
Chapter 6

Chapter 6


I can’t count how many times I heard Luke cursed but I can’t complain because I like how he’s so turned on. Even though he keep saying Pearl’s name, that didn’t stop me from cooperating to what he wants to happen.

He made me sit on his lap while I can feel his manhood pressing against my womanhood. “Luke.” I can’t help but moan more as I pull his hair towards my body. I heard him chuckle as his face pressed against my chest.

“I didn’t know you were this wild.” He whisper before kissing every part of my chest without a warning. The way he hold my waist while his other hands are massaging my breast while eating the other one makes me more crazy that it fucking hurts.

All my life I have been fantasizing this to happen and for the past years that I was just looking at him from the afar I didn’t let any man to feel, touch and have me… even though I know Luke and I are impossible together, I still hold on to the small hope that I have when we were still close… when we were still kids.


I feel sick and I saw blood everywhere but my eyes were blurry from all that just happen and I can’t really tell what’s real or not. But when I look at my surroundings that’s when I notice that we were all hanging upside down.

“Grandma! Grandpa!” I cried when I saw that it was their blood. I try to shake and get away but I can’t I hold grandma’s hand but I panic when blood went to my hands.

I feel so lost but I felt a touch in my hands, my eyes widen when I saw grandma smile at me.

“You take care of yourself.” She said and release my seat belt that made me fell to the ground. Everything just doesn’t make sense and I can’t move and I don’t know what to do.

I look at grandpa as he didn’t move since, I crawl to his side and started crying when I saw his head, I look away and started crying that my vision become more blurry.

It took me a while before noticing that I was injured too but unlike my grandparents mine isn’t that bad.

I lean my back feeling the urge of giving up but when I saw my phone laying on the ground, I remember my sister and in that moment, I start to do everything for the door to open and scream from the top of my lungs to call for  help but no one came and I’m all alone while my grandparents fell asleep.

I keep waking them up and from time to time grandma would open her eyes. “Please don’t leave me.” I cry and cry to grandma but despite her condition she manage to smile at me.

“A-Ana.” I panic when she started coughing but she just wave her hand to prevent me from coming to her. “You’re young and have a great future a head of you. Your grandpa and I are going to be fine… and don’t blame yourself for this. Fight.” She smile and her eyes close slowly then her breathing become slow until I can’t feel her anymore.


I cried more and more until I became weak. “P-pearl.” I remember my sister once more and in that moment I start fighting like grandma said, I kick the door with all my strength and use some objects that I can see to break the glass but that wasn’t enough.

“There’s a child.” Until I heard someone and when

“Help! Help me, please!”

I heard voices and it become louder and clearer, they start gathering around the car and a woman made her way to me and when she saw my face I felt hope and when they open the door successfully and got me out everything went black and I didn’t know what happen.

I was awaken in the middle of the night as I remember the night where my grandparents died on my watch. It still hunt me even after 15 years. I was panting heavily when a hand wipe the sweat from my forehead, I shockingly look at Luke who’s looking at me seriously.

“Are you okay?” He ask and I couldn’t say anything that made him pull me closer to him.

He hugged me tight and I rest my head to his chest while he lay his chin on my head while creasing my hair… and that gave me a sense of comfort that I came back to sleep without even realizing.

I bit my lips and slowly get out from the bed. I watch Luke sleep, I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that we had a wild night and he saw the midnight nightmare me… He didn’t ask anything but he just made me feel comforted and safe.

I don’t actually know what will happen today. It drives me insane that Pearl wants to spend some time with us before she will leave. I don’t know what is she trying to do or what’s her plan but it makes me feel nervous that I’m being watched… and I’m a little scared that she might have a hint… that I have feelings for his husband.

“You didn’t wake me up.” I jump as I caught Luke looking at me from the bathroom door while I was taking a shower. I pouted as he walk towards me and did I mention that he’s naked? He is and I can see his masculinity clearly.

He kisses my neck and hug me tight when he got near. The shower is still turned on that made him wet now. “You look so beautiful.” He said and kissed every part of my body… that later made us have a quickly in the bathroom.

“Why are you so red?” Luke chuckle as he look at my face while we’re walking towards our table… where Pearl is already seated. I bit my lips and didn’t answer and just look straight at Pearl who’s waving her hands at us. That caught Luke’s attention that made him smile more. “Oh, you’re shy of what we just did and we’re meeting your sister.” I look at him and just smile before he pull my chair for me and sit beside me. I gulp as I caught Pearl observing us with a smile. She wink at me and handed us the menu.

“You guys took long enough to arrive.” She said jokingly. “Not that I mind, I’m sure you’re both enjoying your honeymoon.” Does it show that we have a lot of sex? This is kind of embarrassing, why do I feel like a teenage girl?

I didn’t answer to that and Luke just chuckle as he hold my hands tight from above the table. “Let’s just order.” I said and Luke won’t let of of my hands, and when I came back to look at him he just smirk and pretending to be busy looking at the menu. He’s such a sly fox and he’s enjoying this.

“OMG! Anastasia Morgan!” My eyes widen and I almost choke while eating my food when a bunch of teenage girls came to our table… to Pearl and ask for a picture.

Pearl looks at me and smile nervously before agreeing to the girls to take a picture with her. “You’re so beautiful! I really like you’re painting too! And someday I want to be like you. And I I missed you’re exhibits… I hope you’ll paint again. I wish you well!”

