
8. Honeymoon talk

Monique's pov


 "Did you see the look on that idiot's face?" I laughed as Gavin and I walked out of the company and back to the car. "He looked absolutely mortified."


  The look on his face earlier had made me so happy because I could tell that Cole was both horrified and pissed off. 


 I'm pretty sure the last thing he was expecting was for me to show up at his workplace and suddenly be announced as his boss, and the fact that Gavin had given me such a perfect wedding gift made my heart leap for joy. 


"Someone seems ecstatic," Gavin said, opening my side of the door for me. 


I looked up at his towering figure, and with a smile on my face, I responded. "And it's all thanks to you," I winked before entering the car. 


For some reason, Gavin seemed to have frozen up, because instead of turning around and getting inside the car, he simply stood frozen by my side of the door. 


 "Aren't you getting in?" I asked with a confused look on my face. 


 Instead of responding directly to me, Gavin would simply open the door again before asking me to step out all of a sudden. 


"Is everything okay, Gavin?" I asked, genuinely not understanding what was going on. 


 "Everything's fine, Monique. I just want you to step out so you can take the passenger's seat," he explained. 


Before I could ask him why I suddenly had to switch seats, he would turn his attention to the driver before instructing that the driver should step out of the car, adding that he would take it from here. 


I was honestly confused as to why he suddenly changed his mind and wanted to drive, but decided to just do as he wanted since there was no big deal about it. 


 After we both settled in our seats, I turned to Gavin, deciding to ask him why he suddenly asked the driver to leave. "Is there something you want to say to me in private—perhaps you didn't trust the driver enough to remain in the car with us?" I asked. 


 My question seemed to have come out very funny, because the first thing Gavin did was burst into a loud laugh, like I had just said the most ridiculous thing in the world.


 "I don't think I've said anything that warrants such a loud laugh," I pointed out with a childish pout, not liking that he was laughing at me for asking a perfectly reasonable question. 


 "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I just think it's funny that you even thought that far," he responded, still laughing. "Anyway, I don't exactly have anything crazy personal to say to you. I just wanted us to be alone, and I'm also thinking of taking you somewhere. But that is, if you don't mind." 


 I turned to him with a rather confused look on my face, wondering why he was suddenly asking for my permission to take me somewhere. 


"If I say no, will you take me home?" I asked. 


He smirked. "To be honest, I won't. But it's your fault, just so you know."


"Excuse you? What did I do?" I questioned. 


 "You shouldn't have looked at me like that earlier. Now, I want to take you on a honeymoon. Since we're recently married, it wouldn't be a bad idea to go on a honeymoon," he answered, and my jaw dropped.


 "W...what in the world are you even talking about?" I asked, wondering if I was hearing correctly. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" 


 "If by that you mean to ask if I'm saying we're going on our honeymoon right now, then yes, we are. I mean, you already have a stable position in the company, and you can resume your duty once we're back from our honeymoon. There's no reason we shouldn't go on one," he nonchalantly responded, and I couldn't understand how he could even think he and I should be going on a honeymoon. 


 "No offense, Gavin, but you and I are not a real couple, so I don't think we necessarily have to emulate what real newlyweds do. Just because we've had sex once doesn't mean you have any right to decide these things without my permission," I hissed, trying not to sound annoyed, even if I was. 


 "But we did agree that sex between us wasn't going to be a one-time thing. I have no intention of stopping at one, Monique. You're hot, and you know I'm attracted to you, so don't try to draw a line with me now," he said, his tone a lot more serious than I expected.


 My face suddenly felt hot at his sudden declaration of being attracted to me, and I looked outside the window, trying to calm myself before responding to him. It wasn't as if I didn't know he was attracted to me, and I equally found him attractive, but the thought of being on a honeymoon, where we would be alone without any boundaries, scared me. 


 Unlike him, I had a very high tendency to become emotionally attached to men I felt attracted to, and the last thing I wanted was to be emotionally attached to a man who clearly liked the idea of fucking me more than he actually liked me as a person. 


"So, you basically want us to go on a honeymoon just so we can have as much sex as you want?" I questioned, not bothering to hide my irritation. 


 "You make it sound like a terrible thing, Monique. I told you from the very beginning that sex between us stays. So yes, I want us to go on a honeymoon so we can be alone, spend time together, and have sex. Now, are you going to come with me, or do I drive straight home?" he asked. 


 "Are you actually giving me the option to go home, or you're just trying to bait me?" I retorted. 


Gavin sighed, clenching his fists around the steering wheel. "I'm giving you an option, Monique. The last thing I'm going to do is let you make me the bad guy, and if there's one thing I'll never do, it's force a woman to be with me," he replied. 


 I turned back in his direction to observe him, and rather than looking annoyed like I thought he would, he seemed to be more hurt. I didn't want to believe he would be hurt because I didn't want to go on a honeymoon with him, and even if he was, it was probably his ego that hurt from getting rejected. 


 "Just drive us home, Gavin. I don't want to go on a honeymoon," I responded, and instead of saying anything, Gavin simply focused his attention on the road, and we both stayed quiet all through the ride. 

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