especially when you're a celebrity" Sabrina replies.

"Aww. How would you even know that there's no one like me round the globe though?" Micaela asks smiling.

"Because they know you more than you know yourself" I intruded and their gaze fell on me. The earlier she knows her worth the better she wouldn't think of leaving the world for any reason. "I'll leave you ladies for now, I need to make some business calls" I stood up and made my way out of the room.

Not far from the hospital, there was a coffee shop, so I went in there to have a cup of coffee. While I had my cup of coffee, I couldn't help but think about her. Why does she see herself as a bad luck? Why does she keep blaming herself over things she's not responsible for? God forbid, If she had died in that accident would that have really made her happy? Why does she wish so much for death when she has everything she wants at the snap of her fingers? She's just like me, I have everything but I'm not really happy. But mine is different, I have my past that I need answers to that's why at times I feel bad, but upon that, I can never wish for death. So, what is her own reasons for her to wish for death?

I don't even understand why all this is happening now that I found someone to give me answers to my past. Why so much obstacles? Why can't things just be in place and I get the answers I want and go back to where I'm coming from? Will discovering about it ruin my happiness completely? I've missed my flight twice and still no answers are forthcoming. Who knows what is going to happen next now? Maybe I'm the next person to be in coma soon if I continue my quest. This is all like a horror movie scene I swear it!

Did I make a mistake for coming here? Maybe she does not have answers to my past after all. I should just go back to Madrid and forget my past forever. I guess that would be for the best. Right?


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