That made me stop eating and her words pierced through my heart. “You have a lot of fans. They missed you’re painting too… I kind of do to. I still have the painting I bought from you.” Luke suddenly said that made me look at him. He’s looking at Pearl hopefully, but Pearl just smile and sightly looking at me before we all continue to eat.

“You two have gotten a lot close.” I just smile at pearl’s statement. We’re both in the bathroom getting ready to swim while Luke went to get the yacht.

“We were back then.” I said that made her stop. I know that she remembers it well. She used to complain about it that I didn’t have much time to be with her because I’m always at Luke but things changes and my world turn upside down when she cried and got angry about me getting arranged to married Luke that made our parents mistaken that she likes him and what happen next to that affected what’s happening today.

“Hi.” Luke hold my hands as we climb to the yacht and I can’t help but notice that a guy is hitting on Pearl and she seems to like it. Where is her friend anyway? And what is happening to my sister?

“Pearl, let’s go. Let your sister have fun.” He smirk as he said that and I just pouted. I don’t like where this is headed. Pearl should seriously take this seriously, she should be protecting my image as I can’t because of what she put me through.

“She’ll regret this.” I said and shook my head while watching Pearl talking to the man, and she has the audacity to bring him here in the yacht that we rented. Really? Are you serious right now?

“I haven’t seen her entertain a man before. Let her she’s trying to enjoy plus she should have fun and keep herself busy while we do our thing.” He said and pull me from somewhere that made me gulp and laugh at the same time.


We ended up making love again and now I’m panting as I’m sitting in his lap with beads of sweat forming from my forehead. We’re in one of the rooms in the yacht located in the lower floor. I had both of my hands resting in his shoulders while his hands are still gripping in my waist. He chuckle as we look at each other while catching our breath.

“You’re so beautiful.” he said again and again while kissing my cheeks and my jaws. I can’t help but smile and lay my forehead on his as I kiss his nose.

“Let’s get back. My sister must’ve been wondering where we are.”

“I’m sure she’s busy with someone too, though.” he said that made me poker. I hope not or else we’ll get into a fight.

When we came back up I wonder my eyes to find Pearl and I sigh in relief when I saw her swimming… and my nervousness came back when I saw that she’s swimming with the man. They look like a couple and she sure is having fun and as much as I want to call her and ask her to came back here and get away with the man I can’t. Luke might find it weird but every second that she’s swimming with the man the more I get nervous.

“See? She’s busy.” Luke chuckle and hug me from behind. My eyes is still glued to Pearl and not long after she notice us and her smile disappear and I can’t help but gulp and close my eyes tight when I just caught her kissing a man, with my identity and when she notice I was eyeing her angrily she close her eyes tight and decided to came back up.

“You look like you were having fun.” I try to sound like I’m happy but the bitterness in my face just can’t stay hidden.

“I guess.” Pearl just reply and walk out with a bathrobe. The man didn’t follow her and just drink some champagne in the corner.

3rd POV

Ana followed Pearl towards the common bathroom the moment they came back to the shore. Luke was concern between the two as he felt that his wife was not liking the fact that Pearl is having fun with a man but he knows they are just protective at each other and because he respect the both of them and their bonds he gave them the privacy they needed while he decided to order food for their late snack.

“What were you thinking? This will be a headache when people caught you! With my body, Pearl.”

“What are you so worried about? Why do they even care when you date someone or making out with someone?”

Ana shook her head in dismay, in her head she’s thinking that Pearl doesn’t get it despite handling a business. “This will affect my business and my image as a painter. Many teenage girls admire my work and idolize me and I’m sure you’re aware of that base on what happened earlier. I can’t taint my image just because I was seen making out with a random stranger. They will start asking who that man was and it’s such an inconvenience for that man and for me! Just hope that you weren’t photograph.” Ana said and walk out while looking disappointed in Pearl.

Pearl sigh feeling guilty of how she acted. She just want freedom, she just want to do things she wasn’t able to do but now that she’s acting like Ana it seems impossible to that now, she has to know her limits for the sake of her sister.

“I had a great time with the both of you. I’ll see you back home.” Pearl said upon saying goodbye to the married couple.

What she hasn’t realize is that she was photograph while making out with the man while swimming and it immediately circulate around the media that made Kate-- Ana’s assistant, panic and call Ana a thousand times but she just wouldn’t answer.

“Are you in a relationship Miss Anastasia?” Pearl’s eyes widen when she saw a lot of reporters the moment she walks out of the airport. She’s lost and didn’t know what to do and just stare at them shockly.

“She’s not answering any of your questions. Please, back away and give her space or we will sue each one of you.” But good thing Kate arrive. Ana already called her back and gave her an insight of what will most probably happen.

“Thank you.” Pearl said shaking when she gets in the car. Kate just shook her head and start driving fastly that made Pearl hold onto her seatbelt tightly.

“You should behave yourself. We attend an event and that’s when you will say you’re part of a most awaited runway.” Kate said to Pearl. “You’re going to fix you’re mistake while your sister fix your mistake… for leaving your husband.” Kate said the last few words in a whisper but Pearl heard them and that made her feel guilty.

She’s putting so much burden to the people around her… but in her mind she did the right thing about leaving her husband.

“I don’t want to stay in a marriage where I can’t even pretend that I love my husband for the sake of the business.” She said to Kate but Kate chuckle.

“So you made your sister do it?” and that made Pearl silent.

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